Lesson 48-3 Planning a share portfolio
In this case, you'd probably construct a portfolio with some shares (but not high risk ones), along with gilts, cash deposits, and perhaps convertibles or the income shares of split capital investment trusts.
If you are younger, and in a solid financial position, you may decide to take an aggressive approach -- but only if you're blessed with a sanguine disposition and won't suffer sleepless nights over share prices. If portfolio, alongside your more pedestrian in vestments. Once you have decided on your investment aims, you can then decide where to put your money. The golden rule here is spread your risk -- if you put all of your money into Periwigs International, you're setting yourself up as a hostage to fortune.
/?l?s?n/ 48-3 /?pl?n??/ /?/ /??r/ /p?rt?fo?li?o?/
/?n/ /e?s/ /ke?s/, /jud/ /?prɑb?bli/ /k?n?str?kt/ /?/ /p?rt?fo?li?o?/ /w?e/ /s?m/ /??rz/ (/b?t/ /nɑt/ /ha?/ /r?sk/ /w?nz/), /??l??/ /w?e/ /g?lts/, /k??/ /d??pɑz?ts/, /?nd/ /p?r?h?ps/ /k?n?v?rt?b?lz/ /?r/ /ei/ /??n?k?m/ /??rz/ /?v/ /spl?t/ /?k?p?t?l/ /?n?v?stm?nt/ /tr?sts/.
/?f/ /j?/ /?r/ /?j??g?r/, /?nd/ /?n/ /?/ /?sɑl?d/ /f??n?n??l/ /p??z???n/, /j?/ /me?/ /?d??sa?d/ /t?/ /te?k/ /?n/ /??gr?s?v/ /??pro??/ -- /b?t/ /?o?nli/ /?f/ /j?r/ /bl?st/ /w?e/ /?/ /?s??gw?n/ /?d?sp??z???n/ /?nd/ /wo?nt/ /?s?f?r/ /?slipl?s/ /na?ts/ /?o?v?r/ /??r/ /?pra?s?z/. /?f/ /p?rt?fo?li?o?/, /??l???sa?d/ /j?r/ /m?r/ /p??d?stri?n/ /?n/ /?v?stm?nts/. /w?ns/ /j?/ /h?v/ /?d??sa?d?d/ /ɑn/ /j?r/ /?n?v?stm?nt/ /e?mz/, /j?/ /k?n/ /e?n/ /?d??sa?d/ /w?r/ /t?/ /p?t/ /j?r/ /?m?ni/. /e?/ /?go?ld?n/ /rul/ /hir/ /?z/ /spr?d/ /j?r/ /r?sk/ -- /?f/ /j?/ /p?t/ /?l/ /?v/ /j?r/ /?m?ni/ /??nt?/ Periwigs /??nt?r?n???n?l/, /j?r/ /?s?t??/ /j?r?s?lf/ /?p/ /?z/ /?/ /?hɑst??/ /t?/ /?f?r??n/.