心理時間烤宙,意味著逃離真相(what is)躺枕,去追逐理想(what should be)兄淫。比如蔓姚,我現(xiàn)在內心恐懼坡脐,但終有一天我將從恐懼中解脫;所以晌端,要解脫恐懼,時間是必需的——反正我這樣認為蓬痒。一旦從真相切換到理想漆羔,我就陷入了時間陷阱;時間亲轨,意味著事實與理想之間拉開距離鸟顺,需要我付出努力去彌合。我不喜恐懼蹦锋,努力理解欧芽、分析、拆解恐懼巫湘,或探索恐懼起因昏鹃,或徹底逃避恐懼。所有這些阅嘶,都意味著竭心盡力讯柔,我們已習慣于努力作為护昧,因而總是身陷真實與理想的沖突之中〉肪妫“理想面目”只是我的理念,而理念是虛構的湿酸,不是我的“真實面目”,不是事實昂利。唯有明白時間在制造混亂铁坎,我的“真實面目”才能轉變。
——克里希那穆提《生命書:365觀心日課》(The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti)
what is:真相眯杏、如是實相壳澳、本來如是、實然萎津;
what should be:夢想抹镊、如彼幻相姜性、理應如彼,應然部念。
此篇難譯難懂氨菇。文中所言時間,均是指心理時間查蓉、精神時間豌研,亦即未曾化解的過往重負(過去時間沉淀于心底)唬党,以及用以對治鬼佣、逃避當下痛苦與恐懼(what is)的美好、遙遠未來(what should be)蓝纲。
The Disorder That Time Creates
Time means moving from what is to “what should be.” I am afraid, but one day I shall be free of fear; therefore, time is necessary to be free of fear—at least, that is what we think. To change from what is to “what should be” involves time. Now, time implies effort in that interval between what is and “what should be.” I don’t like fear, and I am going to make an effort to understand, to analyze, to dissect it, or I am going to discover the cause of it, or I am going to escape totally from it. All this implies effort—and effort is what we are used to. We are always in conflict between what is and “what should be.” The “what I should be” is an idea, and the idea is fictitious, it is not “what I am,” which is the fact; and the “what I am” can be changed only when I understand the disorder that time creates.
… So, is it possible for me to be rid of fear totally, completely, on the instant? If I allow fear to continue, I will create disorder all the time; therefore, one sees that time is an element of disorder, not a means to be ultimately free of fear. So there is no gradual process of getting rid of fear, just as there is no gradual process of getting rid of the poison of nationalism. If you have nationalism and you say that eventually there will be the brotherhood of man, in the interval there are wars, there are hatreds, there is misery, there is all this appalling division between man and man; therefore, time is creating disorder.