SELECT version();
SELECT DISTINCT(ENGINE) FROM information_schema.tables;
create database zoo;
use zoo;
drop database zoo;
show databases;
create database test_db;
use test_db;
drop table tb_emp1;
create table tb_emp1(
id int(11),
name varchar(25),
deptId int(11),
salary float
show tables;
create table tb_emp2(
id int(11) primary key,
name varchar(25),
deptId int(11),
salary float
create table tb_emp3(
id int(11),
name varchar(25),
deptId int(11),
salary float,
primary key(id)
create table tb_emp4(
name varchar(25),
deptId int(11),
salary float,
primary key(name, deptId)
create table tb_dept1(
id int(11) primary key,
name varchar(22) not null,
location varchar(50)
create table tb_em5(
id int(11) primary key,
name varchar(25),
deptId int(11),
salary float,
constraint fk_emp_dept1 foreign key(deptId) references tb_dept1(id)
create table tb_emp6(
id int(11) primary key,
name varchar(25) not null,
deptId int(11),
salary float
create table tb_dept2(
id int(11) primary key,
name varchar(22) unique,
location varchar(50)
create table tb_dept3(
id int(11) primary key,
name varchar(22),
location varchar(50),
constraint STH unique(name)
create table tb_emp7(
id int(11) primary key,
name varchar(25) not null,
deptId int(11) default 1111,
salary float
create table tb_emp8(
id int(11) primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(25) not null,
deptId int(11),
salary float
show tables;
insert into tb_emp8(name, salary)
value('Lucy', 1000),
('Lura', 1200),
('Kevin', 1500);
select * from tb_emp8;
describe tb_emp8;
desc tb_emp8;
show create table tb_emp1;
alter table tb_dept3 rename tb_deptment3;
show tables;
alter table tb_dept1 modify name varchar(30);
desc tb_dept1;
alter table tb_dept1 change location loc varchar(50);
alter table tb_dept1 change loc location varchar(60);
4.3.4 添加字段
alter table tb_dept1 add managerId int(10);
alter table tb_dept1 add column1 varchar(12) not null;
alter table tb_dept1 add column2 int(11) first;
alter table tb_dept1 add column3 int(11) after name;
4.3.5 刪除字段
alter table tb_dept1 drop column2;
alter table tb_dept1 modify column1 varchar(12) first;
alter table tb_dept1 modify column1 varchar(12) after location;
4.3.7 更改表的存儲引擎
show engines;
show create table tb_dept1;
alter table tb_dept1 engine=InnoDB;
4.3.8 刪除表的外鍵約束
create table tb_dept9(
id int(11) primary key,
name varchar(25),
deptId int(11),
salary float,
constraint fk_emp_dept foreign key (deptId) references tb_dept1(id)
show create table tb_dept9;
alter table tb_dept9 drop foreign key fk_emp_dept;
4.4 刪除數(shù)據(jù)表
drop table if exists tb_dept2;
show tables;
create table tb_dept2(
id int(11) primary key,
name varchar(22),
location varchar(50)
create table tb_emp(
id int(11) primary key,
name varchar(25),
deptId int(11),
salary float,
constraint fk_emp_dept foreign key (deptId) references tb_dept2(id)
drop table tb_dept2;
alter table tb_emp drop foreign key fk_emp_dept;
4.5 查看默認(rèn)字符集
show variables like 'character_set_database';
4.7 綜合案例
create database company;
use company;
create table offices(
officeCode int(10) primary key not null unique,
city varchar(50) not null,
address varchar(50),
country varchar(50) not null,
postalCode varchar(15) unique
create table employees(
employeeNumber int(11) primary key not null unique auto_increment,
lastName varchar(50) not null,
firstName varchar(50) not null,
mobile varchar(25) unique,
officeCode int(10) not null,
jobTitle varchar(50) not null,
birth datetime not null,
note varchar(255),
sex varchar(5),
constraint office_fk foreign key(officeCode) references offices(officeCode)
show tables;
alter table employees modify mobile varchar(255) after officeCode;
alter table employees change birth employee_birth datetime;
alter table employees modify sex char(1) not null;
alter table employees drop note;
alter table employees add favoriate_activity varchar(100);
alter table employees drop foreign key office_fk;
drop table offices;
alter table employees engine=MyISAM;
alter table employees rename employees_info;
4.9 經(jīng)典習(xí)題
create database Market;
use Market;
create table customers(
c_num int(11) primary key not null unique auto_increment,
c_name varchar(50),
c_contact varchar(50),
c_city varchar(50),
c_birth datetime not null
desc customers;
alter table customers modify c_contact varchar(50) after c_birth;
alter table customers modify c_name varchar(70);
alter table customers change c_contact c_phone varchar(50);
alter table customers add c_gender char(1);
alter table customers rename customers_info;
show tables;
alter table customers_info drop c_city;
alter table customers_info engine=InnoDB;
create table orders(
o_num int(11) primary key not null unique auto_increment,
o_date date ,
c_id int(11),
constraint orders_fk foreign key (c_id) references customers_info(c_num)
show tables;
desc orders;
alter table orders drop foreign key orders_fk;
drop table orders;
7.1 基本查詢語句
create table fruits(
f_id char(10) not null,
s_id int not null,
f_name char(255) not null,
f_price decimal(8,2) not null,
primary key(f_id)
insert into fruits
(f_id, s_id, f_name, f_price)
('a1', 101, 'apple', 5.2),
('b1', 101, 'blackberry', 10.2),
('bs1', 102, 'orange', 11.2),
('bs2', 105, 'melon', 8.2),
('t1', 102, 'banana', 10.3),
('t2', 102, 'grape', 5.3),
('o2', 103, 'coconut', 3.2),
('c0', 101, 'cherry', 3.2),
('a2', 103, 'apricot', 2.3),
('l2', 104, 'lemon', 6.4),
('b2', 104, 'berry', 7.6),
('m1', 106, 'mango', 15.7),
('m2', 105, 'xbabay', 2.6),
('t4', 107, 'xbababa', 3.6),
('m3', 105, 'xxtt',11.6),
('b5', 107, 'xxxx', 3.6);
select f_id, f_name from fruits;
7.2 單表查詢
select * from fruits;
select f_id, s_id, f_name, f_price from fruits;
select f_name from fruits;
7.2.3 查詢指定記錄
select f_name, f_price from fruits where f_price = 10.2;
select f_name, f_price from fruits where f_name='apple';
select f_name, f_price from fruits where f_price < 10;
7.2.4 in 和 not in 查詢
select s_id, f_name, f_price from fruits where s_id in (101, 102) order by f_name;
select s_id, f_name, f_price from fruits where s_id not in (101, 102) order by f_name;
7.2.5 between and
select f_name, f_price from fruits where f_price between 2.00 and 10.20;
7.2.6 like 查詢
select f_id, f_name from fruits where f_name like 'b%';
select f_id, f_name from fruits where f_name like '%g%';
select f_id, f_name from fruits where f_name like 'b%y';
select f_id, f_name from fruits where f_name like '____y';
7.2.7 查詢空值
create table customers(
c_id int not null auto_increment,
c_name char(50) not null,
c_address char (50) null,
c_city char(50) null,
c_zip char(10) null,
c_contact char(50) null,
c_email char(255) null,
primary key(c_id)
insert into customers
(c_id, c_name, c_address, c_city, c_zip, c_contact, c_email)
(10001, 'RedHook', '200 Street', 'Tianjin', '300000', 'LiMing', 'LiMing@163.com'),
(10002, 'Stars', '333 Fromage Lane', 'Dalian', '116000', 'Zhangbo', 'Jerry@hotmai.com'),
(10003, 'Netbhood', '1 Sunny Place', 'Qingdao', '266000', 'LuoCong', Null),
(10004, 'JOTO', '829 Riverside Drive', 'Haikou', '570000', 'YangShan', 'sam@hotmail.com');
select c_id, c_name, c_email from customers where c_email is null;
select c_id, c_name, c_email from customers where c_email is not null;
7.2.8 帶and 多條件查詢
select f_id, f_price, f_name from fruits where s_id = 101 and f_price >= 5;
select f_id, f_price, f_name from fruits where s_id in (101, 102) and f_price >=5 and f_name='apple';
7.2.9 帶or 的多條件查詢
select s_id, f_name, f_price from fruits where s_id = 101 or s_id = 102;
and 的優(yōu)先級比or的優(yōu)先級高
7.2.10 查詢結(jié)果不重復(fù)
select distinct s_id from fruits;
7.2.11 對查詢結(jié)果排序
select f_name from fruits order by f_name;
select f_name, f_price from fruits order by f_name, f_price;
升序 asc 降序 desc
select f_name, f_price from fruits order by f_price desc;
select f_price, f_name from fruits order by f_price desc, f_name;
7.2.12 分組查詢
select s_id, count(*) as Total from fruits group by s_id;
select s_id, group_concat(f_name) as Names from fruits group by s_id;
having 分組之后過濾
select s_id, group_concat(f_name) as Names from fruits group by s_id having count(f_name) > 1;
with rollup 不能與order by 同時使用
select s_id, coalesce(s_id, '總計'), count(*) as Total from fruits group by s_id with rollup;
select s_id, f_name from fruits group by s_id, f_name;
select * from fruits group by s_id, f_name;
select @@GLOBAL.sql_mode;
create table orderitems(
o_num int not null,
o_item int not null,
f_id char(10) not null,
quantity int not null,
item_price decimal(8,2) not null,
primary key (o_num, o_item)
insert into orderitems
(o_num, o_item, f_id, quantity, item_price)
(30001, 1, 'a1', 10, 5.2),
(30001, 2, 'b2', 3, 7.6),
(30001, 3, 'bs1', 5, 11.2),
(30001, 4, 'bs2', 15, 9.2),
(30002, 1, 'b3', 2, 20.0),
(30003, 1, 'c0', 100, 10),
(30004, 1, 'o2', 50, 2.50),
(30005, 1, 'c0', 5, 10),
(30005, 2, 'b1', 10, 8.99),
(30005, 3, 'a2', 10, 2.2),
(30005, 4, 'm1', 4, 14.99);
select o_num, SUM(quantity * item_price) AS orderTotal from orderitems group by o_num having SUM(quantity * item_price) >= 100;
select o_num, SUM(quantity * item_price) AS orderTotal from orderitems group by o_num having SUM(quantity * item_price) >= 100 order by orderTotal;
7.2.13 limit
select * from fruits limit 4;
select * from fruits limit 4,3;
select * from fruits limit 3 offset 4;
7.3.1 COUNT()函數(shù)
select count(*) as cust_num from customers;
select count(c_email) as email_num from customers;
select * from orderitems ;
select o_num, count(f_id) from orderitems group by o_num;
7.3.2 SUM()函數(shù)
select sum(quantity) as items_total from orderitems where o_num = 30005;
select o_num, sum(quantity) as items_total from orderitems group by o_num;
7.3.3 AVG() 函數(shù)
select avg(f_price) as avg_price from fruits where s_id=103;
select s_id, avg(f_price) as avg_price from fruits group by s_id;
7.3.4 MAX() 函數(shù)
select MAX(f_price) as max_price from fruits;
select s_id, max(f_price) as max_price from fruits group by s_id;
select max(f_name) from fruits;
7.3.5 MIN() 函數(shù)
select min(f_price) as min_price from fruits;
select s_id, min(f_price) as min_price from fruits group by s_id;
7.4.1 內(nèi)連接查詢
create table suppliers(
s_id int not null auto_increment,
s_name char(50) not null,
s_city char(50) null,
s_zip char(10) null,
s_call char(50) not null,
primary key(s_id)
insert into suppliers
(s_id, s_name, s_city, s_zip, s_call)
(101, 'FastFruit Inc.', 'Tianjin', '300000', '48075'),
(102, 'LT Supplies', 'Chongqing', '400000', '44333'),
(103, 'ACME', 'Shanghai', '200000', '90046'),
(104, 'FNK Inc.', 'Zhongshan','528437','11111'),
(105, 'Good Set','Taiyuan','030000','2222'),
(106,'Just Eat Ours', 'Beijing','010', '45678'),
(107, 'DK Inc', 'Zhengzhou', '450000','33332');
desc fruits;
desc suppliers;
select suppliers.s_id, s_name, f_name, f_price from fruits, suppliers where fruits.s_id = suppliers.s_id;
select f.f_name, f.f_price, s.s_id, s.s_name from fruits f inner join suppliers s on f.s_id = s.s_id;
select f1.f_id, f1.f_name from fruits f1, fruits f2 where f1.s_id = f2.s_id and f2.f_id = 'a1';
7.4.2 外連接查詢
create table orders(
o_num int not null auto_increment,
o_date datetime not null,
c_id int not null,
primary key(o_num)
insert into orders (o_num, o_date, c_id)
(30001, '2008-09-01', 10001),
(30002, '2018-09-12', 10003),
(30003, '2018-09-30', 10004),
(30004, '2018-10-03', 10005),
(30005, '2018-10-08', 10001);
左連接: 包含左表中的所有記錄和右表中連接字段相等的記錄
select customers.c_id, orders.o_num from customers left join orders on customers.c_id = orders.c_id;
右連接: 包含右表中的所有記錄和左表中連接字段相等的記錄
select customers.c_id, orders.o_num from customers right join orders on customers.c_id = orders.c_id;
7.4.3 復(fù)合條件連接查詢
select customers.c_id, orders.o_num from customers inner join orders on customers.c_id = orders.c_id and customers.c_id=10001;
select s.s_id, s.s_name, f.f_name, f.f_price from fruits f inner join suppliers s on f.s_id = s.s_id order by s.s_id;
7.5 子查詢
create table tbl1 (num1 int not null);
create table tbl2 (num2 int not null);
insert into tbl1 values(1), (5), (13), (27);
insert into tbl2 values(6), (14), (11), (20);
關(guān)鍵字ANY 或者SOME
select num1 from tbl1 where num1 > ANY (select num2 from tbl2 );
select num1 from tbl1 where num1 > SOME (select num2 from tbl2);
關(guān)鍵字 ALL
select num1 from tbl1 where num1 > ALL (select num2 from tbl2);
關(guān)鍵字 EXISTS
select * from fruits where exists (select s_name from suppliers where s_id = 107);
select * from fruits where f_price > 10.20 and exists (select s_name from suppliers where s_id = 107);
select * from fruits where not exists (select s_name from suppliers where s_id = 107);
關(guān)鍵字 IN
select c_id from orders where o_num in (select o_num from orderitems where f_id = 'c0');
select c_id from orders where o_num not in (select o_num from orderitems where f_id = 'c0');
7.5 帶比較運算符的子查詢
select s_id, f_name from fruits where s_id = (select s_id from suppliers where s_city = 'Tianjin');
select s_id, f_name from fruits where s_id <> (select s_id from suppliers where s_city = 'Tianjin');
7.6 合并查詢結(jié)果(union)
select * from fruits where f_price < 9 union select * from fruits where s_id in (101, 103) ;
select * from fruits where f_price < 9 union all select * from fruits where s_id in (101, 103) ;
7.7 為表和字段取別名 AS
7.7.1 為表取別名
select * from orders o where o.o_num = 30001;
7.7.2 為字段取別名
select f_name as fruit_name , f_price as fruit_price from fruits as f1 where f_price < 8;
select concat(TRIM(s_name), '(', TRIM(s_city), ')') as suppliers_title from suppliers order by s_name;
7.8 使用正則表達(dá)式查詢
select * from fruits where f_name REGEXP '^b';
select * from fruits where f_name REGEXP '^be';
select * from fruits where f_name REGEXP 'y';
select * from fruits where f_name REGEXP 'a.g';
select * from fruits where f_name REGEXP '^ba*';
select * from fruits where f_name REGEXP '^ba+';
select * from fruits where f_name REGEXP 'on';
select * from fruits where f_name REGEXP 'on|ap';
like 如果字符串在文本中間出現(xiàn)匹配不到
select * from fruits where f_name like 'on';
select * from fruits where f_name REGEXP '[ot]';
select * from fruits where f_id REGEXP '[456]';
select * from fruits where f_id REGEXP '[^a-e1-2]';
select * from fruits where f_name REGEXP 'x{2,}';
select * from fruits where f_name REGEXP 'ba{1,3}';