這本書,徹底顛覆了我的飲食結(jié)構(gòu)和生活方式枚碗,于是顛覆了我們家的飲食結(jié)構(gòu)和生活方式逾一。讀書的起因是大兒子經(jīng)歷了一段時(shí)間的易燃易爆出言不遜動(dòng)手動(dòng)腳,學(xué)校沒(méi)少接黃牌紅牌肮雨,老師沒(méi)少跟我談過(guò)話。我可能是典型的焦慮性家長(zhǎng)箱玷,為此兩年里讀了十幾本英文育兒書怨规,改了好幾套管教方案,一會(huì)給他做善心手鏈锡足,一會(huì)貼紙獎(jiǎng)懲波丰,一會(huì)零容忍政策,一會(huì)Plan B平等商討原則舶得。說(shuō)實(shí)話掰烟,都有各自階段的效果。但是這本書之后的飲食改變,對(duì)他的情緒平衡所起的作用纫骑,大大超出我的預(yù)期蝎亚。公婆來(lái)看我們的一天,問(wèn)他最近怎么那么安靜先馆,才恍然開眼发框,可能跟飲食改變有關(guān)。
Your child's behaviour (and the mind-body links that create it) can be likened to an iceberg: only one small part is showing, but a whole lot more is going on beneath.
Performance 表現(xiàn)
Behaviour? ? ? ? 言行
Thinking? ? ? ? ? ? ? 思想
Feeling? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 感受
Emotion? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 情緒
Physiology? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 生理
Phase out (in diet) :
Obvious sugar/hidden sugar/simple carbs/too many saturated fats/too little protein/protein late in the evening/too few vegs/polyunsaturated cooking oils (veg oil)/additives/sweet drinks
Phase in (in diet):
Complex carbs/Essential Omega-3 fatty acid/a wide variety of food/plenty of deep-coloured veg and fruits/nuts, seeds and beans/olive oil or butter for cooking with/enough protein for morning, daytime and early evening/some carbs later in the evening/no artificial sweeteners or unnecessary additives/ plenty of water
A 'reasonable' balance of macronutrients includes around half of total energy (calories) from carbohydrates, one-fifth from protein and one-third from fat.
宏量營(yíng)養(yǎng)素的合理平衡包括: 約占能量(熱量)一半的碳水化合物萌狂,占五分之一的蛋白質(zhì)和三分之一的脂肪。
Don't overdo protein though, because too much protein can affect your kidneys. Your child needs to eat only a handful of protein (a quarter or less of the plateful) at any meal, but just vary the type. This could include lean meat, fish, eggs, cheese, nuts, or beans and pulses.
Refined sugars are so bad for your child because they deplete his body of B vitamins and essential minerals such as magnesium and zinc. Lack of these can lead to mental and physical disorders.
People eating junk food are more likely to suffer from depression.
Don't overload your stomach: The amount of food you can hold loosely between your cupped hands is enough for any one sitting.
The biggest controlled trial of food additives and behaviour to date was published in 2004 by a group of UK researchers. The study involving 277 3-year-olds? was designed to test the effects of the following artificial colourings and a preservative (E211). The results were telling:
The parents of children who got the 'additive cocktail' noticed a significant increase in their child's hyperactivity and related behaviour problems (poor concentration, temper-tantrums, fidgeting, disturbing others and difficulty going to sleep) compared with parents whose children were given the ordinary fruit drink. A particular striking finding was that the negative effects of AFCs on behaviour applied to the whole group of children, not just those who showed hyperactive behaviour or allergies before the tests started.
Artificial food colourings (AFCS) 人工食用色素
- Tartrazin (E102):: a synthetic yellow azo dye ('azo' is the name used for a particular class of food colourings) found in sodas, ice cream, sweets, chewing gum, jam, yoghurt. It's commonly used in the UK but banned in Norway and Austria. Dr Neil Ward and the Hyperactive Children's Support Group found that drinks containing tartrazine triggered an excessive loss of zinc in the urine of children with ADHD.
- 檸檬黃 (E102):一種人工合成的黃色偶氮染料(偶氮一詞用于一組特別的食用色素里)悬嗓,見(jiàn)于汽水污呼,冰激淋,糖果包竹,口香糖燕酷,果醬,酸奶周瞎。在英國(guó)被廣泛使用但在挪威與奧地利被禁悟狱。奈爾華德博士連同高亢奮兒童援助機(jī)構(gòu)在患有多動(dòng)癥的兒童尿液里發(fā)現(xiàn),含有檸檬黃的飲料能夠引發(fā)大量的鋅流失堰氓。
- Sunset yellow (E110): a synthetic yellow azo dye found in orange jelly, apricot jam, packet soups and canned fish and hot chocolate mixes! It's banned in Norway and Finland not in the UK.
- Carmoisine (E122): a synthetic red azo dye found in jams, sweets, sauce, yoghurts, jellies and cheesecake mixes. It's banned in Japan, Norway, Sweden and the US, but not in the UK.
- 紅色酸性染料(E122):一種人工合成的紅色偶氮染料,常見(jiàn)于果醬焚挠,糖果膏萧,醬料,酸奶蝌衔,果凍和芝士蛋糕混合粉榛泛。在日本,挪威噩斟,瑞典和美國(guó)被禁曹锨,但不是英國(guó)。
- Ponceau 4R (E124): also known as Cochineal Red, this is a synthetic red azo dye found in dessert toppings, jelly, canned strawberries and fruit pie fillings, salami and seafood dressings. It's banned in Norway and the US, but not in the UK.
- 麗春紅4R (E124):又名胭脂蟲紅剃允,為一種人工合成的紅色偶氮染料沛简,常見(jiàn)于甜點(diǎn)點(diǎn)綴,果凍斥废,罐裝草莓和水果派夾心椒楣,薩拉米香腸和(歐洲腌制香腸)和海鮮醬。在挪威與美國(guó)被禁牡肉,但不是英國(guó)捧灰。
Preservative 防腐劑
Sodium Benzoate (E211): an antibacterial and antifungal preservative that can also be used to disguise the taste of poor-quality food. Most soft drinks contain sodium benzoate (or its close relative, potassium benzoate) to help prevent bacterial growth. It aggravates the symptoms of asthma, particularly when ingested in conjunction with tartrazine. Sodium benzoate can also react with vitamin C to form the aggressive cancer-causing compound benzene. And a new worry is the fact that manufactures often add some vitamin C to soft drinks, in an attempt to make them appear healthier.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) 谷氨酸鈉(味精)
The problem with MSG is that your child can get too much glutamate in its free form all at once from some foods (Chinese foods, ready meals, flavoured crisps and savoury snacks). If your child is intolerant to it he or she may suffer from physical symptoms like asthma, sneezing and a runny nose, or behavioural reactions including hyperactivity and fatigue. Other symptoms of what was once called “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome” can include headaches, flushing, heartburn, palpitations, chest pain, numbness or burning in or around the mouth, a sense of pressure around the jaw and face, and sweating.
味精的問(wèn)題在于嘲驾,您的孩子可能會(huì)一次性從某些食物里(中餐食品淌哟,微波爐食品,不同口味的薯片及咸味零食)攝入過(guò)多離子形態(tài)的谷氨酸辽故。孩子如若對(duì)其有不耐反應(yīng)徒仓,便可能在生理上會(huì)發(fā)生哮喘,噴嚏誊垢,流鼻水掉弛,在行為上可能高亢奮和極度疲勞症见。其他還有一度被稱為"中餐館癥候群” ,包括頭痛殃饿,潮紅谋作,心燒,心跳加快乎芳,胸痛遵蚜,嘴巴周圍麻木感或灼熱感,下巴和臉部的壓迫感奈惑,盜汗吭净。
Sulphite dioxide and other sulphite compounds are used as preservatives in many foods. It's well known that sulphites may aggravate symptoms of asthma, and have also been linked with dizziness, nerve problems, blurred vision, stomach problems and reduction in levels of vitamin B1 (thiamine) in the body. It can aggravate symptoms in children with autism and other behavioural disorders.
二氧化硫以及其他硫類綜合化合物常作為防腐劑用于很多食品中。眾所周知携取,硫可以惡化哮喘癥狀攒钳,且與頭暈,神經(jīng)問(wèn)題雷滋,視線模糊不撑, 胃病和體內(nèi)B1維生素下降有關(guān)聯(lián)。還能惡化自閉癥兒童和其他行為問(wèn)題兒童的相關(guān)癥狀晤斩。
Some artificial sweeteners have been linked to behaviour or mood changes, and some are implicated as being carcinogenic. By far the most controversial of all the artificial sweeteners is Aspartame (E951)which has been implicated in at least 92 different health problems, including hyperactivity, aggression, anxiety, depression and migraine. Being very low in calories it's used in many 'low-sugar' foods and drinks.
Toxic metal are known to be capable of causing adverse neurological (brain) symptoms. They include mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminium.
If your child suffers from any of the following, more omega-3 in his diet may help: excessive thirst; frequent urination; rough or dry patches on the skin - especially if this has a 'bumpy appearance or feel (this is 'follicular keratosis', and is usually most noticeable on the upper arms and legs); dull or dry hair (straw-like rather than silky); dandruff; soft or brittle nails; visual perceptual problems (unusual sensitivity to bright light in general, poor night vision, broader difficulties with visual attention and visuo-motor control); attention and concentration problems; mood swings, undue anxiety and a low 'frustration tolerance'; 'short fuse'; sleep problems
It can take up to 3 months for any effects to show up fully, because of the slow turnover of these fatty acids in the brain. If you don't see any improvements within 3 months then it's reasonable to conclude that fatty acid deficiency is not a major factor for your child.