Words and Expressions
1.Rowley started blubbering about how he doesn’t want rock and roll to ruin his “brains”.
blubber:①to cry in a noisy way like a child 嚎啕大哭
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ②鯨脂:從鯨魚身上獲取的提取物
e.g. Ping started blubbering about she failed to do the expriment.
2.I put Rodrick's new headphones on and cranked up the volume really high.
crank sth. up: to increase the volume.
crank sb. up: to motivate sb.
e.g. Could you please crank up the volume??
3.It turns out I didn't have the headphones plugged into the stereo. 忘記插耳機線了哈哈
e.g.?This socket only accepts a two-pronged plug(兩腳插頭)
4.So I kind of let my guard down.
let one's guard down:raise one's awareness withouting trust anyone.
He would let his guard down because he only trusts himself.
5.Rodrick's in some hot water with mom right now, too.
be/get in some hot water with someone:to be in or get into trouble?
e.g. Yida is in some water with his colleges for his rude remark.
1.Marty Porter was going around handing out lollipops to my himself votes while my posters were sitting at the bottom of Mr. Roy's trash can.(心疼小屁孩一秒)
e.g. Yun was doing her experiment all day while I was watching the epsodes.
2.Nobody ever thinks about?running for Treasurer,because all anyone ever?cares about are the big-ticket positions like President and Vice President.
e.g. Nobody ever thinks about being a junior staff, because all anyone ever cares about are the big-ticket positions like boss or CEO.
I talked with Demsey today.She asked me:'what do you think of keeping wild animals in the zom?' ?I thought that would a way to protect wild animals. Since these are considered as endangered species, therefore we have to protect them from extinction.(太晚了就寫這么點啦)