A SOLDIER came marching along the high road: “Left, right—left糟红, right.” He had his knapsack on his back, and a sword at his side特恬; he had been to the wars悠砚, and was now returning home.
As he walked on瓷胧, he met a very frightful-looking old witch in the road. Her under-lip hung quite down on her breast, and she stopped and said棚愤, “Good evening搓萧, soldier; you have a very fine sword宛畦, and a large knapsack矛绘, and you are a real soldier; so you shall have as much money as ever you like.”
“Thank you, old witch碍遍,” said the soldier.
“Do you see that large tree,” said the witch东跪, pointing to a tree which stood beside them. “Well畸陡, it is quite hollow inside, and you must climb to the top虽填, when you will see a hole丁恭, through which you can let yourself down into the tree to a GREat depth. I will tie a rope round your body, so that I can pull you up again when you call out to me.”
“But what am I to do橡伞, down there in the tree盒揉?” asked the soldier.
“Get money兑徘,” she replied刚盈; “for you must know that when you reach the ground under the tree, you will find yourself in a large hall挂脑, lighted up by three hundred lamps藕漱; you will then see three doors欲侮, which can be easily opened, for the keys are in all the locks. On entering the first of the chambers肋联, to which these doors lead威蕉, you will see a large chest, standing in the middle of the floor橄仍, and upon it a dog seated韧涨, with a pair of eyes as large as teacups. But you need not be at all afraid of him; I will give you my blue checked apron侮繁, which you must spread upon the floor虑粥, and then boldly seize hold of the dog, and place him upon it. You can then open the chest鼎天, and take from it as many pence as you please舀奶, they are only copper pence; but if you would rather have silver money斋射, you must go into the second chamber. Here you will find another dog育勺, with eyes as big as mill-wheels; but do not let that trouble you. Place him upon my apron罗岖, and then take what money you please. If涧至, however, you like gold best桑包, enter the third chamber南蓬, where there is another chest full of it. The dog who sits on this chest is very dreadful; his eyes are as big as a tower哑了, but do not mind him. If he also is placed upon my apron赘方, he cannot hurt you, and you may take from the chest what gold you will.”
“This is not a bad story葵姥,” said the soldier荷鼠; “but what am I to give you, you old witch牌里? for颊咬, of course, you do not mean to tell me all this for nothing.”
“No炊邦,” said the witch编矾; “but I do not ask for a single penny. Only promise to bring me an old tinder-box, which my grandmother left behind the last time she went down there.”
“Very well忍啸; I promise. Now tie the rope round my body.”
“Here it is,” replied the witch凿滤; “and here is my blue checked apron.”
As soon as the rope was tied, the soldier climbed up the tree鹃祖, and let himself down through the hollow to the ground beneath溪椎; and here he found, as the witch had told him恬口, a large hall校读, in which many hundred lamps were all burning. Then he opened the first door. “Ah!” there sat the dog祖能, with the eyes as large as teacups歉秫, staring at him.
“You're a pretty fellow熔任,” said the soldier, seizing him唁情, and placing him on the witch's apron疑苔, while he filled his pockets from the chest with as many pieces as they would hold. Then he closed the lid, seated the dog upon it again甸鸟, and walked into another chamber夯巷, And, sure enough哀墓, there sat the dog with eyes as big as mill-wheels.
“You had better not look at me in that way,” said the soldier宪躯; “you will make your eyes water牍帚;” and then he seated him also upon the apron, and opened the chest. But when he saw what a quantity of silver money it contained竭鞍, he very quickly threw away all the coppers he had taken, and filled his pockets and his knapsack with nothing but silver.
then he went into the third room瓮顽, and there the dog was really hideous县好; his eyes were, truly趣倾, as big as towers聘惦, and they turned round and round in his head like wheels.
“Good morning炬守,” said the soldier, touching his cap剂跟, for he had never seen such a dog in his life. But after looking at him more closely减途, he thought he had been civil enough, so he placed him on the floor曹洽, and opened the chest. Good gracious鳍置, what a quantity of gold there was! enough to buy all the sugar-sticks of the sweet-stuff women送淆; all the tin soldiers税产, whips, and rocking-horses in the world偷崩, or even the whole town itself There was辟拷, indeed, an immense quantity. So the soldier now threw away all the silver money he had taken阐斜, and filled his pockets and his knapsack with gold instead衫冻; and not only his pockets and his knapsack, but even his cap and boots谒出, so that he could scarcely walk.
He was really rich now嘉熊; so he replaced the dog on the chest, closed the door扬舒, and called up through the tree阐肤, “Now pull me out, you old witch.”
“Have you got the tinder-box碧磅?” asked the witch.
“No遵馆; I declare I quite forgot it.” So he went back and fetched the tinderbox, and then the witch drew him up out of the tree丰榴, and he stood again in the high road货邓, with his pockets, his knapsack四濒, his cap换况, and his boots full of gold.
“What are you going to do with the tinder-box?” asked the soldier.
“That is nothing to you,” replied the witch搞疗; “you have the money嗓蘑, now give me the tinder-box.”
“I tell you what业簿,” said the soldier瘤礁, “if you don't tell me what you are going to do with it, I will draw my sword and cut off your head.”
“No,” said the witch.
the soldier immediately cut off her head钝腺, and there she lay on the ground. Then he tied up all his money in her apron. and slung it on his back like a bundle抛姑, put the tinderbox in his pocket, and walked off to the nearest town. It was a very nice town艳狐, and he put up at the best inn定硝, and ordered a dinner of all his favorite dishes, for now he was rich and had plenty of money.
the servant抄肖, who cleaned his boots, thought they certainly were a shabby pair to be worn by such a rich gentleman窖杀, for he had not yet bought any new ones. The next day漓摩, however, he procured some good clothes and proper boots入客, so that our soldier soon became known as a fine gentleman管毙, and the people visited him腿椎, and told him all the wonders that were to be seen in the town, and of the king's beautiful daughter夭咬, the princess.
“Where can I see her?” asked the soldier.
“She is not to be seen at all,” they said拇涤; “she lives in a large copper castle捣作, surrounded by walls and towers. No one but the king himself can pass in or out, for there has been a prophecy that she will marry a common soldier鹅士, and the king cannot bear to think of such a marriage.”
“I should like very much to see her,” thought the soldier奋刽; but he could not obtain permission to do so. However瓦侮, he passed a very pleasant time; went to the theatre佣谐, drove in the king's garden肚吏, and gave a GREat deal of money to the poor, which was very good of him狭魂; he remembered what it had been in olden times to be without a shilling. Now he was rich罚攀, had fine clothes党觅, and many friends, who all declared he was a fine fellow and a real gentleman斋泄, and all this gratified him exceedingly. But his money would not last forever杯瞻; and as he spent and gave away a great deal daily, and received none炫掐, he found himself at last with only two shillings left. So he was obliged to leave his elegant rooms魁莉, and live in a little garret under the roof, where he had to clean his own boots募胃, and even mend them with a large needle. None of his friends came to see him旗唁, there were too many stairs to mount up. One dark evening, he had not even a penny to buy a candle摔认; then all at once he remembered that there was a piece of candle stuck in the tinder-box逆皮, which he had brought from the old tree, into which the witch had helped him.
He found the tinder-box墨礁, but no sooner had he struck a few sparks from the flint and steel幢竹, than the door flew open and the dog with eyes as big as teacups, whom he had seen while down in the tree恩静, stood before him焕毫, and said, “What orders驶乾, master邑飒?”
“Hallo,” said the soldier故痊; “well this is a pleasant tinderbox顶瞳, if it brings me all I wish for.”
“Bring me some money戴甩,” said he to the dog.
He was gone in a moment洲劣, and presently returned备蚓, carrying a large bag of coppers in his month. the soldier very soon discovered after this the value of the tinder-box. If he struck the flint once课蔬, the dog who sat on the chest of copper money made his appearance; if twice郊尝, the dog came from the chest of silver二跋; and if three times, the dog with eyes like towers流昏, who watched over the gold. The soldier had now plenty of money扎即; he returned to his elegant rooms吞获, and reappeared in his fine clothes, so that his friends knew him again directly谚鄙, and made as much of him as before.
After a while he began to think it was very strange that no one could get a look at the princess. “Every one says she is very beautiful关顷,” thought he to himself糊秆; “but what is the use of that if she is to be shut up in a copper castle surrounded by so many towers. Can I by any means get to see her. Stop! where is my tinder-box议双?” Then he struck a light痘番, and in a moment the dog, with eyes as big as teacups平痰, stood before him.
“It is midnight,” said the soldier矾兜, “yet I should very much like to see the princess损趋, if only for a moment.”
the dog disappeared instantly篙挽, and before the soldier could even look round, he returned with the princess. She was lying on the dog's back asleep镊靴, and looked so lovely嫉髓, that every one who saw her would know she was a real princess. The soldier could not help kissing her, true soldier as he was. Then the dog ran back with the princess邑闲; but in the morning算行, while at breakfast with the king and queen, she told them what a singular dream she had had during the night苫耸, of a dog and a soldier州邢, that she had ridden on the dog's back, and been kissed by the soldier.
“That is a very pretty story谭胚, indeed徐块,” said the queen. So the next night one of the old ladies of the court was set to watch by the princess's bed, to discover whether it really was a dream灾而, or what else it might be.
the soldier longed very much to see the princess once more轻庆, so he sent for the dog again in the night to fetch her癣猾, and to run with her as fast as ever he could. But the old lady put on water boots, and ran after him as quickly as he did余爆, and found that he carried the princess into a large house. She thought it would help her to remember the place if she made a large cross on the door with a piece of chalk. Then she went home to bed纷宇, and the dog presently returned with the princess. But when he saw that a cross had been made on the door of the house, where the soldier lived蛾方, he took another piece of chalk and made crosses on all the doors in the town像捶, so that the lady-in-waiting might not be able to find out the right door.
Early the next morning the king and queen accompanied the lady and all the officers of the household终息, to see where the princess had been.
“Here it is贞让,” said the king采幌, when they came to the first door with a cross on it.
“No休傍, my dear husband, it must be that one蹲姐,” said the queen磨取, pointing to a second door having a cross also.
“And here is one江咳, and there is another逢净!” they all exclaimed; for there were crosses on all the doors in every direction.
So they felt it would be useless to search any farther. But the queen was a very clever woman胀茵; she could do a great deal more than merely ride in a carriage. She took her large gold scissors社露, cut a piece of silk into squares, and made a neat little bag. This bag she filled with buckwheat flour琼娘, and tied it round the princess's neck峭弟; and then she cut a small hole in the bag, so that the flour might be scattered on the ground as the princess went along. During the night脱拼, the dog came again and carried the princess on his back瞒瘸, and ran with her to the soldier, who loved her very much熄浓, and wished that he had been a prince挨务, so that he might have her for a wife. The dog did not observe how the flour ran out of the bag all the way from the castle wall to the soldier's house, and even up to the window玉组, where he had climbed with the princess. Therefore in the morning the king and queen found out where their daughter had been谎柄, and the soldier was taken up and put in prison. Oh, how dark and disagreeable it was as he sat there惯雳, and the people said to him朝巫, “To-morrow you will be hanged.” It was not very pleasant news, and besides石景, he had left the tinder-box at the inn. In the morning he could see through the iron grating of the little window how the people were hastening out of the town to see him hanged劈猿; he heard the drums beating, and saw the soldiers marching. Every one ran out to look at them. and a shoemaker's boy潮孽, with a leather apron and slippers on揪荣, galloped by so fast, that one of his slippers flew off and struck against the wall where the soldier sat looking through the iron grating. “Hallo往史, you shoemaker's boy仗颈, you need not be in such a hurry,” cried the soldier to him. “There will be nothing to see till I come椎例; but if you will run to the house where I have been living挨决, and bring me my tinder-box, you shall have four shillings订歪, but you must put your best foot foremost.”
the shoemaker's boy liked the idea of getting the four shillings, so he ran very fast and fetched the tinder-box笛辟, and gave it to the soldier. And now we shall see what happened. Outside the town a large gibbet had been erected功氨, round which stood the soldiers and several thousands of people. The king and the queen sat on splendid thrones opposite to the judges and the whole council. The soldier already stood on the ladder; but as they were about to place the rope around his neck手幢, he said that an innocent request was often granted to a poor criminal before he suffered death. He wished very much to smoke a pipe捷凄, as it would be the last pipe he should ever smoke in the world. The king could not refuse this request, so the soldier took his tinder-box围来, and struck fire跺涤, once, twice监透, thrice桶错,— and there in a moment stood all the dogs;—the one with eyes as big as teacups胀蛮, the one with eyes as large as mill-wheels牛曹, and the third, whose eyes were like towers. “Help me now醇滥, that I may not be hanged黎比,” cried the soldier.
鞋匠小男孩喜歡這個可以得到四先令的注意,所以他跑的非吃妫快去取打火匣阅虫,把它給了大兵。現(xiàn)在我們來看看發(fā)生了什么不跟。小鎮(zhèn)外有一個很大的絞刑架已經(jīng)被架起來了颓帝,絞刑架周圍圍著士兵和幾千名民眾。國王和王后面對著法官和整個政務(wù)會坐在奢華的王座上窝革。大兵已經(jīng)站在階梯上了购城;但是當它們準備把繩子套在他的脖子上時,他說在一個可憐的罪犯在遭受死刑之前應(yīng)該被允許得到一個無辜的請求虐译。他非常想要抽一根煙瘪板,因為這是他在這個世界上能夠抽的最后一根煙。國王不能拒絕他這個請求漆诽,所以大兵取出他的打火匣侮攀,并擦亮了火锣枝,一次,兩次兰英,三次撇叁,-- 一會三只狗都出現(xiàn)了;-- 一只眼睛像茶杯蓋一樣大畦贸,一只眼睛像水輪車一樣大陨闹,第三只的眼睛就像塔一樣”』担“現(xiàn)在幫助我吧趋厉,我不想被絞死〔梗”大兵大叫著觅廓。
And the dogs fell upon the judges and all the councillors鼻忠; seized one by the legs涵但, and another by the nose, and tossed them many feet high in the air帖蔓, so that they fell down and were dashed to pieces.
“I will not be touched,” said the king. But the largest dog seized him埋酬, as well as the queen哨啃, and threw them after the others. Then the soldiers and all the people were afraid, and cried写妥, “Good soldier拳球, you shall be our king, and you shall marry the beautiful princess.”
So they placed the soldier in the king's carriage谚赎, and the three dogs ran on in front and cried “Hurrah淫僻!” and the little boys whistled through their fingers, and the soldiers presented arms. The princess came out of the copper castle壶唤, and became queen雳灵, which was very pleasing to her. The wedding festivities lasted a whole week, and the dogs sat at the table闸盔, and stared with all their eyes.