Brian Froud 為幾本插畫創(chuàng)作過精靈重慢,但這本《精靈世界》(《Brian Fround's world of FAERIES》)是他最目前為止最精美的一本書藝術圖冊。
Drawing inspiration from the gnarled shrubbery of England's windswept moorlands, Brian Froud is best known for being the mad genius behind Jim Henson's film ?The Dark Crystal ?and illustrating such best-sellers as ?Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book . In this volume, a long-awaited sequel to his international best-sellers ?Faeries ?and ?Good Faeries/Bad Faeries , Froud returns to the world of faerie with a wealth of new, never-before-seen paintings, watercolors, and drawings. Brian Froud's World of Faerie offers us a startling new vision of the magical realm, enhanced by Froud's own words about his experiences and insights.
This lavish, full-color book opens the door to Brian Froud's wondrous imagination as never before. It presents beautiful portrayals of faeries that have touched hearts and minds for generations. ?World of Faerie ?is by far Froud's most personal book, and represents this visionary artist and creator of fantasy worlds at the pinnacle of his powers. This encompassing volume is a must-have for faerie and fantasy fans of all ages, the world over.
"This ring was created for fans of Froud to share their websites which are related to all things in the realm of faery and/or inspired by the work of Froud. This webring is designed to be viewable for all ages. Please note: any images found on this page are not to be used for linking purposes."
此書裝幀精良厚實酣栈,均為亞光紙印刷。和其它由Insight Editions出版的圖書一樣汹押,本書內(nèi)頁上還附有小冊子矿筝。在書后面有一個信封,里面裝著類似指南的一頁紙棚贾,上面有許多進入精靈世界后要注意的事項窖维。
這本書對于喜歡幻想藝術的人和Brian Froud的粉絲來說非常棒妙痹。
堪稱大師級別的Brian利用素描繪制的方式把他在書中讀過的有關精靈的傳說再結合自己的想象將精靈們一一塑造出來崭篡,這個詞挺牽強,因為那些小東西早就存在了吧秕,要是說還原琉闪,也是不恰當?shù)模栽诿鑼戇@些magic stuffs的時候我自己也嘗嘗陷入詞窮困頓的狀態(tài)砸彬,莫不是我的語感正在被那些搗蛋鬼們偷去?
這里有脾氣暴躁的土地精,沒爹沒娘沒記憶性情怪異隨意卻在孤獨中心懷愛意的Tinker Bell砂碉,有美麗的綠女人蛀蜜,獨角獸,背著用月光布料做成翅膀的少女......每翻到下一頁增蹭,都是在解除小人兒們的封印似的滴某,中二一點來講,你就是這魔法師啊沪铭。
在Brian眼里壮池,精靈是獨特到與人類社會格格不入的存在,人可能會有很多面杀怠,里外都是演員椰憋,但精靈們卻個個都有著千差萬別的intense personality,這種赤子心態(tài)歸屬于自然赔退,我們稱之為bare soul橙依,所以他在開篇也問自己應該怎樣利用柜架上的顏料证舟,鉛筆來將小東西們栩栩如生地表達〈捌铮看過Brian畫作的人大概覺得那些夢幻感強烈的家伙們就應該是栩栩如生的吧女责,但那不過是對畫技的主觀評審,Brian追求的创译,是更加貼近自然抵知,將靈魂寄托在純善的夢境之中的共鳴。