如何免費下載Google Books資源滨彻,我已下載《life》雜志為例,分享給大家下載方法钱慢。由于侵犯版權(quán)的原因,還請不要用于商業(yè)卿堂,僅供個人娛樂使用束莫。
Life雜志已將所有電子版均授權(quán)給了Google,Google已將出版于1936年至1972年間的草描,超過1860期的《LIFE》數(shù)字化并免費提供給Google Books的用戶览绿。 除去雜志中的內(nèi)容外,Google還把超過一千萬張的《LIFE》出品的照片放到了Google Images中的《LIFE》照片集中穗慕,其中97%的照片從來沒有在雜志中出現(xiàn)過饿敲,真可謂是讀者福利啊。
在線閱讀只需打開Google book即可逛绵,鏈接如下:https://books.google.com.sg/books?id=N0EEAAAAMBAJ&hl=zh-CN&num=100&source=gbs_all_issues_r&cad=1
或自行在Google book中搜索Life-日期即可
第二步怀各,你需要一個下載Google book的利器,鏈接如下:Google Books Downloader for Windows, Android and Mac OS术浪,安裝成功后瓢对,界面是這個樣子
第三步,你打開你需要下載的Life雜志界面(當(dāng)然其他圖書同樣適用)胰苏,復(fù)制地址欄硕蛹,并粘貼到Google book downloader 的URL處,選擇輸出方式硕并,PDF或者PNG法焰,很方便,點擊start即可倔毙,下載完成埃仪,大功告成!是不是帥氣陕赃?
To see life, to see the world; to eyewitness great events; to watch the faces of the poor and the gestures of the proud, To see strange things - machines, armies, multitudes, shadows in the jungle and on the moon; to see man’s work - his paintings, towers and discoveries; to see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to; the women that men love and many children; to see and to take pleasure in seeing; to see and be amazed; to see and be instructed…