- 根節(jié)點不包含字符函筋,除根節(jié)點之外每一個節(jié)點都只包含有且一個字符沙合;
- 從根節(jié)點到某一節(jié)點,路徑上經(jīng)過的字符連接起來跌帐,為該節(jié)點對應(yīng)的字符串首懈;
- 每個節(jié)點的所有子節(jié)點包含的字符都不相同;
public class Trie{
Trie[] root; //孩子節(jié)點谨敛,代表下一個字符
boolean isPause; //是否終止
public Trie(){
root = new Trie[26];
isPause = false;
void insert(String word)
向前綴樹中插入字符串 word 究履。
栗子:好比假設(shè)有b,abc脸狸,abd最仑,bcd,abcd肥惭,efg盯仪,hii 這6個單詞,那我們創(chuàng)建trie樹就得到:
/** Inserts a word into the trie. */
public void insert(String word) {
int length = word.length();
Trie cur = this;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
int index =word.charAt(i) - 'a'; //這里獲得第i個字符的所在位置
if(cur.children[index] == null){//如果該分支不存在,那么創(chuàng)建
cur.children[index] = new Trie();
cur = cur.children[index]; //令cur指向當前單詞蜜葱,準備執(zhí)行下一次操作
//單詞插入完成后全景,需要將其此單詞末尾字符的標記位 置true,代表此字符是單詞的結(jié)尾
cur.isPause = true;
/** Returns if the word is in the trie. */
public boolean search(String word) {
int length = word.length();
Trie cur = this;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
int index = word.charAt(i) - 'a';
if(cur.children[index] == null){
return false;
cur = cur.children[index];
return cur.isPause;
boolean startsWith(String prefix)
如果之前已經(jīng)插入的字符串 word 的前綴之一為 prefix 揭鳞,返回 true 炕贵;否則,返回 false 野崇。
/** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */
public boolean startsWith(String prefix) {
int length = prefix.length();
Trie cur = this;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
int index = prefix.charAt(i) - 'a';
if(cur.children[index] == null){
return false;
cur = cur.children[index];
//這里和字符串查詢的區(qū)別在于, 只要滿足一個單詞的前綴就返回true
return true;
class Trie {
Trie[] children;
boolean isPause;
/** Initialize your data structure here. */
public Trie() {
children = new Trie[26];
isPause = false;
/** Inserts a word into the trie. */
public void insert(String word) {
int length = word.length();
Trie cur = this;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
int index =word.charAt(i) - 'a';
if(cur.children[index] == null){
cur.children[index] = new Trie();
cur = cur.children[index];
cur.isPause = true;
/** Returns if the word is in the trie. */
public boolean search(String word) {
int length = word.length();
Trie cur = this;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
int index = word.charAt(i) - 'a';
if(cur.children[index] == null){
return false;
cur = cur.children[index];
return cur.isPause;
/** Returns if there is any word in the trie that starts with the given prefix. */
public boolean startsWith(String prefix) {
int length = prefix.length();
Trie cur = this;
for(int i = 0; i < length; i++){
int index = prefix.charAt(i) - 'a';
if(cur.children[index] == null){
return false;
cur = cur.children[index];
return true;
* Your Trie object will be instantiated and called as such:
* Trie obj = new Trie();
* obj.insert(word);
* boolean param_2 =;
* boolean param_3 = obj.startsWith(prefix);
時間復(fù)雜度:初始化為 O(1)鳖轰,其余操作為 O(|S|)清酥,其中 |S| 是每次插入或查詢的字符串的長度。