15110-張智峰 Laurence
This is also a book I have read before, which I liked so much. It is written by Margaret Wise Brown, Judging from the name, we can know this is a book before bed time which could make the kids calm down and go to bed peacefully.
The 1st page came to “in the great green room, there was a telephone, and a red balloon, and a picture of”, this page lead the reader guide the listeners to find the stuff one by one, as I saw the pic, I felt very comfortable for the colors. Then we came to the 2nd page, the pic’s color has turned to black from multiple colors, followed by the sentences “The cow jumping over the moon, and there were three little bears sitting on chairs”. The 3rd page changed the colors back into multiple colors, followed by “and two little kittens, and a pair of mittens, and a little toyhouse, and a young mouse”, I guessed my kid would love to find the animals. Then the 4th page changed the color to black again, follow by the sentences “and a comb and a brush and bowl full of mush, and a quiet old lady who was whispering hush”. “good night room” seems to come in a very harmonious way like we needed to go to bed now.
Then next page came to “good night moon, goodnight cow jumping over the moon”. Then when I turned to the next page, the moon and the cow which had showed up at last page appeared in this page, but obviously the light in this page seems to be turned off.? This page was followed by “good night light, and the red balloon, good night bears, good night chairs”. The author seems to say good night to everything in the room like they were part of his life, then he could have a very sound sleep. By reviewing this book, next time when I read it to Melon, I needed to be slower and with more patience.