L2-U2-P2-1 Listening: At School
This is Lisa's daily schedule. 這是麗莎的每日日程安排。
She goes to school five days a week. 她每周上五天學(xué)嘉抓。
She gets up at 6:30. 她六點(diǎn)半起床蚕甥。
She gets dressed between 6:30 and 6:40. 她在6:30到6:40之間穿衣服佃蚜。
At 6:45 she eats breakfast. 六點(diǎn)四十五分她吃早飯舀武。
After breakfast she brushes her teeth. 早飯后她刷牙邻辉。
She leaves for school at 7:00. 她七點(diǎn)動(dòng)身去學(xué)校轿衔。
It takes between 40 and 50 minutes to go to school. 到學(xué)校需要40到50分鐘。
Sometimes she takes the subway. 有時(shí)她乘地鐵浪谴。
Sometimes she takes a bus. 有時(shí)她乘公共汽車开睡。
She usually gets to school around 7:45. 她通常7點(diǎn)45分左右到學(xué)校。
Her first class begins at 8:00. 她的第一節(jié)課8點(diǎn)開始苟耻。
At 12:00 she has lunch with her friends. 12點(diǎn)她和朋友們一起吃午飯篇恒。
After lunch she has classes until 2:50. 午飯后她上課到2:50。
She leaves school around 3:00. 她大約3點(diǎn)離開學(xué)校凶杖。
L2-U2-P2-2 Listening : After School
After school she goes home. 放學(xué)后她回家胁艰。
She usually gets home around 3:45. 她通常3點(diǎn)45分左右到家。
When she gets home, she cleans her room. 當(dāng)她到家時(shí)智蝠,她打掃她的房間腾么。
Then, at 4:00, she sits down at the piano and begins to practice. 然后,在4點(diǎn)杈湾,她坐在鋼琴前開始練習(xí)解虱。
She usually practices for about 45 minutes, until around 4:45. 她通常練習(xí)45分鐘左右,直到4:45左右漆撞。
But sometimes she practices for an hour. 但有時(shí)她會(huì)練習(xí)一個(gè)小時(shí)殴泰。
After practicing, she does some homework. 練習(xí)之后,她做了一些家庭作業(yè)浮驳。
She does homework until dinner time, which is at 6:00. 她做作業(yè)直到晚飯時(shí)間悍汛,也就是6點(diǎn)。
After dinner, she washes the dishes. 晚飯后至会,她洗盤子员凝。
Then she goes to her room and starts doing her homework. 然后她回到房間開始做作業(yè)。
From 7:00 until around 9:00, she does her homework. 從7點(diǎn)到9點(diǎn)左右奋献,她做作業(yè)健霹。
She also talks with her friends on the phone. 她還和朋友通電話。
Sometimes they work on their homework together. 有時(shí)他們一起做作業(yè)瓶蚂。
Sometimes she has a lot of homework. 有時(shí)她有很多作業(yè)糖埋。
On those nights she does homework until 9:30 or later. 在那些晚上,她做作業(yè)直到9:30或更晚窃这。
After finishing her homework, she likes to read. 做完作業(yè)后瞳别,她喜歡看書。
Lisa loves to read good books in bed. 麗莎喜歡在床上讀好書杭攻。
She usually reads until around 10:30. 她通乘盍玻看書到10:30左右。
She usually goes to bed between 10:00 and 10:45. 她通常在十點(diǎn)到十點(diǎn)四十五之間睡覺兆解。
Sometimes she goes to sleep right away. 有時(shí)她立刻就睡著了馆铁。
Sometimes she can't sleep, so she listens to some piano music. 有時(shí)她睡不著,所以她聽一些鋼琴曲锅睛。
She's usually sleeping by 11:00. 她通常11點(diǎn)睡覺埠巨。
L2-U2-P2-3 Vocabulary :Jobs &Places
a bus driver公共汽車司機(jī)A bus driver drives a bus. 公共汽車司機(jī)開公共汽車。
a fisherman漁夫 A fisherman catches fish. 漁夫捕魚现拒。
policemen警察Policemen catch people who drive too fast. 警察抓住超速開車的人辣垒。
a farmer農(nóng)民
A farmer grows food such as rice and tomatoes. 農(nóng)民種植糧食,如水稻和西紅柿印蔬。
a thief小偷
A thief steals things such as purses and wallets. 小偷偷錢包和皮夾之類的東西勋桶。
Business people商人
Businesspeople often work in office buildings. 商人經(jīng)常在辦公樓里工作。
a coffee shop咖啡店
You can have coffee and some food in a coffee shop. 你可以在咖啡店喝咖啡侥猬,吃點(diǎn)東西例驹。
a cinema電影院 You can see a movie in a cinema. 你可以在電影院看電影
a department store百貨公司
You can buy clothes and many other things in a department store. 你可以在百貨商店買衣服和許多其他東西。
a supermarket 超市
You can buy food, toothpaste and shampoo in a supermarket. 你可以在超市里買到食物陵究、牙膏和洗發(fā)水眠饮。
a stadium體育場(chǎng) You can watch sports in a stadium. 你可以在體育場(chǎng)看體育比賽。
L2-U2-P2-4?Vocabulary : Daily Actions
wake up醒醒 She's waking up. 她醒了铜邮。
get dressed穿衣服 He's getting dressed. 他正在穿衣服仪召。
brush teeth刷牙 She's brushing her teeth. 她在刷牙。
take a shower洗澡 He's taking a shower. 他在洗澡松蒜。
eating breakfast吃早餐 She's eating breakfast. 她在吃早餐
L2-U2-P2-5?Dialogue : Invitation邀請(qǐng)
Tom: Good morning, Lisa.
Lisa: Good morning, Tom.
Tom: What are you doing today? 你今天要做什么扔茅?
Lisa: Nothing, it's Saturday, so I'm just staying home.
Why? 沒什么,今天是周六秸苗,所以我就呆在家里召娜。怎么了?
Tom: I feel like seeing a movie. 我想看電影。
Why don't we go to the cinema this afternoon? 我們今天下午去看電影怎么樣?
Lisa: A movie? 電影惊楼?
Tom: Sure, there are several movies showing at the cinema. 是的玖瘸,電影院有好幾部電影在上映秸讹。
I can get tickets on-line. 我可以在網(wǎng)上買到票。
Lisa: I don't know, maybe. 我不知道雅倒,也許吧璃诀。
Tom: If the movies aren't good, we can do something else. 如果電影不好,我們可以做點(diǎn)別的蔑匣。
Lisa: Like what? 比如呢劣欢? It's cold and
it might rain.天很冷,可能會(huì)下雨裁良。
Tom: We can go to the mall and get a pizza. 我們可以去商場(chǎng)買個(gè)披薩凿将。
Lisa: OK, I'll ask my mom and call you
back. 好吧,我問問我媽再打給你价脾。
Tom: Great, I hope your mom says OK. 太好了牧抵,希望你媽媽同意。
Lisa: Yes, me too, bye, Tom. 是的彼棍,我也是灭忠,再見,湯姆座硕。
Lisa: Tom.
Tom: Hi, Lisa.
Lisa: Sorry, but I can't go. 對(duì)不起弛作,我不能去。
My mom wants me to stay at home.我媽媽想讓我呆在家里华匾。
Tom: Why does she want you to stay at home?她為什么要你呆在家里?
Lisa: She wants me to finish my homework. 她想讓我完成作業(yè)映琳。
Tom: That's too bad. 那太糟了。
Lisa: Sorry, maybe we can see a movie next week, OK? 對(duì)不起蜘拉,也許我們下周可以去看電影萨西,好嗎?
Tom: Sure, next week would be fine. 當(dāng)然,下周可以旭旭。
Anyway, have a good day.不管怎樣谎脯,祝你今天愉快。
Lisa: Thanks, Tom. You too. 謝謝持寄,湯姆源梭。你也是。
L2-U2-P2-6 Letters & Numbers : Letters, Times & Numbers
pl: plus加?? plant植物
pr: practice實(shí)踐/練習(xí)??price價(jià)格
tr: a triangle三角形??a train火車
sk: a skirt裙子? the sky天空
sp: speak說話? sports體育
st: stop停止? stars星星
Sunday is the last day of the week. 星期天是一周的最后一天稍味。
Tuesday is the second day of the week. 星期二是一周的第二天废麻。
If today is Monday tomorrow is Tuesday. 如果今天是星期一,明天就是星期二模庐。
If today is Thursday the day before yesterday was Tuesday. 如果今天是星期四烛愧,前天是星期二。
One minute is sixty seconds. 一分鐘是六十秒。
Thirty minutes is half an hour. 三十分鐘就是半小時(shí)怜姿。
6:30 (Six thirty is half past six.)
6:45 (Six forty-five is a quarter to seven.)
January is the first month of the year. 一月是一年的第一個(gè)月慎冤。
February is the second month of the year. 二月是一年中的第二個(gè)月。
0.1 = 1/10 (Zero point one equals one tenth.) 0.1等于1/10沧卢。
0.001 = 1/1000 (Zero point zero zero one equals one one
thousandth.) 零點(diǎn)零零一等于千分之一粪薛。
1000000 (one million) 一百萬(wàn)
350,000 (three hundred fifty thousand) 三十五萬(wàn)