
-:Internet Explorer CSS :-


_::selection, :root.selector { property:value; }

Anything But Firefox andInternet Explorer 8-

Author:Jeff Clayton

_::selection,.selector { property:value; }

Anything But Firefox andInternet Explorer 8

Author:Jeff Clayton

:root .selector{ property:value; }

Anything But InternetExplorer 8-

Source:Standard CSS3

_:root,.selector { property:value; }

Anything But InternetExplorer 8 (or ie6-)

Author:Jeff Clayton

.selector, #not#ie8{ property:value; }

Anything But InternetExplorer 8

Source:BigList of CSS Hacks

_:lang(x),.selector { property:value; }

Anything But InternetExplorer 7-

Author:Jeff Clayton

_css-text,.selector { property:value; }

Anything But InternetExplorer 6-

Author:Jeff Clayton

.selector { prop\erty:value;}

Anything but InternetExplorer 5-

Source:BigList of CSS Hacks


_:-ms-fullscreen, :root.selector { property:value; }

Internet Explorer 11+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-ms-lang(x),.selector { property:value; }

Internet Explorer 10+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-ms-input-placeholder,:root .selector { property:value; }

Internet Explorer 10+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-ms-lang(x),.selector { property:value\9; }

Internet Explorer 10

Author:Jeff Clayton

_::selection,.selector { property:value\0; }

Internet Explorer 9+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (min-width:0\0) and (min-resolution:+72dpi) { .selector { property:value; }}

Internet Explorer 9+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (min-width:0\0) and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) { .selector { property:value;} }

Internet Explorer 9

Author:Jeff Clayton

.selector {property:value\0; }

Internet Explorer 8+

Source:BigList of CSS Hacks

.selector {property:value\0/; }

Internet Explorer 8

Source:Paul Irish

_:first,.selector { property:value; }

Internet Explorer 7

Author:Jeff Clayton

*+html.selector { property:value; }

Internet Explorer 7

Source:Paul Irish

.selector, {property:value; }

Internet Explorer 7-

Source:CSS Mojo

.selector {_property:value\9; }

Internet Explorer 6

Source:(Simple Combination)

.selector {_prop\erty:value; }

Internet Explorer 6

Source:(Simple Combination)

* html.selector { property:value; }

Internet Explorer 6-

Source:Web Devout

.selector {_property:value; }

Internet Explorer 6-

Source:Paul Irish

-:Firefox CSS :-


_::selection, :root.selector { property:value; }

Anything But Firefox andInternet Explorer 8-

Author:Jeff Clayton

_::selection,.selector { property:value; }

Anything But Firefox andInternet Explorer 8

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),.selector { property:value; }

Firefox (any)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-any-link,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox (any)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) { .selector { --this-variable:value;property:var(--this-variable); } }

Firefox 31+ (CSS3 VariableMethod)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@-moz-documentregexp('http:.*') { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 6+ (Non-SSL PagesOnly)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@-moz-documentregexp('https:.*') { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 6+ (SSL PagesOnly)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-osx-font-smoothing:auto) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 25+ (Mac Only)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (-moz-os-version) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 25+ (Windows Only)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media(-moz-windows-theme) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 4+ (Windows Only)

Author:Jeff Clayton


@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (will-change:auto) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 36+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (mask-type:alpha) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 35+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (mask-type:alpha) and (not (will-change:auto)) {.selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 35

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports (-moz-appearance:none)and (font-kerning:none) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 34+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (font-kerning:none) and (not (mask-type:alpha)) {.selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 34

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (list-style-type:disclosure-open) { .selector {property:value; } }

Firefox 33+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (list-style-type:disclosure-open) and (not(font-kerning:none)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 33

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (box-decoration-break:clone) { .selector {property:value; } }

Firefox 32+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),_:scope, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 32+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (box-decoration-break:clone) and (not (list-style-type:disclosure-open)){ .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 32

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (background-blend-mode:difference,normal) {.selector { property:value; } _::-moz-math-stretchy, .selector {property:value; } }

Firefox 31+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),.selector { --this-variable:value; property:var(--this-variable); }

Firefox 31+ (CSS3 VariableMethod)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-background-inline-policy:continuous) and(background-blend-mode:difference,normal) { .selector { property:value; }_::-moz-math-stretchy, .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 31

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-background-inline-policy:continuous) { .selector { --this-variable:value;property:var(--this-variable); } }

Firefox 31 (CSS3 VariableMethod)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-background-inline-policy:continuous) and (background-blend-mode:difference,normal){ .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 30-31

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (background-blend-mode:difference,normal) { .selector{ property:value; } }

Firefox 30+

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports (background-blend-mode:difference,normal){ _::-moz-math-stretchy, .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 30

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (box-sizing:content-box) { .selector {property:value; } }

Firefox 29+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (box-sizing:content-box) and (not(background-blend-mode:difference,normal)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 29

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (list-style-type:japanese-formal) { .selector {property:value; } }

Firefox 28+

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),_::-moz-range-track:hover, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 28+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (list-style-type:japanese-formal) and (not(box-sizing:content-box)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 28

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),_::-moz-color-swatch, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 27+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports (-moz-appearance:none)and (all:initial) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 27+

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (all:initial) and (not(list-style-type:japanese-formal)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 27

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (image-orientation:90deg) { .selector {property:value; } }

Firefox 26+

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-devtools-highlighted,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 26+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (image-orientation:90deg) and (not (all:initial)) {.selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 26

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (background-attachment:local) { .selector {property:value; } }

Firefox 25+

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(background-attachment:local) and (-moz-text-blink:none) { .selector {property:value; } }

Firefox 25

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (cursor:zoom-in) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 24+

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (cursor:zoom-in) and (not(background-attachment:local)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 24

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (not (cursor:zoom-in)) { .selector { property:value;} }

Firefox 22-23

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (display:flex) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 22+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),_::-moz-range-progress, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 22+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),_::-moz-range-track, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 21+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),_::-moz-placeholder, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 19+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-handler-playpreview,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 17+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-dir(ltr),.selector { property:value; }

Firefox 17+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-resolution:.1dppx) { .selector {property:value; } }

Firefox 16+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-meter-optimum,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 16+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),_::-moz-meter-bar, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 16+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-type-unsupported-platform,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 15+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (-moz-images-in-menus:0) { @media (min-width:0px) { .selector {property:value; } } }

Firefox 11+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-full-screen-ancestor,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 10+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-full-screen,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 9+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (-moz-images-in-menus:0) and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) { .selector {property:value; } }

Firefox 8+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@-moz-documentregexp('*') { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 6+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),_::-moz-progress-bar, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 6+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-ui-valid,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 4+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-handler-crashed,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 3.6+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:not(),_:-moz-handler-crashed, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 3.6

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:not(),.selector { property:value; }

Firefox 3.6- (Firefox <4.0)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:not(),_:-moz-handler-blocked, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 3.5-3.6

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:not(),_:-moz-loading, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 3-3.6 (Firefox3.x)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:not(),_:optional, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 1.5-3.6 (Firefox> 1.0 and < 4.0)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-handler-blocked,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 3.5+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-loading,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 3+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-read-write,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 1.5+/2+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),_::-moz-viewport, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 1.0 (only)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-any-link,:root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 1.0+ (any)

Author:Jeff Clayton

A FewOthers

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (image-orientation:90deg) { @supports not(all:initial) { .selector { property:value; } } }

Firefox 26 (nested method)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-moz-appearance:none) and (background-attachment:local) and (not(image-orientation:90deg)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Firefox 25

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(display:flex) and (-moz-background-inline-policy:continuous) { .selector {property:value; } }

Firefox 22-31

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),_::-moz-math-stretchy, _::-moz-range-progress, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 22-30

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-moz-tree-row(hover),_::-moz-math-stretchy, _::-moz-range-track, .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 21-30

Author:Jeff Clayton

_::-moz-math-stretchy,_:-moz-ui-valid, :root .selector { property:value; }

Firefox 4-30

Author:Jeff Clayton

-:Chrome and Safari CSS :-

If you are using iOS Chrome (say in version7) and the hacks seem to be off, BEFORE you complain that these do not work,there is nothing wrong with the hacks -- it is not like other versions ofChrome. iOS Chrome uses the Safari hacks INSTEAD of the ones for Chrome. Chromefor iOS is NOT using the Chrome engine but opted to use the Safari engine fromApple instead. It may look like Chrome, but it isn't when you look under thehood. More about that here:http://allthingsd.com/20120628/googles-chrome-for-ios-is-more-like-a-chrome-plated-apple


_:-webkit-full-screen,:root .selector { property:value; }

iOS Blocker! (For Chrome15+, Safari 5.1+, and Opera 14+) [If using Android, Requires OS & Browser4.0+]

Author:Jeff Clayton

.selector:not(*:root){ property:value; }

Chrome and Safari (andOpera 14+)

Source:Known Hack

_:not(*:root),.selector { property:value; }

Chrome and Safari (andOpera 14+) (Another Way)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-webkit-any-link,:root .selector { property:value; }

Chrome and Safari (and Opera14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome and Safari (andOpera 14+)

Source:Paul Irish

@media screenand (min-color-index:0) { _:-webkit-full-screen, .selector {(; property:value;);} }

Safari 6.1-7.0 (Not iOS)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-webkit-full-screen,_::-webkit-full-page-media, _:future, :root .selector { property:value; }

Safari 7.1-8.0 (7.1+, NotiOS)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (min-color-index:0) and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { @media {_:-webkit-full-screen, .selector { property:value; } } }

Safari 6.1-8.0 (6.1+, NotiOS)

Author:Jeff Clayton


-Safari-Only CSS -

@media screen and(min-color-index:0) and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { @media { .selector{ property:value; } } }

Safari 6.1-8.0 (6.1+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_::-webkit-full-page-media,_:future, :root .selector { property:value; }

Safari 7.1-8.0 (7.1+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-color-index:0) { .selector {(;property:value; );} }

Safari 6.1-7.0

Author:Jeff Clayton

-Chrome-Only CSS -

@supports (-webkit-appearance:none)and (color:unset) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 41+

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (shape-outside:none) and (not (will-change:auto)){ .selector { property:value; } _::cue-region, .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 40+ (and Opera 27+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (shape-outside:none) and (not (will-change:auto))and (not (color:unset)) { .selector { property:value; } _::cue-region,.selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 40 (and Opera 27)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (shape-outside:none) and (not (will-change:auto))and (not (color:unset)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 39-40 (and Opera26-27)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (shape-outside:none) and (not (will-change:auto)){ .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 39+ (and Opera 26+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (shape-outside:none) and (not (will-change:auto)){ _::cue-region, .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 39 (and Opera 26)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (shape-outside:none) and (will-change:auto) {.selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 37-38 (and Opera24-25)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (shape-outside:none) { .selector {property:value; } }

Chrome 37+ (and Opera 24+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports (-webkit-appearance:none)and (touch-action:auto) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 36+ (and Opera 23+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (touch-action:auto) and (not(shape-outside:none)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 36 (and Opera 23)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_::content,_:future, .selector:not(*:root) { property:value; }

Chrome 35+ (and Opera 22+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-webkit-any-link,_:host, :root .selector { property:value; }

Chrome 35+ (and Opera 22+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (background-blend-mode:difference,normal) {.selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 35+ (and Opera 22+)

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (background-blend-mode:difference,normal) and(not (touch-action:auto)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 35

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (font-variant-ligatures:normal) { .selector {property:value; } }

Chrome 34+ (and Opera 21+)

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (font-variant-ligatures:normal) and (not(background-blend-mode:difference,normal)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 34 (and Opera 21)

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (font-kerning:auto) { .selector { property:value;} }

Chrome 33+ (and Opera 20+)

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (font-kerning:auto) and (not(font-variant-ligatures:normal)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 33 (and Opera 20)

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (object-fit:none) { .selector { property:value; }}

Chrome 32+ (and Opera 19+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (object-fit:none) and (not (font-kerning:auto)) {.selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 32 (and Opera 19)

Authors:Guillaume Simons

&Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (not (-webkit-marquee-repetition:infinite)) { .selector{ property:value; } }

Chrome 31+ (and Opera 18+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (not (-webkit-marquee-repetition:infinite)) and(not (object-fit:none)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 31 (and Opera 18)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) {.selector { property:value; } @supports (-webkit-hyphens:auto) { .selector {property:value; } } }

Chrome 30+ (and Opera 17+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports (-webkit-marquee-repetition:infinite)and (not (-webkit-hyphens:auto)) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 30 (and Opera 17)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (justify-content:inherit) { .selector {property:value; } }

Chrome 29+ (and Opera 16+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-resolution:.001dpcm) { .selector{ property:value; } }

Chrome 29+ (and Opera 16+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-hyphens:auto) and (justify-content:inherit) { .selector {property:value; } }

Chrome 29 (and Opera 16)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 28+ (and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(overflow:-webkit-marquee) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 28 (and Opera14-15)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { .selector {-chrome-:only(;property:value; );} }

Chrome 22-28 (and Opera14-15)

Author:Jeff Clayton

A FewOthers

@supports (-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased){ .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 28+ (and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) { _::cue-region, .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 28-39 (and Opera14-26)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:not(*:root),_:host, _::cue-region, .selector { property:value; }

Chrome 35-39 (and Opera22-26)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-appearance:none) and (object-fit:none) { _::cue-region, .selector {property:value; } }

Chrome 32-39 (and Opera19-26)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased) and (not (object-fit:none)) { .selector {property:value; } }

Chrome 28-31 (and Opera14-18)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-marquee-repetition:infinite) and (justify-content:inherit) { .selector{ property:value; } }

Chrome 29-30 (and Opera16-17)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@supports(-webkit-marquee-repetition:infinite) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 28-30 (and Opera14-17)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (orientation) { .selector {-chrome-:only(;property:value; );} }

Chrome 24-28 (and Opera14-15)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { _:scope, _:future, .selector{-chrome-:only(; property:value; );} }

Chrome 27-28 (and Opera14-15)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { _:future, .selector {-chrome-:only(;property:value; );} }

Chrome 26-28 (and Opera14-15)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:0) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 22-25

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (orientation) { ::webkit, .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 24

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { ::webkit, .selector { property:value; }}

Chrome 22-24

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { _::-moz-svg-foreign-content, _:scope,.selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 22-23

Author:Jeff Clayton

-Chrome & Safari Combined CSS -

_:scope, _:future ,.selector:not(*:root) { property:value; }

Chrome 27+, Safari 6.1+(and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:future ,.selector:not(*:root) { property:value; }

Chrome 26+, Safari 6.1+(and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (orientation) { .selector {property:value; } }

Chrome 24+, Safari 6.1+(and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (min-resolution:.001dpcm), screenand(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { .selector { property:value; } }

Chrome 22+, Safari 6.1+(and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (min-color-index:0) and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { .selector {property:value; } }

Chrome 22-25, Safari 6.1+

Author:Jeff Clayton

_::-moz-svg-foreign-content,_:scope, :root .selector { property:value; }

Safari 6.0, Chrome 19-23

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (min-width:-100px) and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { .selector {property:value; } }

Safari 6.0-, Chrome 23-

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-webkit-full-screen,:root .selector { property:value; }

Safari 5.1+, Chrome 15+(and Opera 14+), Android Browser 4+, Android OS 4.0+, [Not iOS!]

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:in-range,.selector:not(*:root) { property:value; }

Safari 5.1+, Chrome 10+(and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_::-webkit-input-speech-button,:root .selector { property:value; }

Safari 5.1+, Chrome 7+(and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_::-moz-svg-foreign-content,:root .selector { property:value; }

Safari 5.1-6.0, Chrome10-24

Author:Jeff Clayton

_::-webkit-inner-spin-button,:root .selector { property:value; }

Safari 5.0+, Chrome 5+(and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

body:nth-child(n0).selector { property:value; }

Safari 3.1-5.0, Chrome 9-(& old versions of Chrome 10 before 10.0.64)

Source:Derived from Old Hacks

_::-webkit-input-speech-button,body:nth-last-child(n0) .selector { property:value; }

Chrome 7-9 (& oldversions of Chrome 10 before 10.0.64)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media not alland (min-resolution:.001dpcm) { _::-webkit-inner-spin-button, .selector {property:value; } }

Safari 5.0, Chrome 5

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media not alland (min-resolution:.001dpcm) { .selector { property:value; } }

Safari 5.0-, Chrome 5-

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:default,.selector:not(*:root) { property:value; }

Safari 4.1+, Chrome 4+(and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media not alland (min-resolution:.001dpcm) { _:default, .selector { property:value; } }

Safari 4.1-5.0, Chrome 5

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:default,body:nth-last-child(n0) .selector { property:value; }

Safari 4.1-5.0, Chrome 4-9(& old versions of Chrome 10 before 10.0.64)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (min-width:0\-) { .selector { property:value; } }

Safari 4.1-, Chrome 5-

Author:Andy Kirk

_:window-inactive,body:nth-last-child(n0) .selector { property:value; }

Safari 4.0-5.0, Chrome 2-9(& old versions of Chrome 10 before 10.0.64)

Author:Jeff Clayton

@media screenand (min-width:0\0) { _:window-inactive, .selector { property:value; } }

Safari 4.x, Chrome 2-5

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:increment, .selector:not(*:root){ property:value; }

Safari 4.0+, Chrome 2+(and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:only-of-type,.selector:not(*:root) { property:value; }

Safari 3.1+, Chrome 1+(any) (and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

_:-webkit-any-link,:root .selector { property:value; }

Safari 3.0+, Chrome 1+(any) (and Opera 14+)

Author:Jeff Clayton

-:Opera Mini :-

Old Opera hacks still affect Opera Mini. Hereis one of my combos that works... (A slightly simpler version of the one Iupdated for browserhacks to rule out Internet Explorer 7) and an old mediaquery that still works as well.

_:-o-prefocus, :root.selector { property:value; }

Opera 9.5-12, Opera Mini7.x (Opera 9.80)



@media all and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:10000), not all and(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0) { .selector { property:value; } }

Opera 11-, Opera Mini 7.x(Opera 9.80)


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