About the URL Loading System
This guide describes the Foundation framework classes available for interacting with URLs and communicating with servers using standard Internet protocols. Together these classes are referred to as the URL loading system.
The URL loading system is a set of classes and protocols that allow your app to access content referenced by a URL. At the heart of this technology is the NSURL class, which lets your app manipulate URLs and the resources they refer to.
To support that class, the Foundation framework provides a rich collection of classes that let you load the contents of a URL, upload data to servers, manage cookie storage, control response caching, handle credential storage and authentication in app-specific ways, and write custom protocol extensions.
The URL loading system provides support for accessing resources using the following protocols:
- File Transfer Protocol (ftp://)
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http://)
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol with encryption (https://)
- Local file URLs (file:///)
- Data URLs (data://)
It also transparently supports both proxy servers and SOCKS gateways using the user’s system preferences.
At a Glance 概述
The URL loading system includes classes that load URLs along with a number of important helper classes that work with those URL loading classes to modify their behavior. The major helper classes fall into five categories: protocol support, authentication and credentials, cookie storage, configuration management, and cache management.
URL Loading
The most commonly used classes in the URL loading system allow your app to retrieve the content of a URL from the source. You can retrieve that content using NSURLSession. The specific methods you use depend largely on whether you wish to fetch data to memory or download it to disk.
Fetching Content as Data (In Memory) 讀取到內存中
At a high level, there are two basic approaches to fetching URL data:
For simple requests, use the NSURLSession API to retrieve the contents from an NSURL object directly, either as an NSData object or as a file on disk.
For more complex requests—requests that upload data, for example—provide an NSURLRequest object (or its mutable subclass, NSMutableURLRequest) to NSURLSession.
- 簡單請求却音,使用NSURLSession接口直接檢索一個NSURL對象酷愧,得到一個NSData對象或者磁盤上的文件作為返回。
- 高級的上傳數(shù)據(jù)的用法,比如給NSURLSession傳入一個NSURLRequset對象(或者可變子類昂儒,NSMutableURLRequest*)。
Regardless of which approach you choose, your app can obtain the response data in two ways:
- Provide a completion handler block. The URL loading class calls that block when it finishes receiving data from the server.
- Provide a custom delegate. The URL loading class periodically calls your delegate methods as it receives the data from the originating source. Your app is responsible for accumulating that data, if needed.
In addition to the data itself, the URL loading class provides your delegate or completion handler block with a response object that encapsulates metadata associated with the request, such as the MIME type and content length.
- 完成回調的block.URL加載類會在從服務器上獲取數(shù)據(jù)后調用這個block.
- 自定義代理泼疑,URLJ加載類一收到服務器的返回數(shù)據(jù)就會周期性的調用代理方法,如果有需要的話岔帽,app就會多次收到返回數(shù)據(jù)玫鸟。
相關章節(jié):Using NSURLSession
Downloading Content as a File 下載
At a high level, there are two basic approaches to downloading the contents of a URL to a file:
- For simple requests, use the NSURLSession API to retrieve the contents from an NSURL object directly, either as an NSData object or as a file on disk.
- For more complex requests—requests that upload data, for example—provide an NSURLRequest object (or its mutable subclass, NSMutableURLRequest) to NSURLSession.
Note: Downloads initiated by an NSURLSession instance are not cached. If you need to cache the results, your app must use either NSURLSession and write the data to disk itself.
- 簡單請求屎飘,使用NSURLSession接口直接檢索一個NSURL對象,得到一個NSData對象或者磁盤上的文件作為返回贾费。
- 高級的上傳數(shù)據(jù)的用法钦购,比如給NSURLSession傳入一個NSURLRequset對象(或者可變子類,NSMutableURLRequest*)褂萧。
Helper Classes
The URL loading classes use two helper classes that provide additional metadata—one for the request itself (NSURLRequest) and one for the server’s response (NSURLResponse).
URL Requests
An NSURLRequest object encapsulates a URL and any protocol-specific properties, in a protocol-independent manner.
Note: When a client app initiates a connection or download using an instance of NSMutableURLRequest, a deep copy is made of the request. Changes made to the initiating request have no effect after a download is initialized.
Some protocols support protocol-specific properties. For example, the HTTP protocol adds methods to NSURLRequest that return the HTTP request body, headers, and transfer method. It also adds methods to NSMutableURLRequest to set those values.
The details of working with URL request objects are described throughout this book.
Redirection and Other Request Changes
Some protocols, such as HTTP, provide a way for a server to tell your app that content has moved to a different URL. The URL loading classes can notify their delegates when this happens. If your app provides an appropriate delegate method, your app can then decide whether to follow the redirect, return the response body from the redirect, or return an error.
Authentication and Credentials
Some servers restrict access to certain content, requiring a user to authenticate by providing some sort of credentials—a client certificate, a user name and password, and so on—in order to gain access. In the case of a web server, restricted content is grouped into a realm that requires a single set of credentials. Credentials (certificates, specifically) are also used to determine trust in the other direction—to evaluate whether your app should trust the server.
The URL loading system provides classes that model credentials and protected areas as well as providing secure credential persistence. Your app can specify that these credentials persist for a single request, for the duration of an app’s launch, or permanently in the user’s keychain.
Note: Credentials stored in persistent storage are kept in the user’s keychain and shared among all apps.
Note: 證書會一直在用戶鑰匙串中存儲纫骑,并且所有的app共用蝎亚。