If it seems to be true, then the results may be sent out for peer review, in which people working in the same or a similar field are invited to pick holes in the argument, and so falsify the theory, or to repeat the experiment to make sure that the results are correct.
peer review:n. evaluation of a person's work or performance by a group of people in the same occupation, profession, or industry.
eg: Hasan had recently undergone a peer review; his fellow doctors found no fault with the care he provided.
falsify:verb (used with object), falsified, falsifying.
1.to make false or incorrect, especially so as to deceive: to falsify income-tax reports.
2.to alter fraudulently.
3.to represent falsely: He falsified the history of his family to conceal his humble origins.
4.to show or prove to be false; disprove: to falsify a theory.
verb (used without object), falsified, falsifying.
5.to make false statements.
Over the centuries, long-held concepts such as a geocentric Universe, the four bodily humors, the fire-element phlogiston, and a mysterious medium called aether have all been disproved and replaced with new theories.
a geocentric Universe:
the four bodily humors:
the fire-element phlogiston:
apparatus: n., plural apparatus, apparatuses.
1.a group or combination of instruments, machinery, tools, materials, etc., having a particular function or intended for a specific use: Our town has excellent fire-fighting apparatus.
2.any complex instrument or mechanism for a particular purpose.
3.any system or systematic organization of activities, functions, processes, etc., directed toward a specific goal: the apparatus of government; espionage apparatus.
4.Physiology. a group of structurally different organs working together in the performance of a particular function: the digestive apparatus.
supernova: n. 超新星
the explosion of a star, possibly caused by gravitational collapse, during which the star's luminosity increases by as much as 20 magnitudes and most of the star's mass is blown away at very high velocity, sometimes leaving behind an extremely dense core.
astrolabe: n. 星盤
an astronomical instrument for taking the altitude of the sun or stars and for the solution of other problems in astronomy and navigation: used by Greek astronomers from about 200 b.c. and by Arab astronomers from the Middle Ages until superseded by the sextant.
groundbreaking:adj. 突破性的簿透,開創(chuàng)性的
originating or pioneering a new endeavor, field of inquiry, or the like: Pasteur's groundbreaking work in bacteriology.