Directed graph,set of vertices connected pairwise by directed edges.
1. Is there a directed path from s to t?
2. What is the shortest directed path from s to v?
3. Can you draw a digraph that all edges point upward?
4. Is there a directed path between all pairs of vertices?
三碾褂、Digraph related algorithm
1. DFS?
[idea] To visit a vertex v:
a. mark v as visited
b. recursively visit all unmarked vertices pointing from v
[C++ code]?function buildDepthFirstPaths,DFS, showDFPath
direct solution to simple digraph problems:
a. reachability( find all vertices reachable from s along a directed path)
b. find the path
c. topological sort
d. directed cycle detection
basis for solving difficult digraph problems:
a. directed Euler Path
b. strongly-connected components
[idea] Put source vertex s onto a FIFO queue,mark s as visited,repeat util the queue is empty:
a. remove the least recently added vertex v
b. for each unmarked vertex pointing from v,add to queue and marked as visited
[C++ code]?function buildBreadFirstPaths,showBFPath
3.Topological Sort
[idea] run DFS demo and return vertices in reverse postorder
[C++ code]?function getDepthFirstOrder
[application] Precedence scheduling: given a set of tasks to be complete with precedence constraints, work out the order of the tasks.
5.Kosaraju-Sharir algorithm? ? (work out strong connected components in digraph)
a. get digraph G's reverse graph Gr
b. compute reverse postorder in Gr (run DFS)
c. run DFS in G,visiting unmarked vertices in reverse postorder of Gr
[C++ code]?function getSCC