No savings? But you are already 50 years old and how about when you get older and cannot do any work to support your life? how’s your baby even how’s your wife/husband? If you get sick and how can you pay for the bill, like such kind of questions I asked a lot within 1 min. I couldn’t believe no savings for the people who lives in this world because we are not sure someday ,somewhere we need the money to save us ,our family or? for emergency etc …
But I get the answer is almost all the japenese people do not save any money and they only think how to spend money? What ? aren’t you kidding me ,right ? yes, I get the answer from myself recently. That’s? true about Japanese and it really happens after 25th of the month since that’s the salary day in the country and they may get money to buy what they want. But when the day past 15th then they feel sad since the money is almost gone by this month and they need to think and balance how to spend their left? money until the 25th or pay day.
Oh, no, that’s not true? And I’m thinking why most Japanese don’t save money to have a better life in the future. And one of my Japanese friend told me that “is not really that Japanese don’t want to save money, the truth is no money can be saved for their family then they spend all the first half of the month and counting how to pass away for the second half of the month.” And he also say, you know jenna that in most Japanese families they still relay on one person who is the man to support their big family. Let us take one common example ; one family have 3 kids and add the couple total of 5 people since the third baby is quite a little and need mom’s care then most of wife still work at home to take care their baby and household chores. So we know ,only the husband earn money and supports 4 people to live the normal life so how can they save the money唤蔗。No savings is the way to live their life said one of my friend then I ask again if the man left his work then how will the family goes on etc. and he said, in Japan the company hire the employee almost for whole life which mean until they retired so if only no big mistake or damage then is safe for employee. Suppose the man lose his job but also okay since he can take the part time job to support the family. Oh I finally get it. My dears do you have savings or you are just like Japanese –never save the money ?