ubiquitous 無(wú)處不在的
If you describe something or someone as ubiquitous, you mean that they seem to be everywhere
- If you describe someone as unctuous, you are critical of them because they seem to be full of praise, kindness, or interest, but are obviously insincere.
- If you describe food or drink as unctuous, you mean that it is creamy or oily
Something that is greasy has grease on it or in it
- A lubricant is a substance which you put on the surfaces or parts of something, especially something mechanical, to make the parts move smoothy
- If you refer to something as lubricant in a particular situation, you mean that it helps to make things happen without any problems.
The underdog is a competition or situation is the person who seems least likely to succeed to win
If you understate something, you describe it in a way that suggests that it is less important or serious than it really is
- If something such as an action or an event underscores another, it draws attention to the other thing and emphasizes its importance
- If you underscore something sucha as a word or a sentence, you draw a line underneath it in order to make people notice it or give it extra importance
If you underrate someone or something, you do not recognize how intelligent, important, or significant they are
- If an action is underhand or if it is done in an underhand way, it is done secretly and dishonestly
- You use underhand or underhaned to describe actions, such as throwing a ball, in which you do not raise your arm above your shoulder
If you upbraid someone, you tell them they have done something wrong and criticize them for doing it
- If you reproach someone, you say or show that you are disappointed, upset, or angry because they have done something wrong
- If you look as or speak to someone with reproach, you show or say that you are disappointed, upset, or angry because they have done something wrong
- If you reproach yourself, you think with regret about something you have done wrong
to find fault with; criticize
If someone is reprimanded, they are spoken to angrily or seriously for doing something wrong, usually by a person in authority
If you rebuke someone, you speak severely to them because they have said or done something that you do not approve of
If you inveigh against something, you criticize it strongly
Invective is rude and unpleasant things that people shout at other people they hate or are angry with
If you fulmintate against someone or something, you criticize them angrily
usurp 篡位
If you say that someone usurps a job, role, title, or position, they take it from someone when they have no right to do this
abdicate 退位
- If a king or queen abdicates, he or she gives up being king or queen
- If you say that someone has abdicated responsibility for something, you disapprove of them because they have refused to accept responsibility for it any longer
Usury is the practice of lending money at a high rate of interest
- If someone utters sounds or words, they say them
- You use utter to emphasize that something is great in extent, degree, or amount
- Someone’s utterances are the things that they say
- The bitter end (esp in the phrase to the utterance)
You can use unutterable to emphasize that something, especially a bad quality, is great in degree or intensity
You use ineffable to say that something is so great or extreme that it cannot be described in words