-(NSString *)databaseFilePathByCardno:(NSString*) cardno;
-(void)creatDatabaseByCardno:(NSString*) cardno;
-(void) insertToUserTableByModel:(MainCardModel*) model Cardno:(NSString*)cardno Block:(void (^)(NSString *errorMsg,NSInteger result, NSError *error))block;
-(void) updateToUserTableByModel:(MainCardModel*) model ID:(NSInteger)ID Cardno:(NSString*)cardno Block:(void (^)(NSString *errorMsg,NSInteger result, NSError *error))block;
-(BOOL)isTableExistWithTableName:(NSString *)tableName;
-(void) deleteAllTableByCardno:(NSString*)cardno;
-(void) deleteTableByCardno:(NSString*)cardno TableName:(NSString*)tableName FieldKey:(NSString*)fieldkey FieldValue:(NSString*)fieldValue Block:(void (^)(NSString *errorMsg,NSInteger result, NSError *error))block ;
-(void) deleteSomeTableByCardno:(NSString*)cardno TableName:(NSString*)tableName;
- (void)deleteDatabse:(NSString*)cardno;
-(void) dbClose;
2. .m是具體的實(shí)現(xiàn)方法犁享。如下:
NSString *porjectDir = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Documents/%@db.sqlite", NSHomeDirectory(),cardno];
BOOL isDir = NO;
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
BOOL existed = [fileManager fileExistsAtPath:porjectDir isDirectory:&isDir];
if ( !(isDir == YES && existed == YES) )
return YES;
return NO;
NSString *porjectDir = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/Documents/%@db.sqlite", NSHomeDirectory(), cardno];
NSFileManager *fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
[fileManager removeItemAtPath:porjectDir error:nil];
-(NSString *)databaseFilePathByCardno:(NSString*) cardno{
NSArray *filePath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentPath = [filePath objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *dbFilePath = [documentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@db.sqlite",cardno]];
return dbFilePath;
-(void)creatDatabaseByCardno:(NSString*) cardno
self.db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:[self databaseFilePathByCardno:cardno]];
-(BOOL)isTableExistWithTableName:(NSString *)tableName
FMResultSet *set = [self.db executeQuery:@"select count(*) as count from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name = ?",tableName];
if ([set next]) {
NSInteger count = [set intForColumn:@"count"];
if (0 == count) {
return NO;
return YES;
return NO;
// 刪除數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)
- (void)deleteDatabse:(NSString*)cardno
if (!self.db) {
[self creatDatabaseByCardno:cardno];
if ([self.db open]) {
BOOL res = [self.db executeUpdate:@"drop table user"];
if (!res) {
NSLog(@"error when droping db table");
} else {
NSLog(@"success to droping db table");
[self.db executeUpdate:@"drop table user"];
if (!self.db) {
[self creatDatabaseByCardno:cardno];
[self.db setShouldCacheStatements:YES];
if ([self.db open]) {
if(![self isTableExistWithTableName:@"user"]){
NSString* userCreate = @"CREATE table user(CustomerName TEXT, position TEXT,name TEXT,phone TEXT,pictureName TEXT,fanpictureName TEXT,id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)";
BOOL re = [self.db executeUpdate:userCreate];
if (!re) {
NSLog(@"error when creating db user");
} else {
NSLog(@"success to creating db user");
return NO;
return YES;
-(void) insertToUserTableByModel:(MainCardModel*) model Cardno:(NSString*)cardno Block:(void (^)(NSString *errorMsg,NSInteger result, NSError *error))block{
if (!self.db) {
[self creatDatabaseByCardno:cardno];
if ([self.db open]) {
NSString* sqlInsert = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"INSERT INTO user(CustomerName, position,name,phone,pictureName,fanpictureName) VALUES('%@','%@','%@','%@','%@','%@')",model.CustomerName,model.position,model.name,model.phone,model.pictureName,model.fanpictureName];
BOOL res = [self.db executeUpdate:sqlInsert];
if (!res) {
NSLog(@"error when insert db user");
NSInteger result = 2;
NSString * errmeg = @"客戶數(shù)據(jù)插入失敗";
if (block) {
} else {
NSLog(@"success to insert db user");
NSInteger result = 1;
NSString * errmeg = @"客戶數(shù)據(jù)插入成功";
if (block) {
-(void) updateToUserTableByModel:(MainCardModel*) model ID:(NSInteger)ID Cardno:(NSString*)cardno Block:(void (^)(NSString *errorMsg,NSInteger result, NSError *error))block
if (!self.db) {
[self creatDatabaseByCardno:cardno];
if ([self.db open]) {
NSString* sqlInsert = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"update? user set CustomerName = '%@', position = '%@',name = '%@' ,phone = '%@' ,pictureName = '%@' ,fanpictureName = '%@' where id = %ld? ",model.CustomerName,model.position,model.name,model.phone,model.pictureName,model.fanpictureName,ID];
BOOL res = [self.db executeUpdate:sqlInsert];
if (!res) {
NSLog(@"error when update db user");
NSInteger result = 2;
NSString * errmeg = @"客戶數(shù)據(jù)更新失敗";
if (block) {
} else {
NSLog(@"success to update db user");
NSInteger result = 1;
NSString * errmeg = @"客戶數(shù)據(jù)更新成功";
if (block) {
-(void) deleteAllTableByCardno:(NSString*)cardno{
if (!self.db) {
[self creatDatabaseByCardno:cardno];
if ([self.db open]) {
[self.db executeUpdate:@"delete from user"];
-(void) deleteTableByCardno:(NSString*)cardno TableName:(NSString*)tableName FieldKey:(NSString*)fieldkey FieldValue:(NSString*)fieldValue? Block:(void (^)(NSString *errorMsg,NSInteger result, NSError *error))block {
if (!self.db) {
[self creatDatabaseByCardno:cardno];
if ([self.db open]) {
NSString* delSql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"delete from %@ where %@ = %@",tableName,fieldkey,fieldValue];
BOOL res = [self.db executeUpdate:delSql];
if (!res) {
NSLog(@"error when delete db user");
NSInteger result = 2;
NSString * errmeg = @"客戶數(shù)據(jù)刪除失敗";
if (block) {
NSLog(@"success to delete db user");
NSInteger result = 1;
NSString * errmeg = @"客戶數(shù)據(jù)刪除成功";
if (block) {
-(void) deleteSomeTableByCardno:(NSString*)cardno TableName:(NSString*)tableName{
if (!self.db) {
[self creatDatabaseByCardno:cardno];
if ([self.db open]) {
NSString* delSql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"delete from %@",tableName];
[self.db executeUpdate:delSql];
-(void) dbClose{
[self.db close];
[manger? creatDatabaseByCardno:@"001"];
? (2)創(chuàng)建表
[manger createTableByCardno:@"001"];
[manger insertToUserTableByModel:model Cardno:@"001" Block:^(NSString *errorMsg, NSInteger result, NSError *error) {
if (result == 1) {
if (!manger.db) {
[manger creatDatabaseByCardno:@"001"];
NSMutableArray *ary ;
if ([manger.db open]){
NSString* selectSql = @"";
if (str.length>0) {
selectSql = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"select * from user where CustomerName like '%%%@%%' or position like? '%%%@%%'? or? name like '%%%@%%' ",str,str,str];
selectSql = @"select * from user";
ary = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
FMResultSet * rs = [manger.db executeQuery:selectSql];
while ([rs next]) {
MainCardModel* model = [[MainCardModel alloc] init];
model.ID = [[rs stringForColumn:@"id"]integerValue];
model.CustomerName = [rs stringForColumn:@"CustomerName"];
model.position = [rs stringForColumn:@"position"];
model.phone = [rs stringForColumn:@"phone"];
model.name = [rs stringForColumn:@"name"];
model.pictureName = [rs stringForColumn:@"pictureName"];
model.fanpictureName = [rs stringForColumn:@"fanpictureName"];
[ary addObject:model];
return ary;
[manger deleteTableByCardno:@"001" TableName:@"user" FieldKey:@"ID" FieldValue:str Block:^(NSString *errorMsg, NSInteger result, NSError *error) {
if (result == 1) {