Drizzle is fine, buds sprouts, it is the most beautiful time of the year.Spring gives us a happy? natural mood as well as positive advanced spirit.
In order to enhance employees’ sense of happiness and belonging, stimulate their positive energy of unity, make a thick relaxing working atmosphere. On the March 14, JingYing enterprise elaborately holds a collective BBQ to color the life with Spring breath.
No sooner said than done. It is really lively.
On one side, they start to BBQ in passion. Light the fire, put the meat(on the gridiron), oil the meat , sprinkle with powder, they are skillful and agile.
On the other side , they can’t wait to have a bite. “Haste makes waste.”, “Slow down, i won’t give you any care if you are choked . The joke word, saturated with full care, warms our heart.
During the BBQ, we talk about work , life and view of life, filled with joy. We eat, drink,play, full of happiness.