? ? ? ?Towards the end of my freshman year of high school, my dad officially got kicked out of our home by mom who had found out he was having an affair. What set her off was when she found out he left me home alone for 8 hours just to go be with another woman. I was 14 years old. After that he didn’t spend another night at our home. I remember like it was yesterday. He didn’t want to leave, he was crying, and cops had to escort him out. I watched as he left a home he made. And never came back to live at again. Now I don’t remember this part- maybe because what my mom said is true, “your brain tries to forget things that really hurt you”. But apparently we didn’t see or hear about him for 4 months. My mom had to shame him on leaving his daughters so he slowly came back into our life. We would see him briefly. CPS came to make sure my sister and I were okay. ( we were okay. Even though my relationship with my dad wasn’t the best, there was never any form of abuse in our household.) Child therapists tried to talk to my sister and I. My mom has a difficult time adjusting to the fact that it was going to be just the three of us women from now on, so she would pack up my sister and I in the middle of the night and just. Drive. I ended up not doing well in school. A boy I had a huge crush on wasn’t working out well. On top of this, my whole “mommy and daddy” situation. All of this went on until I was in my sophomore year. I felt that I was in a horrible spot. My dad was living lavish while my mom had to get rid of our safe brand new family car and get a beat up $500 deathtrap to drive my sister and I around in. She had to pick up a bartending job in the middle of the night just to help support us. I watched her struggle with finances and on top of that having to throw away a 14 year marriage with someone she was so in love with. The cherry on top was when my dad actually tried to introduce his “brand new girlfriend” To my sister and I that he SWORE isn’t the woman he had an affair with. My sister and I met her at a pizza restaurant. We walked in with good intentions. But as soon as I saw her face I knew. I waited for her to sit down, then I asked her why she broke up my family and I told my dad, “she isn’t new”. I knew this because months back I saw a nude photo of her on his phone. I couldn’t forget the face. So the meeting went very wrong. Lots more happened, but I don’t want to bombard you with looooonnngggg read. They ended up buying a home together and when my sister and I had to spend weekends with her, it was shaky from the start. It took months for us to be civil with the woman. Anyway, with all of this happening, in my 10th grade English class I met a gamer-looking geek boy named Sergio. At first he just sat in front of me and I didn’t think much of the kid. Just another classmate. Until I heard that Sergio, had a little crush on me. I was already head over heels with my other crush that didn’t like me back and I was not attracted to Sergio what so ever. I didn’t even know him really! Well, he had the courage to message me on Facebook. Introducing himself and ever since we spoke daily. (Well, he messaged me daily hoping to spark some type of conversation, haha). Weeks went on and I got to know him better. He was extremely shy. He never had a girlfriend or a first kiss before! (I never had a boyfriend or first kiss either. Hell, we were 14!)
? ? ? ?In high school I remember multiple boys had crushes on me. Some just found me ‘hot’ or ‘pretty’. But 99% of those boys were innapropriate in some type of way. Asking for things they would never receive, or just stupid comments. But that 1% of boy who wasn’t like that was Sergio. I noticed how much of a gentleman he was. Very respectful and the crush he had on me was actually pretty cute. Not weird or sexual. I always found flowers in my locker. I still have all the notes he wrote about me. Poems, songs, you name it. What made me feel bad was rejecting him. I said I wasn’t feeling the same way and that I’d rather be friends. He respected that and we eventually became best friends. Yes that crush for me was always there but he put it away the best he could. After months I noticed how much of a great guy he was. He was my light in my dark moment. I was over my other crush who didn’t like me back and I started crushing on Sergio! December 22, 2014 he asked once more if I could be his girlfriend. Today is March 15, 2019 and we’ve been together a delightful 4 years. He is so loving with his family. He caters to my mom and helps do the manly work around the house since my dad left. He works everyday and has always been there. He keeps the love so young. I have gained and lost many people in my life and when I had no one to turn to, he was always there. We have grown and learned so much together. Yes of course we had our downs but what mattered was how loyal we were and how we would fight to keep our love strong. This guy is almost too good to be true. I wish a man like him on every good woman out there. He deserves so much sometimes I feel like I may not be enough! Thanks Sergio for being the light in the dark.
- 全文提煉: We have grown and learned so much together. Yes of course we had our downs but what mattered was how loyal we were and how we would fight to keep our love strong.