吳恩達Deep Learning第一課作業(yè)——搭建Deep net

目錄鏈接:吳恩達Deep Learning學習筆記目錄

?1.Outline of the Assignment
?2. Initialization
?3. Forword propagate
?4. Backward propagate
?5. L-layers Model
?6.Training and predicting
?:本次作業(yè)參照Building your Deep Neural Network: Step by Step而完成胧奔。

1. Outline of the Assignment


import numpy as np
import h5py
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from testCases import *
from dnn_utils import sigmoid, sigmoid_backward, relu, relu_backward

# %matplotlib inline
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (5.0, 4.0) # set default size of plots
plt.rcParams['image.interpolation'] = 'nearest'
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gray'

# %load_ext autoreload
# %autoreload 2


Deep Neural Network實現(xiàn)步驟:
?(1)2-layers 和 L-layers 神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)結(jié)構(gòu)參數(shù)初始化

Deep Neural Net compute procedure


matrix A[L] 糊渊, dA[L] W[L],dW[L] Z[L]慧脱,Z[L]
dim (nh[L],m) (nh[L],nh[L-1]) (nh[L],m)


layers gradients back propagate
··· ··· ···

2 .Initialization


?2.1 雙層模型


def initialize_params(n_x,n_h,n_y):
        n_x: num of input layer
        n_h: num of units of hidden layer
        n_y: num of output layer 
    return: a dict
        W1:weights matrix of input layer, dim = [n_h,n_x]
        b1:bias vector of input layer,dim = [n_h,1]
        W2:weights matrix of hidden layer, dim = [n_y,n_h]
        b2:bias vector of hiddden layer,dim = [n_y,1]
    W1 = np.random.randn(n_h,n_x) * 0.001
    b1 = np.zeros((n_h,1))
    W2 = np.random.randn(n_y,n_h) * 0.01
    b2 = np.zeros((n_y,1))
    assert(W1.shape == ( n_h , n_x ))
    assert(b1.shape == ( n_h , 1 ))
    assert(W2.shape == ( n_y , n_h ))
    assert(b2.shape == ( n_y , 1 ))
    params = {
        "W1": W1,
        "b1": b1,
        "W2": W2,
        "b2": b2,
    return params
params = initialize_params(2,2,1)
W1: [ 0.01744812, -0.00761207]
    [ 0.00319039, -0.0024937 ]
b1: [0.]
W2: [ 0.01462108, -0.02060141]
b2: [0.]

?2.2 多層模型


def initialize_params_deep(layer_dims):
    params:a array containing num of neural units of each layer
    return: a dict of weights and bias
    layers = len(layer_dims)
    params = {}
    for layer in range(1,layers):
        params["W" + str(layer)] = np.random.randn(layer_dims[layer],layer_dims[layer - 1]) * np.sqrt(2/layer_dims[layer-1])
        params["b" + str(layer)] = np.zeros((layer_dims[layer],1))
        assert(params["W" + str(layer)].shape == (layer_dims[layer],layer_dims[layer - 1]))
        assert(params["b" + str(layer)].shape == (layer_dims[layer],1))
    return params
params = initialize_params_deep([4,3,2,1])
{'W1':[[ 1.14858562, -0.43257711, -0.37347383, -0.75870339],
        [ 0.6119356 , -1.62743362,  1.23376823, -0.53825456],
        [ 0.22559471, -0.17633148,  1.03386644, -1.45673947]]),
 'b1': array([[0.],
 'W2': array([[-0.26325254, -0.31357907,  0.92571887],
        [-0.89805746, -0.14078704, -0.7167684 ]]),
 'b2': array([[0.],
 'W3': array([[0.04221375, 0.58281521]]),
 'b3': array([[0.]])}

3 .Forword propagate

??由于計算時采用向量化的數(shù)據(jù)進行計算贸呢,neural net 結(jié)構(gòu)描述為:(L-1)層[Linear -> ReLu] -> Linear -> sigmoid(二分類問題)镰烧,Linear計算為:

?3.1 Linear Forword


def linear_forword(previous_A,W,b):
        previous_A:values of previous layer(input data is A[0]), dim = [num_units of previous layer,num of samples]
        W:weights matrix of current layer,dim = [num_units of current layer,num_units of previous layer]
        b:bias vector,dim = [num_units of current layer,1]
        Z:input of activition,dim = [num_units of previous layer,num of samples]
        cache:a dict containing "previous_A","current_W","current_b",stored for computing back propagate
    Z = np.dot(W,previous_A)+b
    assert(Z.shape == (W.shape[0],previous_A.shape[1]))
    cache = (previous_A,W,b)
    return Z,cache

?3.2 Activation Forword


def activation_forwaor(previous_A,W,b,activation):
        previous_A:values of previous layer(input data is A[0]), dim = [num_units of previous layer,num of samples]
        W:weights matrix of current layer,dim = [num_units of current layer,num_units of previous layer]
        b:bias vector,dim = [num_units of current layer,1]
        activation:str "sigmoid" or "relu"
        A:values of current layer , dim = [num_units of current layer,num of samples]
        cache:a dict containing activation_cache and linear_cache of cunrrent layer
            ->activation_cache stores current Z
            ->linear_cache stores "previous_A","current_W","current_b"
    if activation == "sigmoid":
        Z,linear_cache = linear_forword(previous_A,W,b)
        A,activation_cache = sigmoid(Z)
    elif activation == "relu":
        Z,linear_cache = linear_forword(previous_A,W,b)
        A,activation_cache = relu(Z)
    assert (A.shape == (W.shape[0],previous_A.shape[1]))
    cache = (linear_cache,activation_cache)
    return A,cache

?3.3 Forword propagate

def forword_propagate(X,params):
        X:dim = [num of features,num of samples]
        params:output of initialize_params_deep() containing W,b
        A_L:the last activation value
        caches:a list of cache:
            ->every cache of activation_forwaor() ,num:L-1,index:0 to L-2
            ->the last cache of activation_forword(),num:1,index:L-1
    caches = []
    A = X
    L = len(params) // 2 # the dict contains w and b,
    for layer in range(1,L):
        A_pre = A
        A,cache = activation_forwaor(A_pre,
                                     params["W" + str(layer)],
                                     params["b" + str(layer)],
                                     activation = "relu")

    A_L,cache = activation_forwaor(A,
                                   params["W" + str(L)],
                                   params["b" + str(L)],
                                   activation = "sigmoid")
    assert(A_L.shape == (1,X.shape[1]))
    return A_L,caches


3.4 Cost function

def cost(A_L,Y):
    return: cross entropy
    m = Y.shape[1]
    cost  = (-1 / m) * np.sum(np.multiply(Y, np.log(AL)) + np.multiply(1 - Y, np.log(1 - AL)))
    cost = np.squeeze(cost)
    assert(cost.shape == ())
    return cost

4. Backword propagate

?4.1 linear backword


def linear_backword(dZ,cache):
        dZ: current layer dL/dZ
        cache: a tuple -> (previous_A,W,b)
    previous_A,W,b = cache
    m = previous_A.shape[1]
    dW = (1 / m) * np.dot(dZ,previous_A.T)
    db = (1 / m) * np.sum(dZ,axis = 1,keepdims = True)
    dA_pre = np.dot(W.T,dZ)
    assert(dA_pre.shape == previous_A.shape)
    assert(dW.shape == W.shape)
    return dA_pre,dW,db

?4.2 activation backword

??用于計算dZ,再通過linear backword返回dA_pre,dW,db:
def activation_backword(dA,cache,activation):
        dA: current layer dL/dA
        cache: a tuple -> (linear_cache, activation_cache)
        activation:str -> "relu" or "sigmoid"
    linear_cache,activation_cache = cache
    if activation == "relu":
        dZ = relu_backward(dA,activation_cache)
    elif activation == "sigmoid":
        dZ = sigmoid_backward(dA,activation_cache)
    dA_pre,dW,db = linear_backword(dZ,linear_cache)
    return dA_pre,dW,db

?4.3 backword propagate


def backword_propagate(A_L,Y,caches):
        A_L:the last activation value,probability vector,dim = [1,m]
        caches:a list of cache:
            ->every cache of activation_forwaor() ,num:L-1,index:0 to L-2
            ->the last cache of activation_forword(),num:1,index:L-1
        gradients:a dict contains dA, dW, db
    grads = {}
    L = len(caches)
    m = A_L.shape[1]
    Y = Y.reshape(A_L.shape)
    dA_L = -(np.divide(Y,A_L) - np.divide(1 - Y, 1 - A_L))
    current_cache = caches[-1]
    grads["dA" + str(L - 1)], grads["dW" + str(L)], grads["db" + str(L)] = activation_backword(dA_L,current_cache,activation = "sigmoid")
    for layer in reversed(range(L - 1)):
        current_cache = caches[layer]
        dA_prev_temp, dW_temp, db_temp = activation_backword(grads["dA" + str(layer + 1)],current_cache,activation = "relu")
        grads["dA" + str(layer)] = dA_prev_temp
        grads["dW" + str(layer + 1)] = dW_temp
        grads["db" + str(layer + 1)] = db_temp

    return grads

?4.4 optimize parameters

def optimize_params(params,grads,learning_rate = 1e-3):
    L = len(params) // 2
    for layer in range(L):
        params["W" + str(layer + 1)] = params["W" + str(layer + 1)] - learning_rate * grads["dW" + str(layer + 1)]
        params["b" + str(layer + 1)] = params["b" + str(layer + 1)] - learning_rate * grads["db" + str(layer + 1)]
    return params

5 L-layers model

?5.1 model

?? ??((AL-1,WL,bL),(ZL)) = ((Alen(layer_dims)-2,Wlen(layer_dims)-1,blen(layer_dims)-1),(Zlen(layer_dims)-1))

def model(X,Y,layer_dims,learning_rate = 1e-3,epochs = 10):
    costs = []
    params = initialize_params_deep(layer_dims)
    for epoch in range(epochs):
        A_L, caches = forword_propagate(X,params)
        loss = cost(A_L,Y)
        grads = backword_propagate(A_L,Y,caches)
        pramas = optimize_params(params,grads,learning_rate=learning_rate)
        if epoch % 100 == 0:
            print("epoch: %d, cost: %3.3f" % (epoch,loss))
    plt.title("Learning rate =" + str(learning_rate))
    return params

p = model(train_x,train_y,[12288,20,8,6,1],1e-2,2000)

?5.2 predict

def predict(X,params):
    m = X.shape[1]
    predictions = np.zeros((1,m))
    probs,caches = forword_propagate(X,params)
    for i in range(probs.shape[1]):
        predictions[0,i] = 1 if probs[0,i] >0.5 else 0
    assert(predictions.shape == (1,m))
    return predictions

6.Training and predicting

train_dataset = h5py.File("./input/train_catvnoncat.h5","r")
train_dataset_x = np.array(train_dataset['train_set_x'][:])
train_dataset_y = np.array(train_dataset['train_set_y'][:])

test_dataset = h5py.File("./input/test_catvnoncat.h5","r")
test_dataset_x = np.array(test_dataset['test_set_x'][:])
test_dataset_y = np.array(test_dataset['test_set_y'][:])

train_x = train_dataset_x.reshape(train_dataset_x.shape[0],-1).T
train_y = train_dataset_y.reshape(train_dataset_y.shape[0],-1).T
test_x = test_dataset_x.reshape(test_dataset_x.shape[0],-1).T
test_y = test_dataset_y.reshape(test_dataset_y.shape[0],-1).T

train_x = train_x / 255
test_x = test_x / 255

p = model(train_x,train_y,[12288,20,8,6,1],1e-2,2000)
y_pred_train = predict(train_x,p)
print("train_acc: %3.3f" % (1 - np.mean(np.abs(y_pred_train - train_y))))
y_pred_test = predict(test_x,p)
print("test_acc: %3.3f" % (1 - np.mean(np.abs(y_pred_test - test_y))))
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