One night in the workhouse, an unmarried young woman gave birth to a boy and then died. As an orphan this poor little boy was brought up in the workhouse, and got his name Oliver Twist.
Served with a bow of gruel every day, Oliver was forced to do hard work at the age of nine, like all other orphans in the workhouse. They were boney and pale, while the beadles were round and red. The life in the workhouse was somehow like in the prison.
Until one day Oliver was punished harshly for asking for more food. At length he was sent to a undertaker`s to be an apprentice, as an exchange of 5 pound. There he slept between coffins, eat the little bit of foods from his master`s. Before long, he sneaked out from his master`s house for had being treated unfairly and brutally.
On his way seeking his fortune, he almost died of starvation. He met “Dodger”, who was about his own age, brought him to Fagin`s gang in London. Poor Oliver thought he was fortunate to have work to do and have bed to sleep at Fagin`s, but he didn`t know what the work exactly was.
On morning Oliver received the permission to go out to work with his companions. When he saw his companions work together to pick an old gentleman`s pocket in the bookshop, he confused and frightened and run off as fast as he could. Very naturally he was concluded to be the thief by the old gentleman and others. He was dragged to the court, there he faint, for he was seriously hurt by the crowd. Fortunately he was proved to be innocent and saved by the kind old gentleman- Mr. Brownlow.
In Mr. Brownlow `s house, Oliver was well taken care of and recovered day by day. He was desired to do something for Mr. Brownlow, so he requested to turn back the books and money to the bookshop keeper for Mr. Brownlow. On his way to the bookshop, he was caught by Nancy and Sikes, the members of the Fagin`s gang. Actually the gang had already known that Oliver was saved by Mr. Brownlow, it was a big surprise to get him back again by accident.
Oliver was in hell again. Nancy, who was forced to involved in the criminal group since a young age, led a miserable life, but couldn`t change the fate of her own. However it was she, who protected Oliver from being beat and hurt by Fagin and Sikes. In order to prevent Oliver from disclosing their criminality, they were planning a robbery in which Oliver will be forced to engage. If he did anything in wrong way, they will kill him. In the dead of night, Nancy went to Mr. Brownlow`s house and told him all the things, she begged Mr. Brownlow to save poor Oliver. But she didn`t know that she was followed by Dodger. Just one hour after she came back, Sikes killed her brutally. Then Sikes escaped, Fagin and his gang were caught by the police.
Finally Finally Sikes was found by the police and surrounded by the layers of furious mob, he hung himself by accident when he trying to escape. Fagin, the old evil, was sentenced to death. Dodger and other young boys were forgiven and became honest countrymen. Little Oliver was came out to be the only son of Mr. Brownlow`s best friend, who was long since dead. Mr. Brownlow adopted Oliver as his son.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? THE END.