Unlike inheritance; if a trait has static properties, each class using that trait has independent instances of those properties.
Example using parent class:
class TestClass {
public static $_bar;
class Foo1 extends TestClass { }
class Foo2 extends TestClass { }
Foo1::$_bar = 'Hello';
Foo2::$_bar = 'World';
echo Foo1::$_bar . ' ' . Foo2::$_bar; // Prints: World World
Example using trait:
trait TestTrait {
public static $_bar;
class Foo1 {
use TestTrait;
class Foo2 {
use TestTrait;
Foo1::$_bar = 'Hello';
Foo2::$_bar = 'World';
echo Foo1::$_bar . ' ' . Foo2::$_bar; // Prints: Hello World