(The writer’s) opening statement? is a (insert the appropriate persuasive technique).? Here, the writer hopes to (insert a possible purpose for this use of language). Readers are likely to (insert a possible effect on the reader – could be positive or negative). The opening statement (insert a broad statement about the success/failure of the opening of the article).
How to structure each paragraph: In the body of the analysis, you can either organise your ideas chronologically as you work through the article from start to finish OR you can organise your analysis in terms of persuasive techniques. You’ll need about 3 of these paragraphs.
The (persuasive technique) adopted in when the writer asserts that suggests that (put into your own words what you think the writer is trying to achieve here).? This is further emphasised when the writer (further analysis and quotation). (Writer’s) purpose is to (insert writer’s intention) while the effect is likely to (insert the effect on reader).
?Each of your body paragraphs should follow the TEPE structure (identify the TOPIC, demonstrate by way of EXAMPLE, then discuss the PURPOSE and EFFECT of such a technique). As you write each body paragraph, check that each aspect of the TEPE model has been dealt with satisfactorily.
(The writer) concludes his/her article with a comment on/ by reiterating their contention in the hope that the reader (comment on purpose). Overall, this article (make an overall statement of the whole article and whether the writer achieves his/her aims).