最近我重復造了一個輪子,把這堆資源整理到repository awesome-collection中,這個repository中也包含了別人造的一些輪子,以后這個repository的維護難免受我的知識結構所限粗卜,內容的添加旗芬、刪除或者合并如果不太準確瘤睹,歡迎大家Pull Request升敲,也歡迎大家Fork這個repo。
- Awesome - A curated list of awesome lists
- awesome-all – A curated list of awesome lists of awesome frameworks, libraries and software
- awesome-awesome by @emijrp – A curated list of awesome curated lists of many topics.
- awesome-awesome by @erichs – A curated list of awesome curated lists! Inspired by inspiration.
- awesome-awesome by @oyvindrobertsen – A curated list of curated lists of libraries, resources and shiny things for various languages.
- awesome-awesomeness – A curated list of awesome awesomeness
- awesome-awesomes – Awesome collection of awesome lists of libraries, tools, frameworks and software for any programming language
- awesome-collection - 這是我那個輪子
lists - The definitive list of (awesome) lists curated on GitHub
---what's more---
歡迎大家fork或者pull request to awesome-collection