Day 1
This?idea was first stated?explicitly?in Newton’s Principia Mathematica, published in 1687, and is known as?Newton’s?first?law.
Fully and clearly expressed;leaving nothing
implied:explicit approval勤讽;Fully developed or formulated:has an explicit idea of what to say in the
paper.逐工;Forthright and unreserved in
expression:They were explicit in their criticism.秕硝;Readily observable:an explicit sign of trouble;Describing or portraying nudity or sexual activity ingraphic detail.
eg:He was quite explicit as to what he expected us to do for him.
2.Newton’s first law:whenever a body isnot acted on by any force, it will keep on moving in a straight line at thesame speed.In aninertial
reference frame, an object either remains at rest or continues tomove at a constantvelocity, unless acted upon by aforce
3. What happens to a body when a force does act on itis given byNewton’s second law. This states that the bodywill accelerate, or change its speed, at a rate that is proportional to theforce.
4.Newton’s second law:In an?inertial reference frame, the vectorsumoftheforcesFon an object is equal to themassm?of that object multiplied by theaccelerationaof the object: F=ma.
The acceleration is also smaller the greater themass(or quantity ofmatter) of the body.物體的加速度跟物體所受的合外力成正比,跟物體的質(zhì)量成反比茫蛹,加速度的方向跟合外力的方向相同芦圾。
5.Mass:a shape or
three-dimensional volume that has or gives the illusion of having weight,
density, and bulk
If the law were that the gravitationalattraction of a star went down faster or increased more rapidly with distance,the orbits of the planets would not beelliptical,they would eitherspiralintothe sun or escape from the sun
6.elliptical:a plane curve such that the sums of the distances of each point in its
periphery from two fixed points, the foci, are equal.;tending to be ambiguous,
cryptic, or obscure尿贫;(of speech or writing) expressed with
extreme or excessive economy; relieved of irrelevant matter
Eg:The same goes for theellipticalmachine hunger strike, which also
comes off as tonally deficient, to say the least.
7.spiral:n.Geometry.a plane curve generated by a point moving around a
fixed point while constantly receding from or approaching it; a helix;a single
circle or ring of a spiral or helical curve or object;adj:running
continuously around a fixed point or center while constantly receding from or
approaching it; coiling in a single plane;V:to take a spiral form or course;to advance or increase
steadily; rise
Eg:In practice, we have
mechanisms such as warranties which can halt thespiral.
When the famousDr. Johnson was told of Berkeley’s opinion, he cried, “Irefuteit thus!” andstubbed his toeon a large stone.
8.refute:to prove to be false or erroneous, as an opinion or
to prove (a person) to be in error.
Eg:To be sure, Mitt Romney's unpopularity mightrefutethis theory, but even so, Bartlett is
talking about something important here
9.stubone’stoe:to strike accidentallyagainst a projecting object
Istubbed my toe against the step.
Shorter wavelengths are known as microwaves (afew centimeters) orinfrared(morethan a ten-thousandth of a centimeter)
1.the part of the invisible spectrum that iscontiguous to theredend of the visible spectrum and that comprises electromagnetic radiation ofwavelengths from 800 nm to 1 mm.
2.noting or pertaining to the infrared or itscomponent rays:
infrared radiation.
It was therefore suggested that there was asubstance called the "ether"that was present everywhere, even in"empty" space
11.ether:Chemistry, Pharmacology.a colorless, highly volatile, flammable liquid, C4H10O,
having an aromatic odor and sweet, burning taste, derived from ethyl alcohol by
the action of sulfuric acid: used as a solvent and, formerly, as an inhalant
Between 1887 and 1905 there were severalattempts, most notably by the Dutch physicist Hendrik Lorentz, to explain theresult of the Michelson-Morley experiment in terms of objectscontractingand clocks slowingdown when they moved through the ether
12.contract:an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing of
something specified; to wrinkle; to draw together or into smallercompass; draw the parts of together; to incur, as a liability orobligation
publisher contracted the artwork.
In effect, themeter is defined to be the distance traveled by light in
0.000000003335640952 second, as measured by acesiumclock.
13.cesium:a rare, highly reactive, soft, metallic element of the alkali metalgroup, used chiefly in photoelectric cells.Symbol:Cs;atomic
Maxwell’s equation predicts that the speed of lightshould be the same whatever the speed of the source
15.cone:a solid whose surface isgenerated by a line passing through a fixed point and a fixed plane curve notcontaining the point, consisting of two equal sections joined at a vertex;aplane surface resembling the cross section of a solid cone.
16.geodesic:Also,geodesical. pertaining to the geometry of curved surfaces,in whichgeodesic linestake the place of the
straight lines of plane geometry.
17.hilly:full ofhills; having manyhills;hilly
country.;resembling ahill;elevated; steep.
Eg:Aletter-carrier will cover thirty-five miles ofhillyroad as an ordinary day's march, and
more if haste is enjoined.
18.rotate:to cause to turn around an axis or center point;revolve.
to cause to go through a cycle of changes; cause topass or follow in a fixed routine of succession:to rotate farm crops;to replace (a person, troops, etc.) by another or others, usually
according to a schedule or plan.
Eg:The sentries rotated in keeping watch.
19.finite:having bounds or limits; not infinite; measurable.
Mathematics;(of a set of elements) capable of being completelycounted;not infinite or infinitesimal;not zero捞稿;subject to limitations or conditions, as of space,time, circumstances, or the laws of nature:man's finite existence on earth.4.somethingthat is finite.
Eg:Theenvironment is vulnerable,finite, and must at all costs be protected
Day 2
1.impulse:? [physics]
a.the product of the average magnitude of a forceacting on a body and the time for which it acts
b.the change in the momentum of a body as a result of a force acting upon it for a short period of time
eg:My first impulse was to run away.
2.bother: to make (a person) alarmed orconfused
eg:Don't bother to search for it.
3.ultraviolet?:of electromagnetic radiation) having a wavelength shorter than that of the violet end of the visible spectrum but longer than that of X-rays.
4.equivalence?:the condition of being equal or equivalent in value, worth, function, etc..
synonyms: equality, sameness, interchangeability, comparability
Functional equivalence,hardly gettable for a translator,is positively significant as a translation norm.