- 滿足真實(shí)卢肃、深切的用戶需求
- 尊重用戶時(shí)間和成果
- 用合適的技術(shù)來解決問題
- 按照既定目標(biāo)來工作,不能降低標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
- 推斷可能遇到的“坑”才顿,并提前避免
- 提供撤銷操作的方法
- 可理解的產(chǎn)品運(yùn)行概念模型
- 周到且讓人感覺受到重視的反饋
- 在用戶使用流程中莫湘,“規(guī)則”一致
- 有美學(xué)類的快感
- 上下環(huán)節(jié)的銜接要流暢
- Great products are those that:
- fulfill a real, deeply-felt need
- respect their users' time and effort
- use the correct technology to deliver the solution
- work as expected, and perhaps even better than expected
- anticipate problems and try to prevent them when possible
- provide ways to undo actions
- provide an understandable mental model of how the product works
- provide responsive, appropriate feedback
- are consistent in their "rules" of use
- are aesthetically pleasing
- are sensitive to their context of use
- are environmentally friendly