Yesterday, it was my birthday!! But Eva, my friend, came to my house the day before yesterday because she has to sleepover at my house!! She (Eva) came to my house a little bit early. So, we played at a soccer game and open the gift Eva gave me (and I know that it’s a bit early to open the gifts!) . Then, we went to bed and we secretly spoke a long time! HI HI!! Then I said:" I'm sleepy so I'm gonna sleep!" So, me and Eva slept! The morning after the day before yesterday (saturday), we did our homework and ate gummies!! After that, we ate our breakfast and a part of the cake!
Then, we did a treasure hunt!? In the last clue, it was said:"You can find the treasure in a hiding place of hide-and-seek!"So, we played at hide-and-seek!
At the last game of hide-and-seek, Eva found the treasure! In it has: a lollipop, 3 Gustave, 2 glues (the squishy glue, not the glue for school!)
A water gun, and a sort of gummies! After that, we went to Cineplex with my mom to watch this movie: Pup Stars Better 2gether!
I love this movie! While we were watching the movie, we ate the lollipop and popcorns!
Then, we went to a restaurant: Fu Lam. It was VERY good! After that, we went to Winners and my mom gave me a gift! I don't want to say what's the gift...We played at my house with the gift my mom gave me, and we went to Radisson parc! We played? Tag while my mom was doing exercices.? It was FUN!! After that, we went home and played crazy soccer Waka-Waka game and played the crazy ballet (all those games are me and Eva invented!) .Then my party was finished… OUIN!!!
BUT I LOVE MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? FINISH