.Vitamin: vitemin
. flesh: fl3f 果肉
. fragrant: freigrent (香的)
. fruit: they are uncountable
. pit: pit / stone: stoune ( is the core of a fruit )
Small and round: like cherry
? leechee is round and red
. cherry: ch3rri
. grape
? ? Do you like a brunch of grapes.
. cherry tomato (圣女果)
. strawberry: [?str?:b3ri]
. longan: l)ngen
. plum: plvm 李子
. blueberry
oval: ouvl / round medium size
. papaya: pepa:je
? I like eating papaya.
. kiwi 獼猴桃
. mango: maengou
. avocado: aeveka:dou 牛油果
. peach: pi:ch
. pear
.pomegranate: pa:migraenit 石榴
. mangosteen: 'maejnge,sti:n 山竹 ( a dark reddish-brown skin and cream white fresh )
? I like mangosteens.
. dragon fruit
citrus: sitres
Oranges and lemons belong to citrus.
1. lemon: l3men
2. lime (laimi) cyan peel 青檸
3. orange
4.mandarin? / tangerine: taend3erin
5. pomelo: pa:melou
Long round
. Banana Peel: ee->i
? In one episode, banana peel a naughty child throw on purpose make someone slip, when someone pass through.
. banana
. sugar cane: cein
Large and round
. watermelon
.honeydew(hvnidu:) melon: 哈密瓜
? - cantaloupe: kaetelu:p
? - melon: 香瓜
. durian: durien
? Its flesh taste tasty and smells fragrant for me.
. pineapple: painaeple
. coconut: coucenvt
? Coconut's juice is fresh? and sweet.
. pomelo: pa:melou (green peel and red or lime flesh
. juicy
. fragrant: [?freɡr?nt] ( smell good )
. smelly
When? litchi ripen, the? peel of litchi will become red.
. How much are these durian per kilo?
. Could I sample these? / Could I have a try?