?If函數: if
?非空查找函數: COALESCE
? If 函數
語法: if(boolean testCondition, T valueTrue, T valueFalseOrNull)
返回值: T
說明: 當條件testCondition為TRUE時刻蟹,返回valueTrue风皿;否則返回valueFalseOrNull
hive> select if(1=2,100,200) from dual;
hive> select if(1=1,100,200) from dual;
? 非空查找函數 : COALESCE
語法: COALESCE(T v1, T v2, …)
返回值: T
說明: 返回參數中的第一個非空值江解;如果所有值都為NULL睛挚,那么返回NULL
hive> select COALESCE(null,'100','50′) from dual;
條件判斷函數: CASE
語法 : CASE a WHEN b THEN c [WHEN d THEN e]* [ELSE f] END
返回值 : T
說明:如果 a 等于 b ,那么返回 c 蜂大;如果 a 等于 d ,那么返回 e 蝶怔;否則返回 f
hive> Select case 100 when 50 then 'tom' when 100 then 'mary' else 'tim' end from dual;
# function:求取篩選字段
# 功能:求取兩個表的存儲字段奶浦,先取第一個表特有的字段,再取第二個表特有的字段踢星,最后取兩個表字段的交集(如果第一個表的該字段的值為空澳叉,則取第二個該字段的該值)
# 創(chuàng)建時間:2017/08/16
def colChoose(first_tb,second_tb):
# 構建需要篩選的差集
col_difference_A = str(",".join([tmp for tmp in ['A.' +
i for i in list(set(hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM %s"%first_tb).columns). \
difference(set(hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM %s"%second_tb).columns)))]]))
col_difference_B = str(",".join([tmp for tmp in ['B.' +
i for i in list(set(hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM %s"%second_tb).columns). \
difference(set(hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM %s"%first_tb).columns)))]]))
# 求兩個表之間的交集
col_intersection_A = [tmp for tmp in ['A.' + i for i in list(set(hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM %s"%first_tb).columns).intersection(
set(hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM %s"%second_tb).columns)))]]
col_intersection_B = [tmp for tmp in ['B.' +i for i in list(set(hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM %s"%first_tb).columns).intersection(
set(hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM %s"%second_tb).columns)))]]
col_intersection = [i for i in list(set(hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM %s"%first_tb).columns).intersection(
set(hiveContext.sql("SELECT * FROM %s"%second_tb).columns)))]
# col_intersection_AB = str(",".join([tmp for tmp in ["COALESCE" + str(i) for i in map(None, col_intersection_A,col_intersection_B)]]))
# col_intersection_AB = str(",".join([tmp for tmp in list(map(lambda x,y : x + " " + "AS" + " " + y, ["COALESCE" + str(i) for i in map(None, col_intersection_A,col_intersection_B)],col_intersection))]))
col_intersection_AB = str(",".join([tmp for tmp in list(map(lambda x,y,z : "COALESCE(" + x + "," + y + ")" + " " + "AS" + " " + z, col_intersection_A,col_intersection_B,col_intersection))]))
# col_interset = str(",".join([tmp for tmp in ["IFNULL" + str(i) for i in map(None, col_interset_A,col_interset_B)]])) sql語句中含有IFNULL,hive中并沒有沐悦,hive中用COALESCE成洗。
return col_difference_A,col_difference_B,col_intersection_AB
# 使用示例
# 1. colChoose("tb_source_data.loan_applications","tb_source_data.user_profiles")
# 2. print colChoose("tb_source_data.loan_applications","tb_source_data.user_profiles")
# 3. 其他函數調用:col_difference_A,col_difference_B,col_intersection_AB=colChoose(first_tb,second_tb)
# function:join_two_tables
# 功能:可以用來聚合loan_application和user_profiles的三張表,(包含loan_application&user_profiles,nanyue_loan_application&nanyue_user_profiles,partner_loan_application&partner_user_profiles)
# 創(chuàng)建時間:2017/08/11 修改時間:2017/08/16
def joinLoanApp_UserProfilesTable(first_tb,second_tb,store_tb,first_tb_on_col,second_tb_on_col,joinway):
begin = datetime.datetime.now()
hiveContext.sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %s PURGE"%store_tb)
col_difference_A, col_difference_B, col_intersection_AB = colChoose(first_tb,second_tb)
sql_join = """
SELECT %s, %s, %s
(SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY %s ORDER BY created_at DESC) AS num FROM %s) t1
WHERE t1.num=1 AND %s IS NOT NULL) A
(SELECT *, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY %s ORDER BY created_at DESC) AS num FROM %s) t2
WHERE t2.num=1 AND %s IS NOT NULL) B
ON A.%s=B.%s """%(col_difference_A, col_difference_B, col_intersection_AB, first_tb_on_col, first_tb, first_tb_on_col,joinway, second_tb_on_col, second_tb, second_tb_on_col, first_tb_on_col, second_tb_on_col)
print "-----------建表語句-----------"
print sql_join
print "-----------開始join表-----------"
print "-----------join表結束-----------"
end = datetime.datetime.now()
print "耗時:",end-begin
# 使用示例
# joinLoanApp_UserProfilesTable("tb_source_data.loan_applications","tb_source_data.user_profiles","stage_data.loan_application_join_user_profiles","user_profile_id","id","FULL")