Master Li xiaolai update many concepts and methodology . Only have precise or right concepts, we could keep on thinking precise and right. Or else, we have wrong thinking. There are some concepts.
一萍肆、 the safety and the sense of security. They have essential difference. Pursuing security is right as a whole; But purusing the sense of security ( the safe feeling )always wrong, for the feeling usually original ,without deliberate, without educational. So , pursuing a hundred percent security , is wrong and wrong again. The core of reason is “one of ?the most important property of the future is “part of it is unknown”.
There are two affereffects of pursuing a hundred percent security, 一、It would trapped at the present forever ,just like animals .二惕橙、We should give up part of sense of security to go deeply and long-term observe,think. So, the precondition to make progress is have courage to take the first step, not always worry if this step good enough to take. So the sense of security doesn’t mean safety, maybe the result is so wrong. The sense of security is on the surface, the deeply essence is probably dangerous. Such as someone settle in ?the present, and reluctant to move forward, the mind stay in the same stage , that’s easy to be in a passive position.
Therefore, we should give up part of sense of security. Have courage to take the first step, analyse situation rational , depth understanding the essence of the things, then we could stay in a safe condition.
二犀暑、 Live in the moment and live in the future.
Live in the moment, that means persue a hundred percent safety, which take a hunderd percent restrained. Live in the future, that means give up part of sense of security, let the mind live in the future.
Therefore ,persuing the sense of safety excessive, will go with the stream, which indicate it is hard to change. Although the future is hard to predict, ?you could use the way of living in the future, let the future come earlier. Making a predicting for the future at the first, and believe in it. Then act and choose, make sure a little closer to it , and achieve our aims in the end.
Although we couldn’t predict the future precisely in the beginning, the capacity of it could develop gradually....
三息尺,Re-recognite "The metacognitive capabity"
First, most of people around don't have the metacognitive capabity. Lack of it, the mind couldn't upgrade, then repeated the old cognition and thinking ,and couldn't realize it. Secondly, The metacognitive capabity is the root of all the capabity, such as communication skills, ?understanding capacity, IQ, EQ, FQ, AQ and so on, all of them based on the metacognitive capabity. So without it, all of the capacity are negative value. Thirdly, not only the metacognitive capabity get by learning, but long term sustainable development through deliberate practice. Fourthly, the metacognitive capabity could practise by meditation.
四绞幌,Re-Recognizing the skeleton key
This is the fulfill version of metacognitive capatbility. There is a very good analogy. ?"When you meet a locked door, where should u find the key? Apparently, we shouldn't just stare at the lock.
If there is a key in the keyhole, it means the lock is open, isn't it. Why we couldn't open that door, just because it's locked. And the key to open the lock got to be somewhere else!
When we meet any problem, it's the same principle. Just thinking it by staring at the problem itself, it couldn't sovle the problem. Then ,our metacognitive capatbility should be activated. Tell myself, i should remove attention from the problem itself, for the solution got to be somewhere else!
So when i meet the problem again, i will write down ,and tell myself, i should find the anwer elsewhere.
五,Re-recognizing the persistence
Reading the article again, i realized which ingore was important. It is truely that something is hard to insist on, for example, get up early. It turns out to be the case that the meaning which is则披。given is not great enough.
For example, the people who talking about "insist on " and "will" never persist on doing a thing well? If we use the way of thinking," the key is elsewhere". The problem is not you don't have a will, but the word "persistence" shouldn't exist in the brain. If someone thinks about "persistence" and "wil", then he is thinking about how to get rid of the painful. So he won't change a angle to turn the things to be a happy one.
So whenever we do something, before that, we should try our best to give the things great meaningful .
2. how to give the things of great meaningful ?
First of all ,finding out which was the most meaningful for u, for example ,writing, the most meaningful for u of doing it was express yourself clearly. Recite the english words, for someone ,making money is meaning. for someone, taking the TOEFL test to study abroad is more meaningful. So for the some thing, the meaning we given is different. We must find the meaning of doing something, then share equally to everyday's task, so it's possibility that we could do the thing without stop.
六共缕,Re-recongnizing " the value of right"
As a matter of fact, The right itself,doesn't have much value.
The reason is: the most of people are thinking with the single dimension, never think of the other dimension of the thing.
You see, when you're right, and others are right, too, there isn't much value. When you're wrong, others are right, that's terrible. Only when you're right ,others are wrong, your rightness possesses much value.
So we should think about things multidimensional.
But when are ensure that we are right, most of people around won't agree , that make us feel painful. Why most of us find the real value but feel painful? Because the way they weigh right or not is wrong. They weigh right or not, depend on "if there are enough people to agree with" ,not on logic and independent thinking. Seeing from the bottom,there are two important fators taking effect: most of people are expressive personality, what they care about is not good,bad, right or wrong, but if looking good.
There is a word " contrarian" in english. The original means the people who against ?the will of others. There isn't much value of non-conformist, just like the right itself. But non-conformist and right have huge value. It's hard to be non-conformist and right, of course ,anything who have enough value are hard to do, so "bold and crafty" could represent :"non-conformist and right" in some extent.
七,Re-recognizing self driving force
No matter learning english,body building,or others skills, you couldn't feel its necessity when it couldn't impact your life. When i think about many wishes which not finished, no matter lack any of them, couldn't impact my life. So when it couldn't become rigid demand of ours, then it means lack of self driving force.
what's the rigid demand? When you're really love doing a thing, and really feel it's good aspect through this thing, then it's your rigid demand. " Habit" maybe the other saying of the rigid demand.
For the people who loves reading, reading the book never a pain, but a pleasure which couldn't stop; For the people who loves exercise, body building never a suffering ,but a life style. Just like the people who loves playing game, if let him stop ,means a torment.
So the most important of all is that whether you could find a reason that must do it, and let the skill you want to learn, become the rigid demand of yur life .