今天看了了一些閱讀理解的視頻柿究,還看了close reading, guided reading和share reading 的區(qū)別从橘。這里分享一下做閱讀理解的時(shí)候的步奏脾还。
Skim the text to get the global view by reading the title, introduction, and topic sentences. Then, make sure to underline key words, names, numbers, dates, places, measurements... anything that catches your attention. Read the introduction and the topic sentences. Notice key words that give clues to the topic of the paragraph.
Make sure to understand what type of information can be found in the different paragraphs. Each paragraph has a separate purpose and good readers take advantage of this.
Read the question and notice the key words.
Search the text for words that are synonymous with the ?words in the question. Usually, the words in the question and the text are different but they mean the same thing.
Super-fast: You underlined a word that is similar to the same while getting the overview and you know exactly where the answer is located.
Fast: You know which paragraph the answers is most likely located.
Slow: You must scan the whole text again.