TEXT A: The Doctor's Son
Good Usage(Para.1)
settled quietly into hismedical practice
accepted him as one of theirown
Word passes quickly
greeted my father as
as long as
would always be known as “DoctorEppley’s son”
Good Usage(Paras. 2-3)
crowded around me
If you’re anything like yourfather
couldn’t stop beaming
Somewherein the midst of
I wasgrowing up to be an honorable and industrious young man
livingan honest life just like my father
Good Usage(Paras.4-8)
how I
would ever fit in with ……
being followed by ……
managequite well on my own
an actof rebellion
call myfather by his first name
actingso stubborn
in themidst of an argument
everybodyexpects me to be just like
I wantto be myself.
Good Usage(Paras.9-10)
I survived my last years ofhigh school
I enrolled in college.
I chose to attend a school far from …
I sat with a group of students
shared stories about our lives
the things we hated most
I couldn’t stand growing up ina town …
compared me with my father
Good Usage(Paras.11-13)
I’d be proud to have a fatherwho’s so well respected
Her eyes filled with tears
give anything to be called myfather’s child
an awkward silence
changed the subject
returned home for winter break
feeling proud of myself
made a number of new friends
become popular in my own right
Good Usage(Paras.14-19)
enjoyed being back
The main topic of interest
take it out for a drive
glared at him
sick of being treated like a child
Good Usage(Paras.20-23)
hopped into the car
headed down the road
savoring the beauty of …
jumped out
surveyed the damage
sat there like a guilty child
choked back my tears
Good Usage(Paras.24-26)
a smile of recognition
Good Usage(Paras.27-30)
trudged into the house
headed toward the door
Hold your head up.
Good Usage(Para.31)
attended a small party
celebrate the beginning ofanother year
stepped toward him
wrapped my arms around hisshoulders
for the first time in years
Key Words and Expressions for TextA
settle in/into sth.:
get used to (new surroundings, a new job, etc.)習(xí)慣于(新環(huán)境箕慧、新工作等)
e.g.1. It didn’ttake her long to settle into a new routine.
2. We only moved house last week and we haven’tsettled in yet.
NB:settle (sb.) in/into sth.在這個短語中所坯,動詞settle后也可以加賓語无畔;介詞into和in可以互換,例如:
We settled the children in/into new schools when we moved to London.
1) smile brightly and happily笑敬扛,眉開眼笑
e.g. (1)Maggie beamed at her
friend with admiration.
(2) He beamed on his visitors.
2) emit or transmit發(fā)射,發(fā)送
e.g.(1) This program is beamed to European countries at 10:00daily.
(2) The news was beamed to the whole globe by satellites.
1)a bright and happy look or smile容光煥發(fā),展顏而笑
e.g.The old lady opened the door with a beam.
2) a ray or shaft of light(光)束廉涕;(光)線
e.g.Suddenly the beam of an electric torch wasflashed into his face.
beam withsatisfaction滿意地微笑
beam with joy眉飛色舞,笑逐顏開
a beam of light一束光線
a beam of delight笑逐顏開
fit in with:
(cause to) match or agree(使)符合,適合艇拍,適應(yīng)
e.g. 1.His ideas didn’t quite fit
in with our aims.
2. His good moodfit in with the joyful occasion.
fit in (with)適合狐蜕;適應(yīng);符合卸夕;協(xié)調(diào)
fit into適應(yīng)层释;協(xié)調(diào)
fit on裝上;把……置于原處快集;試穿
fit oneself for作好……的準備
on one’s own:
without help獨立地贡羔,無援地
e.g.1. Shelives on her own.
2.Traveling onmy own, I can decide when to start on my way and where to linger a littlelonger.
determined, esp. to an unreasonable
degree; with a strong will固執(zhí)的碍讨,頑固的治力,執(zhí)拗的;倔強的
e.g.He is a stubborn child who won’tobey his mother.
as stubborn as a mule像騾子一樣頑固;非常固執(zhí)
a stubborn resistance頑強的抵抗
a stubborn illness頑疾
a stubborn problem棘手的問題
[if !supportLists]1.[endif]vt.continue to live or exist afterexperiencing a difficult situation, a dangerous or unhappy event,
e.g.1) Only two people survived the firethat took place last night.
2) The house survived the storm.
[if !supportLists]2.[endif]vi.remain alive or in existence幸存,活下來
e.g.1) The manwas very ill, but he survived.
2)Few survived after the flood.
[(as, in)] make (oneself or another
person) officially a member of a group[常與as或in連用]吸收(某人)為成員痊班;(使)入會(入學(xué)勤婚,入伍);登記涤伐,注冊
e.g. 1. She decided to enroll in the historycourse.
2.We enrolled him as a member of
the society.
examine or judge (one thing) in
relation to another thing in order to show the points of similarity or
e.g. I compared the copy with the original but found no difference.
compare one thing with another將一物與另一物比較
compare favorably with優(yōu)于型雳;不亞于
not to be compared with相差極遠,遠不如
CF: compare,compare to,compare with&contrast
Directions: Fill in the blanks withthe words or phrases above. Change the form where necessary.
1. The poetcompareshislovertoa rose in his poems.
2. Her actionscontrastedsharplywithher promises.
3. If youcompareher workwithhis, you’ll find hers is much better.
4. Scientists sometimescomparethe human braintoa computer.
bring the eyebrows together in
anger or effort, causing lines to appear on the forehead(表示憤怒或煩心而)皺眉,蹙額
e.g. 1)He frowned with
displeasure as he read his son’s school report.
2) The teacher frowned angrily at the noisy class.
frown at (on,
frown with displeasure不快地皺起眉頭
would give anything/a lot/the world (to do sth.):
would very much
like (to do or have sth.)非常愿意做(或擁有某事物)涌庭,愿付出一切做(擁有)
e.g.People tend to give anything for money
when they are young; but when they get old they would give anything for health.
NB:一個類似的短語是would give the world to know sth.為了知道某事愿付出一切代價
1. causing difficulty or
uncomfortable feelings; inconvenient or embarrassing尷尬的,為難的欧宜,麻煩的坐榆;棘手的
e.g. 1)Aunt Lenacame to visit us at an awkward time.
2) There was an awkward silence, when no one knew what to say.
2. not smooth or grateful; ungainly(行動)笨拙的;(姿勢)別扭的
e.g.The childis still awkward with his chopsticks.
an awkwardremark令人窘迫的評論
an awkwardsilence令人尷尬的沉默
an awkwardtime不方便的時間
an awkwardquestion棘手問題
an awkwardsituation困難處境
in one’s own right:
because of a
personal claim that does not depend on anyone else根據(jù)自己的能力或合法權(quán)利(而不依賴其他因素)
e.g. 1)He was born into a farmer’s
family and became a scientist in his own right through hard work.
2) Elizabeth II is Queen in her own right.
as of right/by right基于正當?shù)臋?quán)利
stand on one’s own rights堅持自己的權(quán)利
within one’s rights不超越自己的權(quán)利范圍
(at, on, upon) look in an angry way怒目而視
e.g. 1)She glaredat me.
2) The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and didnot say a word.
CF: glare,stare,gaze&peer這些動詞都有“看席镀,瞧”之意。
Directions: Fill in the blanks withthe words above. Change the form where necessary.
1. The old ladypeeredthrough her spectacles at the contract.
2. He didn’t shout or swear, butjustglaredsilently at me.
3. The childgazedat thetoys in the shop window.
4. Hestaredat the wordtrying to remember what it meant.
5. Heglaredfuriously at mewhen I contradicted him.
be sick of:
feel annoyance,
dislike, and impatience from too much of sth.感到厭倦;對……厭煩
e.g. 1)I am sick of your complaints, be quiet!
2) Get out! I am sick of the sight of you.
sick ofwaiting等得不耐煩
sick of itall完全厭倦了這一切
sick andtired筋疲力盡的
be sick and tired(of)十分厭倦
be sick of doingnothing閑得發(fā)膩
wander:vi.(in, off)
1. walk or move in a leisurely,
casual or aimless way漫步,閑逛隧土,游蕩
e.g. The children wandered in thewoods.
2. (of a person or an animal) leave
the right place or way; stray from one’s group(指人或動物)離開原處或正道提针,離群,失散
e.g. The child wandered off and gotlost.
3. (of a person or thoughts) be or become confused and
unable to make or follow ordinary conversation(人或思想)走神曹傀,開小差关贵;錯亂
e.g. He realized his audience’s attention wasbeginning to wander.
wander about/over the world漫游世界
wander from the subject/point離題
wander from the path ofrighteousness迷失了正途
1.v.look at, examine, or consider sth.
as a whole縱覽落萎,審視亥啦,全面地觀察
e.g. 1)She surveyed me unhappily over
the top of her glasses.
2) Have the house surveyed before you offer to buy it.
2.n.a detailed inspection or
e.g.According to a recent survey, in Shanghaithere are about 2.5 million migrant workers.
a survey of air pollution空氣污染調(diào)查
an annual survey年度調(diào)查
1. suffer (harm or loss)蒙受翔脱,遭受(傷害或損傷)
e.g.He sustained a severe blow on the head.
sustain a fatal injury遭受致命的傷害
sustain losses蒙受損失
2. keep (sb. or sth.) alive or in
e.g.You shouldeat good sustaining food, i.e. food that gives strength.
Directions: Fill in the blanks withthe words above. Change the form where necessary.
1. The book’s weakness is theauthor’s inability tosustainhis theory.
2. You mustbacktheargument with facts.
3. Shesupportsher husbandwith the money she earns from teaching.
4. The judgeupheldthelower court’s decision.
There’s not muchsustenance in a glass of orange juice.
[(of)] having broken a law or disobeyed a rule[常與of連用]有罪的厘惦,犯罪的
e.g. 1)He was found guilty of
passing on secret paper to a foreign power.
2) Four men werefound guilty of breach of the peace.
be guilty of a crime犯罪
plead guilty to a crime認罪
a guiltyconscience負罪感
express feelings
of annoyance, dissatisfaction, unhappiness, etc.; say in an annoyed, unhappy,
dissatisfied way投訴,抱怨,發(fā)牢騷炎疆,訴苦
e.g. Ourneighbour said that if we made any more noise he’d complain to the police.
complain about / of
e.g. 1)Theycomplained about the food.
2) Jean is always complaining about something.
3) Almostimmediately he began to complain about the weather.
e.g.1) Theycomplained that the wages were too low.
2) They complained that the price of books had increased.
express one’s
disagreement, feeling of unfairness, annoyance, etc.抗議形入,反對
e.g. 1)We protested against his
being released from prison.
2) The tourists protested about the bad service at the restaurant.
3) They protested with one accord (一致地) that they had not used any drug.
protest about/at/against
protest that …
control (esp. violent or very sad feelings) as if by
holding them in the throat抑制,強忍住
e.g. 1)I could tell she tried hard to chokeback her tears.
2) It is very difficult to choke back her anger.
choke down用力咽下,強抑制住亿遂,按捺住
choke to death噎死浓若;窒息而死
[U (against)] guarantee of
compensation for loss, damage, sickness, death, etc. in return for regular
e.g. 1)All drivers in Britain must havethird-party insurance.
2)He claimed to be an insurancesalesman but later was found to be a fraud.
3) A balanced diet is an insurance against malnutrition.
provide insurance against提供防止……的措施
an insurance policy保險單
labor insurance勞動保險
accident insurance意外保險
automobile insurance汽車保險
insurance for medical care醫(yī)療保險
1.v.(panicked, panicking) (cause to)
feel sudden uncontrollable, quickly-spreading terror or anxiety(使)恐慌
e.g. 1) The crowd panicked at thesound of the gunfire.
2) He panicked and ran as fast ashe could to safety.
3) The banks were panicked intoselling dollars.
panic at / over
2.n.a sudden, overpowering terror,
often affecting many people恐慌
e.g.1) When the theater caught fire, there was a panic.
2) He got into a panic that he would forget his lines on stage.
not at all often不常耳舅,很少碌上,難得
e.g. 1)He rarelycomes here anymore.
2)Big Ben has rarely
gone wrong.
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words above. Change the formwhere necessary.
1. There isscarcelyenough food.
2. Irarelyeat in restaurants.
3. They hadbarelytime to catch the plane.
4. I couldhardlyhearthe speaker.
TEXT B: The Needs of Teenagers
by a distance; in or into two or more separate parts分開,相距鸵赖,相隔务漩;拆開,分開
e.g. 1.You never see them apart these days.
2. We planted the treeswide apart.
independent?a.[(of)]usu. apprecnot depending on the help, advice, or opinions of others; habitually takingactions or decisions alone[常與of連用]〖一般褒〗不依賴別人幫助的它褪;不受他人影響的饵骨,有獨立見解的;慣于單獨行動的
e.g. 1.She often goes on holiday alone—she’s very independent.
2. Judges must be independent ofpolitical pressure.
instance?n.a single fact, event, etc., expressing ageneral idea; example; case例子茫打,實例居触,事例
e.g. 1.In most instances the pain soon goes awaywhen the drug takes effect.
2. She cited an instance where theirtraining had been a marvelous help in dealing with problems.
adapt?v.make orbecome suitable for new needs, different conditions, etc.(使)適應(yīng)妖混,(使)適合
e.g. 1.When we moved to France, the children adaptedvery well.
2.They havehad to adapt themselves to a war economy.
figure?n.any of the number signs
from 0 to 9; (the shape of) a whole human body數(shù)字符號 (即從0到9);人像轮洋;人形制市;人影
e.g. 1.Write the number in words and in figures.
2.I could seea figure in the far distance, but I could not make out who it was.
ambitious?a.having a strong desire for success, power,
wealth, etc.有抱負的,有雄心(志氣)的弊予;野心勃勃的
e.g. 1.He’s a very ambitious man and he wants to bethe number one in our company.
2.She is politicallyambitious.
not satisfied挫敗的祥楣;失望的;失意的汉柒;泄氣的
e.g. 1.I’m feeling rather frustrated in my presentjob; I need a change.
2. He felt extremelyfrustrated when things went against him.
restless?a.unwilling or unable to stay still, esp.
because of anxiety or lack of interest不安靜的误褪,焦慮的;不耐煩的
e.g. 1.After listening to him for three hours theaudience became restless.
2. He’s been feeling very restless lately andis applying for a job abroad.
drag?v.pull (sth. heavy) along with great effort用力拖(拉)(重物)
e.g. 1.He got up and dragged his chair towards thetable.
2. The protesters were dragged away by thepolice.
tighta.&ad.closely fastened, held,knotted, etc.; firmly fixed in place; closely; firmly; tightly緊的碾褂,牢的兽间;緊緊地,牢牢地
e.g. 1.The drawer is so tight that I can’t open it.
2. She held the baby tight in her arms.
whereas?conj.(used?to show an opposite or different fact, situation, etc.) but但是正塌,而嘀略,卻(用于引出相反的或不同的事實、情況等)
e.g. 1.He earns 8,000 dollars a year whereas shegets at least 20,000 dollars a year.
2. They want a house, whereas we would ratherlive in a flat.
grow apart?if two people grow apart, their relationship becomes less close關(guān)系逐漸疏遠
e.g.1.It’s hard to believe that she grew apart from her husband after twentyyears of marriage.
2. It sounds as if you have grown apart fromTom.
for instance:?for example例如
e.g. 1.You can’t rely on her; for instance,she arrived an hour late for an important meeting yesterday.
2. Theyput so much emphasis on so many wrong things. Fame, for instance.
(it’s) no / small / little wonder(that)it is not surprising; naturally并不奇怪乓诽,不足為奇帜羊,十分自然
e.g. 1.It’s no wonder you have got aheadache since you drank so much last night.
2. Hefailed the math test. No wonder he was so upset.
stay up:?remain awake; not go to bed仍然醒著,不就寢
e.g. 1.To finish my term paper, I had to stayup late for several days running.
2. Iwill make this radio work even if I have to stay up all night.
(be) scared of (doing) sth.full of fear; frightened驚慌的问裕,嚇壞了的,害怕…的
e.g. 1.What are you scared of?
2. Everybodyis scared of him.
(be) annoyed at / with sb.rather angry有點生氣的孵坚,惱火的
e.g. 1.She tapped her forehead and lookedannoyed with herself.
2. I was annoyed with him because he keptinterrupting.
sit up[(for)] stay up late; not go to bed[常與for連用]熬夜粮宛,不睡
e.g. 1.We sat up drinking and talking,for we would say good-bye to each other early next morning.
2. Don’tsit up for me if I’m late.
have / keep a tightrein on:control firmly抑制,嚴加控制
e.g. 1.Thefinance director keeps a tight rein on our spending.
2.Shekeeps a tight rein on her son.
get hold of:?find and
make use of ; find sb. for a reason找來使用卖宠,找到某人巍杈,與某人聯(lián)系
e.g. 1.In the midst of the flood, he managedto get hold of the branch of a tree and saved his own life.
2. Ihave been ringing his office all day, but I can’t get hold of him.
end up:?be in the end (in the stated place, condition, etc.)最后成為(處于)
e.g. 1.We didn’t like it at first, but weended up cheering aloud.
2. Wasteful people usually end up in debt.
in deep/big trouble: in a situation that involves danger,
punishment, pain, worry, etc.處于危險、受罰扛伍、痛苦筷畦、憂慮的境地
e.g. 1.We got into deep trouble during our
trip when a flood occurred suddenly.
2.If you run out of cash, you are in big trouble.