1? A misunderstands? on E-mail
The initial red blink just means theXXX ?unit has not yet successfully communicated with the XXX, and it will try again. As long as it starts blinking green within a few seconds after connecting the ?XXX?to the ?XXX?and then keeps blinking green at least 3 times in a row, the test is successful. If it keeps blinking red for 10 seconds or more, the test has failed and you should try programming the ?XXX ?again.
My Error
I misunderstanding about it谋逻⊥遥“ If it keeps blinking red for 10 seconds or more”瑰排, ok ,this ?objects is red LED , not Green led.,??This can lead to errors in the test machine。
2 ?Update the test device
as show in the photo姨蝴。The ?test based on c51 and aome anbcillary ?equipment溯泣。
I think the test platform is too old。The mainstream should be arm模她,Chosenthe currentpopularSTM32?microcontrolleras?thehardwareplatform, andusing asmartcardchipISO7816communicationinterface, ageneric?smart carddataacquisitionsystem?isdesigned.Thesystemuse?the?STM32as?thecorecontroller.Thecontrolofservomotorcan beachievedwalkingandlifting?of ?thepickingplatform,Tomeet?theneedsoftemperature,stressparametermeasurementandmonitoring?of theindustrialfield,anembededtemperature?andstressmeasurementsystembased onSTM32processor?isdesigned.
3 Theepistasissoftware (Labview)
Slove the trouble ?withmachine vision 懂牧,beacuse ?the led blink need to check.LabVIEWmakesparallelism?so easy thatyoumaynot evenbeaware?thatyou'rewritingaparallelprogram.LabVIEWtechnologybecomesanimportanttrendoffaultsmonitoringforitsflexibleconceptivestyle,favorableman-machineinterfaceandpowerfuldigitalsignalprocessingability.
AprograminLabVIEWisconstructedbycomposingvariousprogrambuildingblocksandsupplyingparameterstotheblocks.There isnodevelopmentenvironmentsimilartoLabVIEW?thatIknowof?that you can usewith theCreate,althoughyoucanexecutesimplescripts.