Oh, my God,
Finally I did it!
It was long day today,
Can't believe that I made this stupid things
I borrowed a self electric bike to ride to my friend's house
The half way I went there
It was so nice and enjoy the ride journey
But the problem was when I came back
It was too far for a electric bike
only half way to go the battery was gone
and out of service area also
I can't to return it
I have to ride it like a bike
then put it back to the fixed area
But It was so heavy without electric help
It was like I carried a mountain
I spent more then two hours to ride it back
I was thinking I can't do it
It was so hard
Even I can't move one metre
7.7 kilometer. Oh my God.
nobody can help
It was? so cold and I was tired too
Ever wanted to give up but
What's the next?
How can I leave it like that
I did so stupid things by myself
So I have to solve it out
I just keep going and going
finally I made? it
Even I was aching all over the body
But I done.
Good for me !
I'm the best !
and now go to sleep.
For remember, never do it again.