What LLDB command will...
1.Set a breakpoint on line 26 of the BugFactory.swift file?
breakpoint set --file BugFactory.swift --line 26
2.Set a breakpoint on all Swift methods whose selector is viewDidLoad?
breakpoint set --selector viewDidLoad
3.List all breakpont?
breakpoint list
4.Show the stack trace for all threads?
thread backtrace all
Xcode Debugging 快捷鍵
- Show Navigator (?+0)
- Show Debug Navigator (?+6)
- Show Breakpoint Navigator (?+7)
- Show Debug Area (?+Shift+Y)
- Open Documentation (?+Shift+0)
- Step Over (F6)
- Step Into (F7)
- Step Out (F8)
- Continue (?+Ctrl+Y)
- Build (?+B)
- Run (?+R)
Activate/Deactivate Breakpoint (?+Y)
Quick Search (?+Shift+O)