Hi there. Okay, so you are skinny fat
and don't take that the wrong way.
It's just a term that we use to help figure out
exactly what you're looking to do, which
is burn off that outer layer of fat that
seems to only build up in the most
annoying areas and then, build noticeable
muscle underneath so you can actually
start feeling confident about what your
body looks like. And that's an exciting
goal and believe it or not, it's super
attainable. So stick with me for a few
minutes because by the end of this video,
you are going to learn three simple
fixes that you can start doing, literally,
today. They're going to make it easy for
you to drop your stubborn body fat
covering your abs, maybe building up in
your lower back or your thighs or your
arms, and start to achieve an impressive
physique and look good with your shirt
on or off. You're about to learn a trick
that you can use to make your muscles
grow 51% faster while spending half as
much time in the gym. And then, I'm going to
show you my secret weapon for dieting to
shred fat while actually gaining muscle
and you'll do it without giving up carbs
or fats or just calories, in general. And
then, I'm going to show you how to reduce
your cardio down to almost nothing yet
still burn extra calories 24 hours a day
seven days a week. And ultimately, teach
you the exact steps that you need to
build a body that you want to show off.
You combo these three techniques and put
them in action starting today and you'll
literally see results this week. I can
promise you that. Sound good to you?
Me too. So, after helping literally
thousands of guys who were struggling to
burn off those most annoying stubborn
areas of fat and replace it with muscle
to where they actually start looking
lean and cut, patterns quickly started to
emerge from the emails and questions
that people would leave on social medias.
Over and over, I hear from guys with your
body type and your goals. They'll tell me
about their struggles and confusion
about how to diet properly, "Vince, no
matter what diet I try, I can't stay on
it long term because the food is
terrible and I'm always hungry.
And despite all that effort, I still always
hit a plateau and never get the stubborn
fat off my body or build any kind
of muscle and I don't get why." Or I'll
hear about their training problems,
"Vince, when it comes to my
workouts, I just feel confused about what
workouts are actually best for me, even
when I do put in the time and I do push
myself in the gym for weeks on end,
I still look the same. My arms stay skinny,
my belly still sticks out, my legs have
no muscle, my body just stays soft, and if
I do get so lucky as to actually see a
little bit of muscle building up on my body,
the second I stopped going every day, it
goes away." If I had a nickel for every
single time I heard that story, I'd be
driving four Ferraris. It's frustrating,
I get it. There's nothing more
disheartening than to be on that
never-ending cycle of dieting and
training your butt off but never really
getting the look that you want. But,
listen, it doesn't have to be that way.
As a matter of fact by the end of this
video, it flat-out won't be that way for
you ever again, if you do what I tell you.
You just need to make a couple of simple,
but incredibly effective tweaks to your
strategy and you're going to be shocked
at how fast your body changes and how
easy it really is. But, like I said, you
are going to have to pay attention and
actually make the changes that I suggest
in this video. Hopefully, the info that
I'm about to give you will help you
realize that it's not your fault. And
most importantly, that with just a few
small changes, you can fix it and you can
actually start seeing consistent
progress in the mirror. And you've most
likely been skipping the things I'm
about to suggest or just flat-out doing
too much for years, and that is why
you're having a hard time getting that
lean look that you want. And I'd also
like to educate you on why most of the
common tactics that you've probably
already tried are actually having the
opposite effect and making you store
more fat in those annoying areas and
making your muscle gains feel like a
constant losing battle. I know that's
hard to hear, but it's true. Getting the
ideal look that you want in the mirror
is actually so much easier than you
think and I'd like to share a few
powerful tricks that you can use to make
that a reality right now. But, how do I know
it's so easy? Well, let me introduce myself.
My name is Vince Sant. I'm a
world-famous fitness model, a certified
trainer and the author of six of the
best-selling fitness programs on the
market today. And I've had
the privilege of sharing
these exact secrets that I'm about to
share with you with thousands of people
around the world. I've gotten to watch
firsthand as they have made incredible
transformations and gone from
considering themselves skinny fat to
ripped by only changing these few things.
And like most guys out there who are
struggling to get, let's say, that pool-
ready lean look, you've probably been
misled towards these solutions that have
given you subpar results. You've probably
tried cutting your carbs, cutting out
fats, increasing your protein because
that's what mainstream media has led us
to believe gets people in good shape.
You've probably tried all kinds of
cookie cutter workouts that you found on
YouTube from dudes who are probably
roided-out and recommending you spend
far too much time in the gym. And after
all that effort, you still see no real
visible results in the mirror. Or you've
spent a lifetime and a half doing cardio
run on a treadmill, biking, doing the
elliptical, doing the stair climber.
And aside from the fact that you don't see
your body fat decreasing at all, you end
up absolutely dreading the gym because
you feel like it's all for nothing.
It's exhausting. And you've also probably
tried diet pills that are supposed to be
the magic bullet of shredding your body
fat or make your abs pop or the next
big mass gainer or protein that's
supposed to pack on 10 pounds of pure
muscle in the first month. But, all that
really happened after taking them for a
couple of weeks or even months, you lost
your money. Trust me. We get literally
thousands of emails from guys just like
you who have also been fooled into
thinking that these solutions would work.
And they feel let down and they feel
confused. All they wanted was to be able
to burn off those stubborn fatty areas,
build some lean muscle and maybe get
their abs to pop so they could love the
way they look in the mirror. Everybody
deserves that. Instead, they're left
spinning their wheels, confused and
frustrated by their lack of results
despite all their hard work. So, they quit.
it's flat-out demoralizing. Now, does that
sound like you? Because if it does, let's
put a stop to that. Let's jump into these
tips and let's get you on the
right path right now.
And listen, you are probably going to
want to write these down. I'm about to
share a few things that I want you to
start doing today and if you start doing
these, I guarantee you, you'll see a
drastic change in the mirror and
possibly, on the scale, depending on how
much fat and muscle you have to gain and
lose this week. And you can consider
yourself lucky because your goal is one
of the fastest to see results. You don't
have an extra 50 pounds to lose first.
Your body fat will melt away. You'll
build muscle. You'll finally see your abs
popping through and before you know it,
you're going to look up and you're going to
see a new person in the mirror just by
making a few simple, but incredibly
effective tweaks to your strategy.
Are you ready? So, let's start with one of my
favorites. One of the things I hear the
most is, "Vince, no matter what I do in the
gym, I can't get any muscle to grow. I'm
pushing myself. I'm spending two hours in
the gym every single day doing every
exercise I can think of, yet I never seem
to get rewarded for my efforts. What am I
doing wrong?" Okay, let's fix this.
I'm about to show you a simple trick that is
going to allow you to spend less time in
the gym, do fewer exercises while
doubling your muscle growth compared to
what you've been doing and this will
apply to all muscle groups--arms, chest,
back, shoulders, legs, everything.
What I'm talking about is TUT.
It stands for Time Under Tension.
It's a very basic principle
but truth is, 99% of guys don't
take advantage of it. They go to the gym.
They pick the heaviest weight that they can
handle for however many reps that
they're going for. They get that number
of reps and they do however many sets.
They do that for every exercise and they
call it a day. That was a good workout.
I did what this paper in front of me says
to do. And before I go deeper, if you
don't know what time under tension is, by
definition, it means the amount of time
your muscle is under tension aka how
many seconds you actually contracted
your muscle throughout the entire set.
Now, studies have shown that 40 to 60
seconds of slow controlled contractions
with the targeted muscle per set with
optimal form, causes 37% more muscular
growth six hours following your workout
and 51 percent more muscular growth
24 hours after your workout,
and that's relating to tissue synthesis,
which is the rate of muscle recovery.
And this is compared to doing faster or
heavier aka just throwing the weight
around. Now, to get the maximum effect
from your workout and make it
actually worth your time in the gym,
of course, you have to do a certain
sequence of exercises with good
form. But, the most important factor to
utilizing time under tension is
maintaining a specific rep tempo. This
means simply altering how many seconds
each contraction of your reps take,
meaning X number of seconds to bring the
weight up, X numbers of seconds to
squeeze to the top, and X number of
seconds to bring the weight back down, to
equal a specific number of seconds that
the entire set took. Like I said, 40 to 60
seconds is a great place to start.
Just adding time under tension to your
current workouts will drastically put on
more muscle. When my clients make this
one tiny shift, they see a huge
difference in their muscle mass almost
immediately. And, if you're looking
for where you can find an exact time
under tension training plan to cut your
workouts down to an hour or less, with
exact exercises, sets, reps, rest,
everything, stay tuned because here in a
second, I'm going to show you where you can
find my exact training recommendation.
Okay, the second thing I need you to do is
stop starving yourself. Like I just said,
it's become too common to believe that
as long as you lower your calorie intake
you lose weight and burn fat. And the
issue is, other than the fact that you
just simply won't stick to it, and I know
that because of the number of clients
that I've helped who were in your exact
position before this, is that it's true
to a degree. If you are in what is known
as a caloric deficit, meaning your daily
caloric expenditure through rest and
activity is higher than your intake,
you'll lose weight, but not necessarily
fat. Some people call this calories in
versus calories out, and it's kind of
true. But, the second you take that
deficit too far and you restrict your
body of essential nutrients for too long,
which is what most people think that
they need to do when they start dieting,
things take a turn for the worst and
this is when and why you can't ever seem
to get rid of those stubborn fatty areas
and you end up quitting. What happens is
when you eat food, there's a hormone
released called Leptin.
And this is what you could call
your fat burning hormone. Its primary
responsibility is to tell your brain
that you are getting enough nutrients
throughout the day to continue burning
calories normally. But then, another one
of its most important roles is to tell
you that you are full, because on the
other side of it, there's a hormone in
your body called ghrelin and it has the
complete opposite effect on your body.
Not only does it promote fat storage, but
ghrelin is commonly referred to as the
hunger hormone, meaning whenever you have
feelings of hunger throughout the day,
that's because your body has been
producing too much ghrelin and too little
leptin. So, when this happens, not only do
you get excruciating feelings of hunger,
almost painful, sometimes, but your
metabolism slows down and your fat
storage goes through the roof. And this
is why it feels like every single time
that you eat, it just gets stored as
fat in all the wrong places and your
muscle never really builds because
that's almost exactly what's happening.
And this is also why whenever you start
dieting, you may lose a couple of pounds in
the beginning, and it might not even be
fat that you're losing, but either way,
you end up hitting a wall, you binge eat
and you gain it all back, if not more. And I
say if not more due to your metabolism
being slowed down even more because one
of the main benefits of leptin is a
boost in your metabolic rate. But, when
you decrease the rate of production for
the hormone responsible for telling your
brain that you're getting enough
calories to continue burning calories,
your metabolic rate slows down and you
start burning less and less calories
every day from the same amount of
activity. This is when you find yourself
pretty much working out to just not put
on more fat rather than actually seeing
significant fat loss. Let me tell you.
Your brain is not worried about losing
15 pounds and looking good with
your shirt off. It's worried about
surviving and if there's a shock to your
system where you're not getting the nutrients
that you need every day, it goes into
what is known as starvation mode
and stores everything, and this is
what makes you think that you have bad
genetics when, really, you just have an
imbalance of hormones that can be reset
quite easily, which I'll get to here in a
second. But, aside from all that sciency
stuff, let's say we are in some magical
land where starvation diets did work, okay,
not eating food is just simply not sustainable.
I know it's not. You know it's not.
We all love food. We all get
cravings. We all get asked to go out to
eat every once in a while with our
friends or our family, maybe have a beer
with the guys. So, in order to enjoy life
without the frustration of weighing
three more pounds the next day or just
looking worse, I'm going to recommend to
you what I've recommended to thousands of
other people who were once in your
exact shoes. It's called carb cycling and
it's been scientifically proven to be
one of the most efficient, but most
importantly, one of the healthiest ways
to reduce body fat fast. If you've been
searching for that magic bullet to rapid
weight loss, this is as close as you're
going to get and it's annoyingly easy.
What it does is trick your body into
mobilizing your fat from your most
stubborn fatty areas while boosting your
metabolism. How? I'm glad you asked.
So, your body has two main fuel sources.
First are carbs. Second are fats. Well,
when your carbs are depleted, meaning
there's none left in your tank,
you've used them all up,
your body starts using your fat for fuel.
Now, you might be thinking, "Great! I'm
never eating carbs again. I'll just burn
much of fat." Well, the issue is, if you leave
your carbs depleted for too long, you
start producing less and less leptin and
your metabolism slows down. And you
not only stop burning fat, but you start
storing more from whatever you do eat.
So, to fix this on both ends, what carb
cycling does is take you through a
series of low or no carb, moderate carb
and high carb days throughout the week,
with specific amounts of carbs, depending
on your body. So, on the low or no carb and
moderate carb days, your body basically
grabs from your fat stores for energy.
But, on the high carb day, you produce an
overload of leptin from the pastas and
the mashed potatoes that you're eating,
therefore skyrocketing your metabolism
for a few days, only to drop back to low
carb, and in turn, start burning
calories from fat even faster.
Like I said, this sounds way
more difficult than it actually is.
Our past clients have been blown away
with how easy and enjoyable this method
really is to implement into their busy
schedules. Okay, the third thing, stop
doing traditional cardio. And to clarify,
again, the traditional cardio is what you
see people doing every single time you
walk into a gym. People go in at one
steady pace for anywhere from 30, 60, 90
minutes. This can be jogging on the
treadmill, climbing the Stairmaster,
riding the bike, doing the elliptical, any
of it. Say goodbye to it for good. Why?
Because aside from the fact that you
would absolutely end up hating the gym
and sooner, rather than later, just stop
going. There's just better options, I mean,
let's be real. How can someone expect you
to go from very little or maybe even no
cardio every week to daily cardio or
even just five times a week?
It's just not realistic,
especially when the results are whack.
I've been doing this too long to believe
that you'll just change your workout
habits that drastically forever, just
like that, in the blink of an eye, and
stick to it from here on out. You need to
dip your foot in. Test the waters. Do
something that will prove it'll get
results. And when and if that happens,
then, you'll be a little more motivated to
really invest your time and energy.
So, let me ask you this. If there was a way
to spend just 45 minutes a week doing
cardio, total, but you would burn calories
24 hours a day, seven days a week, from
just that 45 minutes, therefore, resulting
in more than double the amount of
calories burned in less than half the
time, would you be interested? Because
something I always preach about to our
clients is working smarter not harder
and this is a perfect example. So, let me
explain your new secret weapon for
torching fat. I want you to start doing a
special type of cardio, but most
importantly, I only want you to do it
three days a week for 15 minutes a day.
Like I said, it's 45 minutes a week total,
and that's it. And if you start doing
this, you will see changes on the scale
and in the mirror, literally, this week.
It is that powerful. It's a special type of
cardio called HIIT. It stands for
High Intensity Interval Training and
this is, I guess, you could say an
industry cheat code that all the biggest
names used to drop their body fat
incredibly fast and keep it off
year-round. You see, most people
think that the leanest guys in
the world, the fitness models, the
athletes, the bodybuilders, do tons and
tons of cardio every single day, and it's
quite the opposite. They typically spend
less time doing cardio than your average
Joe. They just do it right. But now, let me
explain why HIIT training is so amazing.
HIIT is an anaerobic activity, meaning it's
going to target your fat cells. It's
going to shuttle them across the cell
membrane and use them for energy. And in
this metabolic process, your body uses
your precious oxygen stores. Now,
the cool thing about your body using
these oxygen stores is that it, then, has
to replenish those oxygen stores. And
your body burns calories the entire time
it takes to do this, which, like I said, it
can take up to 48 hours. Therefore for a
simple 15-minute HIIT session, you can
burn calories for up to two days through
a process called the Afterburn Effect.
But, not all HIIT is created equal. To get
the benefits of the afterburn effect,
you have to do certain HIIT workouts at
certain intervals on certain days of
your training. And if you don't do the
right ones on the right days, you're
pretty much going to be wasting your time
and you won't get the afterburn effect
that is literally supposed to burn fat
24/7. So, here in a second, I'm going to
give you access to what I consider the
very best and easiest HIIT workouts for
someone looking to burn off that fat
while maintaining muscle and keep it
like that. And these are incredible for
rapid fat loss in a short period of time,
so I know you'll love them.
Like I said, we're talking 15-minute
cardio workouts three times per week.
That's it. And you can do these with
certain high intensity exercises like a
battle rope or a Burpee or jump lunges
or anything like that. So, if you
absolutely dread treadmills, be done with
them because I don't know about you, but
wasting hours of my day and my life on
boring cardio machines is not my idea
of fun, and I doubt it is for you either.
So, I know you'll love these. Now, those three
things are just a few of my most guarded
secret weapons that will allow you to
easily strip off that fat that's left
you unhappy with how you look, put on
muscle that starts filling out your
shirts the right way, and just get your
body pool-ready and your abs showing in
no time. And if you combine
those with a proper
workout program, with proper ab work so
your abs are symmetrical and hard once
that fat is removed, it is game over.
You will get people asking you what your
secret is in no time. And with those
dieting strategies, you'll easily keep it
off long term, no matter what. Now, look, I
know that's a lot of information and I
told you I'd be showing you exactly
where you can find more info. So, if those
tips got you a little fired up but maybe
left you a little confused on exactly
how to put them in action, I'd like to
help you streamline this so that you'll
finally be able to get that lean look
and get those abs ripped up with ease.
Let me introduce you to our Ripped in
90 Days Program. It's the complete
fat shredding, muscle building solution
that will allow you to drastically drop
your body fat percentage so your abs and
muscles really show, while adding lean
muscle at the same time, in a matter of
just a few short weeks. If you've ever
wanted to have a lean athletic body that
you're truly proud of, but you couldn't
figure out how to get there or you just
stay there, well, Ripped in 90 Days just
became your new Bible. So, here's a sneak
peek of what you'll find inside. You'll find
an easy to follow step-by-step carb
cycling and flexible dieting strategy
which will help because, well, these
two dieting strategies strip fat
incredibly fast and allow you to keep it
off without starving you, without making
you give up the foods you love, and
without sacrificing your muscle mass or
getting you frustrated at the lack of
results in the mirror. So, not only do you
lose as much fat as fast as you want, but
you'll easily keep it off this time with
less effort. And then, in addition to
showing you how to create your own diet,
we have also included six different
sample meal plans for you to choose from.
So, let's say you're too busy to create
your own from scratch, with our
instructions, you can simply pick one of
our templates and adjust it to your
liking. Then, you'll also find an exact 90
day time under tension base training
program that we've organized beautifully
with a 90-day calendar where you click
each day at the plan that you're on and
it shows you what exercises to do, with
videos of every single exercise, how many
reps, sets, rest, and to top it off, there's
a video at the top of the page
explaining an overview of exactly
what to do that specific day. And then,
aside from making it as easy as
possible to understand, what's amazing
for you is that most workout programs
leave you with some cookie cutter
workout that is typically geared for
bodybuilders who have a pretty low body
fat percentage already and they're just
looking to add muscle and are also
able to spend all day at the gym without
overtraining due to their steroid use.
I'm aware you don't want to spend three
hours in the gym every day, but you do
want to pack on some muscle. And that's
why this program was designed with
simply getting lean in mind. If you've
ever wanted to get rid of your belly,
melt fat from your body while getting
your arms and your chest and your
shoulders looking more muscular, and just
becoming lean while doing short yet
super effective workouts, and getting in
and out of the gym, not wasting your free
time there, in less than an hour, this is
the training plan for you. And then,
there's a HIIT cardio system, which is
where I give you what I consider the
very best HIIT training exercises for fat
loss. Period. And this is the same as
before, I'll tell you what days to
include HIIT cardio. So, don't even think
that you're going to have to do these every
single day. Like I said, it's 15 minute
HIIT sessions, 3 days per week and you'll
be burning fat, literally, 24/7. And the
best part is, like I said, you don't have
to step foot on a treadmill ever again
if you don't want to. And also, we've
included a supplement guide, which is not
only meant to keep you from wasting your
money on supplements that just don't
work, but to show you the few that will
help to fast forward your progress.
And to be clear, you do not need to take
supplements. Guys always assume to burn
fat and build muscle, they have to take a
bunch. No. You'll be a fat burning,
muscle building machine once you start
carb cycling, doing HIIT cardio and
training properly. But once that's taken
care of, I like to consider a quality
recovery supplement or metabolic booster,
that cherry on top. So, this part is
optional, but I wanted to include it
simply because a lot of our clients ask.
Now, considering all of this is included,
it's probably safe to say that this
could get pretty expensive, but it's not.
We believe that anybody who wants to get
in shape should be able to get in shape.
So, don't worry about the price for a second.
First, I need to make sure that you are aware
of something. You're not just receiving
our Ripped in 90 Days Program with
everything I just talked about included,
you're also going to be getting our Ripped
in 90 Days At-home Workout Program
so that you can do this from the comfort
of your own home. Too many times, I hear
about guys not achieving the body
of their dreams because maybe they're
intimidated by the gym or they don't
have access to one or maybe they just
don't have time due to their busy
schedule. Well, say goodbye to all of that
because as I mentioned before, along with
the 90-day calendar of the gym workouts
with everything included, there's also an
entirely separate 90-day calendar of our
at-home workouts, with videos of every
single exercise, with reps and sets, rest,
and an overview video at the top of
those on each day, so you can literally
do this from the floor of your own
living room. And while talking about
exercises to do from the floor of your
own living room, I might as well mention
that I'm also going to be throwing in
our Six Pack Shred that will help get
you a nice strong core, help you build
muscle on your midsection and get your
abs popping out, leaving you feeling more
confident than you ever have when you
take your shirt off at the pool or at
the beach for vacation or just in
front of your significant other. This is
a super effective ab training system
that delivers fast results over a
progression of this 90-day period with
beginner, intermediate and advanced ab
workouts, videos of every single exercise,
fat shredding strategies, and diet
information that can't be found anywhere
else. The value of this is originally $47
on our site, but you get it free
when you order Ripped in 90 Days today.
Now, as we talk about getting you abs,
you got to understand that you're
going to have to make a change to your diet
and I know dieting can be a real pain in
the butt. And because of that, I'm also
going to be throwing in our fat burning,
muscle building recipe guide packed with
47 mouth-watering recipes that
guaranteed to make eating healthy
a whole lot more enjoyable. And then, I'll
be honest, I've never been much of a cook.
I don't enjoy trying to figure out what
foods will pair well with others or how
to prepare certain ingredients and
especially hate that meals that take two
hours to prepare, but I do
love food, and that is why I hired
a professional chef to help me
assemble the most delicious fat burning,
muscle building recipes that you've ever
tasted because I want to make sure that
you love the foods you're eating every
day, otherwise I know you'll quit. So, not
only do these meals taste amazing, but
the guide explains exactly how to cook
each one, exact portions to use, exact
macronutrient breakdowns of each, so that
you can still stick to your diet
perfectly. And my favorite part, none of
them take more than 20 to 30 minutes to
make. It's a $37 recipe guide and it's yours
free today. Now, this
entire package has a retail
price tag of 183 bucks. But, hold on, as
promised, I said this wouldn't be
expensive and I'll hold true to that. But,
we'll get to the price here in a second
because as a special thank you for
watching this entire limited time
presentation, I'm going to throw
in one more bonus.
Originally worth $47, yours free today,
it's our Big Arms Program.
An intense 12-week program designed in a
progression style training method
guaranteed to pack size
and definition onto your arms faster
than you ever thought possible.
And these aren't your average run-of-the-mill
arm workouts. I use a very specific
hypertrophy to strength training ratio,
which you can learn all about in the
program as well as just muscle growth in
general, and for the workouts themselves,
it's a precise arm training regimen with
detailed form videos of every single
exercise so you see a difference in the
mirror, literally, the first workout and
there's a new arm finisher technique to
use every single week as time progresses
so that you constantly recruit more and
more muscle fibers to be stimulated,
resulting in more consistent muscular
growth. Now, this entire package has a
retail price tag of 230 bucks, but not
expensive, so I'm going to go ahead
and cut that price in half for you.
And then, I'm going to take a little more off.
For our Ripped in 90 Days Program, our
Six Pack Shred, our recipe guide and our
Big Arms Program, you will pay a one-time
hugely discounted payment of only $57.
You'll have four of our
best-selling programs for less than
the cost of just one hour-long
session with a personal trainer.
Now, if you're a bit shocked that you're
getting all of this for so cheap, hang on
a second because I'm not quite done.
Because of how confident I am that you
are about to experience some
life-changing results with everything I
just mentioned, I'm willing to offer it
to you right now completely risk-free
for 30 days. So, if for any reason you
don't enjoy getting in better shape
faster than you ever have, no problem.
Just shoot us an email and we'll give
you your money back and there will be no
hard feelings. And one of the coolest
parts, in my opinion, of all this is that
you don't have to pay and then wait
around for it to ship to you. We've made
everything so it's available in your
hands in less than two minutes from
right now. So, you can get immediate
access to Ripped in 90 Days, At-home
Workout as well, Six Pack Shred, our fat
burning recipes and our Big Arms Program,
all 100% risk free when you order right now.
All you have to do is click the
button below this video to get started.
Also, before you go, please understand
that I can promise that this is a
one-time special offer only. It's good
today only. If you leave this page and
decide that you want to get this
tomorrow, you will be sorry to find out
that you have to get these programs full
price on our website. I'm not lying.
Now, I know these programs work
and so do the thousands
of others who have made
life-changing transformations by simply
following the plans included in this
one-time special offer. So, if you are
serious about getting rid of your skinny
fat body, dropping your body fat
percentage to a number that you're proud
of, and building noticeable muscle and
not just being comfortable, but confident
in your own skin, make today the day that
you took a stand, the day that you can
look back on the day it all started. Take
advantage of this limited time offer and
get the body that you've always wanted
and deserved. Just click the button below
this video and let's get started. Well, if
you're still here, that probably means
that you're still on the fence, so let me
leave you with this. You have three
options now. One, you can keep doing what
you were doing before you watched this
video and you can keep getting the same
frustrating results that led you here.
Two, you can take the advice I just gave
you and you can try to do it yourself.
You can spend the hours
it takes to study the perfect
carb cycle and test different HIIT
workouts to find the best ones for fat
loss, and you can research until you find
the perfect training plan, gym, or at-home,
for building hard, lean muscle, and the
right ab exercises to strengthen your
core, the right arm exercises to get your
biceps and triceps popping a little more.
And then, you can scour the internet and
test different ingredients until you
come up with meals that actually tastes
good and then, you just got to hope that
they're healthy. All the information is
out there 100%, if you have the time
to research and test it all. Or, three,
you can just eat at home rather
than going out to eat just once or twice
this week, use that money that you'll
save and make this so easy on yourself
and become the best, healthiest, leanest
version of yourself. If you truly want
that, don't let today be the day that you
pass up, possibly, the best offer that
you'll ever get to achieve your dream body.
You've got everything to gain and
thanks to our guarantee, absolutely
nothing to lose. I've gone out of my way
to make this as fair as I could, so all I
ask in return is that when you get that
dream body of yours, shoot me an email or
leave a comment on one of my social
medias or tag me in a post or something.
Let me know that I helped you make a
change because that's the stuff that
I'm really after. So, you can either keep
chugging along as you are right now,
with zero promise of results or you can try
Ripped in 90 Days, Six Pack Shred,
our fat burning recipe guide and our
Big Arms Program right now,
completely risk-free.
I'm Vince Sant and I cannot wait for you
to take action and finally achieve the
success that you deserve. Just click
the button below this video
to get started now.