L2-U2-P4-1 Listening
:?Christina's Daily Routine克里斯蒂娜的日常生活
Christina works in a?department store.?克里斯蒂娜在一家百貨公司工作锐秦。
She sells women's clothing.?她賣女裝苍凛。
She also sells cosmetics, like lipstick and perfume.她還賣化妝品军熏,比如口紅和香水触菜。
Many of her customers are young women. 她的許多顧客都是年輕女性顽铸。
They spend lots of money. 他們花了很多錢嫉到。
They buy dresses because they want to be beautiful.她們買衣服是因為她們想變得漂亮奸晴。
Christina helps them decide which dress to buy. 克里斯蒂娜幫助他們決定買哪件衣服绽诚。
Christina works from 10:00 until 7:00. 克里斯蒂娜從10點工作到7點魄藕。
After work she meets her boyfriend.下班后内列,她去見她的男朋友。
They usually meet?in front of?the department
store. 他們通常在百貨公司門前見面背率。
He is always waiting there, except in rainy weather.除了雨天话瞧,他總是在那里等。
On rainy days, he waits at the?subway stop. 下雨天寝姿,他在地鐵站等車交排。
It's?across the street from the department store. 就在百貨公司對面。
They usually?have dinner?together. 他們通常一起吃飯饵筑。
Sometimes they eat dinner in his apartment.有時他們在他的公寓里吃晚飯埃篓。
He has a nice apartment because he has a good job. 他有一個很好的公寓,因為他有一個很好的工作根资。
He earns a lot of money. 他賺了很多錢架专。
He is also an excellent cook. 他也是一位出色的廚師。
He can cook Italian and Mexican food.他會做意大利菜和墨西哥菜玄帕。
Christina isn't a very good cook. 克里斯蒂娜不是個好廚師部脚。
She doesn't?like cooking. 她不喜歡做飯。
But she?likes to design new clothes.?但是她喜歡設計新衣服桨仿。
She wants to become a clothing designer. 她想成為一名服裝設計師睛低。
Someday she wants to open her own shop. 有一天她想開自己的店。
L2-U2-P4-2 Listening : Seiko'sWork
Seiko is a nurse.?精子是個護士服傍。
She works in a hospital in the center of Tokyo. 她在東京市中心的一家醫(yī)院工作。
She takes a bus?to and from work.?她乘公共汽車上下班骂铁。
The trip from home to the hospital takes about 30 minutes.從家到醫(yī)院大約需要30分鐘吹零。
Her schedule varies. 她的時間表有所不同。
She usually works 4 or 5 days a week.她通常一周工作四五天拉庵。
In some weeks she works late at night. 有幾周她工作到很晚灿椅。
In other weeks she works during the day.在其他幾個星期里,她白天工作。
When she finishes work, she's always tired. 當她完成工作時茫蛹,她總是很累操刀。
Seiko works very hard, but she likes her job. 精子工作很努力,但她喜歡她的工作婴洼。
She likes to help her patients. 她喜歡幫助她的病人骨坑。
Some of her patients are very old.?她的一些病人年紀很大。
Some of them are very close to death. 他們中的一些人已經(jīng)瀕臨死亡柬采。
Some of them are very young.?他們中有些人很年輕欢唾。
They have a long life ahead. 他們還有很長的路要走。
Some of her patients have broken bones.?她的一些病人骨折了粉捻。
It takes time for them to get better. 他們需要時間才能好起來礁遣。
Seiko works
very?hard,?but?she?likes?her job. 精子工作很努力,但她喜歡她的工作肩刃。
She also enjoys working with the doctors. 她也喜歡和醫(yī)生一起工作祟霍。
The doctors in her hospital are very good. 她醫(yī)院的醫(yī)生都很好。
She and the doctors work well together. 她和醫(yī)生合作得很好盈包。
They?do their best?to help the patients. 他們盡最大努力幫助病人浅碾。
She thinks it's an excellent hospital.?她認為這是一家很好的醫(yī)院。
She is happy to work there. 她很高興在那里工作续语。
L2-U2-P4-3 Vocabulary : Shapes
& Daily Actions形狀和日常行動
a triangle三角形 A triangle has three
sides. 三角形有三條邊垂谢。
In this triangle, sides AB and BC are perpendicular to?each other.在這個三角形中,AB邊和BC邊互相垂直疮茄。
a square正方形 A square has four equal
sides. 正方形有四條等邊滥朱。
All four angles are right angles, or 90 degrees. 所有四個角都是直角,或90度角力试。
two intersecting lines兩條相交的線
These two lines?intersect?or cross at a 90 degree
angle. 這兩條線以90度角相交或交叉徙邻。
They are perpendicular to each other. 它們相互垂直。
A circle is round. 圓是圓的畸裳。
All points on a circle are the same distance from its
center. 圓上的所有點與圓心的距離相同缰犁。
These two lines never intersect because they are parallel. 這兩條線永不相交,因為它們是平行的怖糊。
an angle角 These two lines meet at a
30 degree angle.這兩條線相交成30度角帅容。
watch something看些什么
They are watching a movie on television. 他們正在電視上看電影。
meet someone遇見某人
He is?meeting?her?for the first time. 這是他第一次和她見面伍伤。
talk with someone與某人交談
He is talking with a friend on his phone. 他正在和一個朋友打電話并徘。
work with someone和某人工作
She is working with her?co-worker. 她和她的同事一起工作。
interview someone采訪某人
She is interviewing a famous basketball player. 她正在采訪一位著名的籃球運動員扰魂。
L2-U2-P3-4?Vocabulary : Measure測量
a box盒子
This box has three dimensions: length, width and height. 這個盒子有三個尺寸:長麦乞、寬和高蕴茴。
Its length and width are both 1 centimeter. 它的長度和寬度都是1厘米。
Its height is 1.5 centimeters. 它的高度是1.5厘米姐直。
a grey ball灰色的球
This ball weighs 1 kilogram or 2.2 pounds. 這個球重1公斤或2.2磅
a moving car正在行駛的車
This car's speed is 60 miles per hour, or about 97
kilometers an hour. 這輛車的速度是每小時60英里倦淀,約合每小時97公里。
two moving cars兩輛正在行駛的汽車
These two cars are moving in the opposite direction. 這兩輛車正朝相反的方向行駛声畏。
The red car is going west and the green car is going east. 紅色的汽車向西行駛撞叽,綠色的汽車向東行駛。
two purses兩個錢包
These two purses look the same, but their cost is quite
different. 這兩個錢包看起來一樣砰识,但價格卻大不相同能扒。
The purse on the left costs 100 dollars more than the purse
on the right. 左邊的錢包比右邊的錢包貴100美元。
L2-U2-P4-5?Dialogue : HotelReservation
A: Good evening, Sir辫狼,May I help
you? 晚上好初斑,先生,需要幫忙嗎膨处?
B:?Good evening, I'd like a room, please. 晚上好,我想要個房間见秤。
A:?Do you have a?reservation? 您預訂了嗎?
B:?No, I'm afraid not.沒有,恐怕沒有真椿。
A:?No reservation? 沒有預約鹃答?
I'm sorry, Sir. 對不起,先生突硝。
We don't have any rooms for tonight.我們今晚沒有房間了测摔。
B:?I really need a room. 我真的需要一個房間。
Don't you have anything? 你什么都沒有嗎解恰?
A:?No, sir. We're completely full. 沒有锋八,先生,我們客滿了护盈。
B:?Is there another hotel nearby? 附近有別的旅館嗎挟纱?
Can you recommend one? 你能推薦一個嗎?
A:?There's another 5-star hotel just down the street. 就在這條街上還有一家五星級酒店腐宋。
Maybe they still have rooms.也許他們還有房間紊服。
B:?Yes, I know that hotel. 是的,我知道那家旅館胸竞。It's too expensive.太貴了欺嗤。
B:?Do you know any other hotels nearby? 你知道附近還有別的旅館嗎?
A:?Well, there's a 3-star hotel not far away. 嗯撤师,不遠處有一家三星級酒店剂府。
The rooms are small, but it's clean.房間很小,但很干凈剃盾。
B:?Could you give me its number? 你能告訴我它的號碼嗎腺占?
A:?I can call them for you if you'd like. 如果你愿意,我可以幫你打給他們痒谴。
B:?Yes, could you? 是的衰伯,可以嗎?
A:?Sir, I called them, and they have several rooms. 先生积蔚,我打過電話了意鲸,他們有幾個房間。
You can go there now and check in.你現(xiàn)在就可以去辦理入住手續(xù)了尽爆。
B:?Thanks, I'll stay there tonight. 謝謝怎顾,我今晚就呆在那兒。
How about tomorrow night? 明天晚上怎么樣漱贱?
Do you have any rooms for tomorrow night? 明晚有房間嗎槐雾?
A:?Yes, I think we do. 是的,我想我們有幅狮。
B:?OK. I'd like to reserve a room for the next three
nights. 好啊募强。我想預訂一個房間,住三個晚上崇摄。
B:?Here's my
credit card. 這是我的信用卡擎值。
What time can I
check in tomorrow? 我明天什么時候可以入住逐抑?
A:?Check in time is 2:30.入住時間是2:30鸠儿。
B:?OK. I'll be back at 2:30 tomorrow. 好啊。我明天2:30回來厕氨。
Thanks for your help.謝謝你的幫助进每。
A:?You're welcome, Sir. 不客氣,先生腐巢。