known as graphology—is apoor way to predict personality types, even though it is used by 3,000 UnitedStates firms and by a majority of European companies. In a recent study, fivegraphologists scored no better than chance in predicting the occupations offorty professionals.
Which one of the following is an assumptionnecessary to the argument?
(A) People in the same occupation usually do nothave the same personality type.
(B) Graphology is an effective means of predictingpersonality types in non-business contexts.
(C) There are more United States firms that do notuse graphology than all the United States and European firms that do use it.
(D) There are several other techniques for
predicting personality types that are more accurate than graphology.(E)
(E) There is a correspondence between type ofpersonality and choice of occupation.
9.Emperor:The enemy empire across the sea has harassed us for centuries. I want toconquer it and stop it once and for all. What advice can you give me?
Admiral: If you cross the sea, a mighty empire willfall.
Emperor: In that case, prepare the troops. We set
sail tonight.Of the following, the strongest criticism of the Emperor’s decision to invade would be that it
(A) is certain to lead to the emperor’s defeat
(B) is based on opinion rather than objective factsabout troop strength
(C) contradicts the Admiral’s statement
(D) fails to consider fully the possible meanings
of the Admiral’sadvice
(E) is a futile strategy for solving the problem athand