PART 1: Words and Expression
1. frustrating experience: 令人沮喪的經(jīng)歷? (depressing experience方灾;dispiriting experience)
eg. This is an extremely frustrating experience for me.
2. hone
n. a whetstone made of fine gritstone; used for sharpening razors 磨刀石;想念典奉;抱怨
vt. sharpen with a hone "hone a knife" ;? make perfect or complete 用磨刀石磨
(hoe: 鋤厨相;鋤頭)
e.g. I set about honing my English reading ability.
3. His performance was dead-on average.
adj. accurate and to the point 完全正確的
e.g. His summary about this book was a dead-on meditation.
4. audacity
n. fearless daring; aggressive boldness or unmitigated effrontery? 大膽,無(wú)畏; 魯莽;膽大妄為,厚顏無(wú)恥
synonymous:audaciousness, temerity
e.g. I was astonished by his audacity.
5. the vantage point
e.g. It's a vantage point to see the whole town.
6. The flute that would have astonished aficionados a century ago.
n. If someone is an aficionado of something, they like it and know a lot about it 酷愛(ài)…者周偎;…迷
e.g. I am not an aficionado of the theater.
PART 2: Thoughts
You wish to think about it: You wish to climb a mountain. You're not sure how high you want to go-that peak looks an awfully long way off- but you know you want to get higher than you currently are. You could simply take off on whichever path looks promising and hope for the best, but you're probably not going to get very far. Or you could rely on a guide who has been to the peak and knows the best way there.------INTRODUCTION
For much of what we do in life, it's perfectly fine to reach a middling level of performance and just leave it like that.
Once a person reaches that level of “acceptable” performance and automaticity, the additional years of "practice" don't lead to improvement.
或許這也是很多人的誤區(qū)山涡, 我們總認(rèn)為只要我們多練習(xí)堤结,卻不曉得光靠努力練習(xí)并不是最佳路線唆迁,要講究技術(shù)的刻意去練習(xí)鸭丛,有目的的練習(xí),這就是作者接下來(lái)要跟我們講解的“purposeful practice”.
? ? 第一次參加這樣的活動(dòng)唐责,做這樣的筆記練習(xí)鳞溉,感覺(jué)自己效率很慢,在慢慢尋找方法精進(jìn)鼠哥,尤其在part 1部分熟菲,一直在找不同的字典進(jìn)行對(duì)比參照造句,對(duì)于語(yǔ)法這方面自己很差朴恳,所以summary也需要花很多時(shí)間寫抄罕。其實(shí)這些都是自己比較弱的地方,想過(guò)方法去練于颖,但效果沒(méi)有很好呆贿,就像大學(xué)讀書時(shí)自己明明是寢室里最努力花時(shí)間學(xué)習(xí)的,但最后成績(jī)卻是倒數(shù)的。
? ? ? 正如這本書作者所寫的做入,要刻意的去練習(xí)冒晰,不是機(jī)械化的,要有目的性和方法竟块,這也是參加這個(gè)閱讀群的原因壶运,有人進(jìn)行指導(dǎo)練習(xí)如何更好的閱讀練習(xí),順便提高自己英語(yǔ)浪秘。我覺(jué)得最近在看的How to read a book也是刻意練習(xí)蒋情,以前看書看看就好,看了就忘秫逝,這本書讓我明白原來(lái)看書也要講究這么多方法恕出。
PART 3: Summary
Through an experiment and some examples the author tells us "deliberate practice" is the gold standard.? And applying the principles of deliberate practice is the best way to design practice methods in any area. If we just practice and don't follow the principles it's just an automated level of performance. It doesn't lead to improvement. " Purposeful practice" is a step toward deliberate practice.