? ?
? ? ? ? ? 不論是對人還是對事乐纸,不論是對工作還是對生活衬廷,我們常常會因為自己不能這樣做或者不能那樣做而絞盡腦汁地找尋理由或借口。有的時候我們找借口汽绢,也許真是因為我們?nèi)狈φ鎼勰芈鸢稀H绻钦鎼郏覀兙蜁敕皆O(shè)法宁昭、挖空心思跌宛;如果是真愛,我們就啥招數(shù)都敢用积仗。閱讀疆拘,便是如此。
? ? ? ? 對于一些口口聲聲說自己很愛閱讀卻很少去閱讀的人來說寂曹,他們常常會說沒時間哎迄、沒環(huán)境、沒氣氛隆圆、沒心情锅尘、沒書籍鸯匹。而對于那些真愛閱讀的人兼都,不論自己多么的忙碌哎媚,不論自己是睡覺前還是旅行中,不論是在寧靜的書房還是在喧囂的車站阶女,他們總能找到自己喜歡的讀物,他們總能找到閱讀的時間哩治,他們總能如入無人之境地沉浸其中秃踩,享受著閱讀帶給自己的寧靜、從容和愉悅业筏。
? ? ? ? 看這位愛讀書的“鬼佬”憔杨。他對于閱讀一定是真愛的,要不然他又如何能夠?qū)懗鲞@經(jīng)典的《愛閱讀十五法》呢蒜胖?一邊學英文消别,一邊感受閱讀的魅力吧!
How to Develop Reading Habit in Children
— 17 Fun Ideas —
How to develop reading habit in kids is no easy task. But reading is one of the most important lessons children need to learn to be successful in life.
Benefits of Reading for Children
Children that read tend to be more successful at school
Reading is great for improving empathy
It exercises the brain
Reading improves vocabulary and language skills
Helps to develop a child’s imagination
Teaches children about the World and different cultures
Reading improves concentration
How to Develop Reading Habit – Over 15 Fun Tips
1.Reading on a Journey
If your child doesn’t suffer with travel sickness, like mine does. Reading in a car, bus, plane or train is a perfect way to pass the time. It doesn’t have to be a reading book, it could be a comic, or some information on where you are going.
2. Bedtime Reading
If your child can read independently, reading at bedtime is a great way for your child to relax. Put your child to bed half an hour before they need to go to sleep and let them read. If they don’t enjoy reading books, what about a comic, newspaper, leaflet or a non fiction book.
3.Read to your children
Most people stop reading to their children as soon as they can read independently. However, it is recommended you still read to your child until they are at least 11 years old. This is a great way of spending some quality time together too.
4.Kindle / Ipad
Personally I prefer reading actual books, but I think that is more about my age than anything else. But if your children enjoy playing on video games, maybe encourage them instead to read on the device.
5.Audio Books
If your child doesn’t enjoy reading books, then why not try an audio book? Or if they suffer with travel sickness, why not encourage them to listen to an audiobook? Pretty much everything these days is in audiobook format.
This is my favourite tip of all! If your children are anything like Freddie they will love watching the TV. OK, fine, no problem. Turn the sound off and put the subtitles on! Boom, they are reading! I love it!
7.Comic / Newspapers
Reading is reading, it doesn’t have to be a classic book. If your children prefer the Beano for example, or First News (kids newspaper) then why not?
8.Take it in turns to read to each other
This can be done at any time. Either chose the same book or you both chose your favourite books and take it in turn to read a page. This is a great way for children to see and listen to you reading.
9.Extreme Reading
Another of my favourites is “extreme reading!”. How many weird and wonderful places can your child find to read? They can keep a diary or you could take photos. What about in the garden, in the bath, or on a swing. The options are endless, however, make sure they stay safe!!
10.Song Lyrics
Have you a budding musician on your hands? Well why not encourage them to read song lyrics? George Ezra is one of our favourites. We will watch them on youtube with the lyrics, mainly as we all normally sing the completely wrong words!
11.Always Carry a Book
Encourage your children to always carry a book with them, or keep one in your bag. If they get bored while you are in the queue at a supermarket for example they can stand with you and read. This would be another great place for their extreme reading journal.
12.Family Book Club
This is such a great idea, everyone in your family reads the same book, just like in an adult book club. Then, you get together to discuss and do activities about the book. This is a lovely way to spend time together and bond.
Although local libraries are closing everywhere, if you are lucky enough to have one near you, this is a great place to go to get books. They normally have a little reading corner too. I am not sure if it is everywhere but in our local library we can take out 10 books at a time.
14.Create a reading area
Now this can be anywhere in the house where you might have some room. Put lots of cushions on the floor, or sofa and make this a quiet place. You could even make it into a den. If they like reading aloud maybe put some of their favourite teddies in there with them.
15.Write a book review
This is a great way to encourage reading in the homeschool day. After they have finished their book ask them to write a book review. It doesn’t have to be long and it could be in a comic format, or list, whatever they are comfortable with. That way it will encourage them to retain the information and retell it in their own words.
16.Write a Film vs Book Comparison
I have previously mentioned that David Walliams is our favourite author, but Roald Dahl and so many other books have been turned into films. Ask your children to compare the book against the film. Every time we have done this, the book always is the best according to Freddie.
17.Ask questions about the book
At breakfast or dinner when you are all together, ask questions about the book they are reading. Who is their favourite character and why? What is the book about, how does it make them feel?
Reading should be fun, if you have any other tips on how to encourage reading in children please let me know in the comments below. Thanks for your reading.