You may feel angry at yourself, another person or with situation in your life, but feel it is somehow unspritual to express your rage. This fire unicorn is charging? in to assure you that anger is not a 'negative' energy.It has as much purpose and value as kindness or love.
Feeling or expressing anger is not unspiritual.It sacred to honour your emotions and anger can be the fire you need to pull you out of a swamp of lethargy,hopelessness or doubt. Anger can be the force that helps you overcome fear and take action. It can be the surge of power you need to finally set a boundary and say no to someone or something that is disempowering you.Anger? can also be the key to unlocking deeper fears and being free of the wounds that lie beneath them.
Anger is only dangerous when you repress or deny it.Just like a volcanic lava flow, if it builds up, it can be a destructive force when it finally erupts.This fire unicorn wants you to acknowledge your anger.Get to the heart of what is upsetting you and let yourself be angry.Feel it an revel in its messy beauty.Dance, stomp and roar from your anger.Pummel the cushions.Scream out all of your fury.
Give yourself permission to fully feel, unleash and release your anger. So long as you are not misdirecting your anger at anyone else it can be empowering. Use it to fill your self with life force and to move forward out of denial and repression.There is wildness and beauty in your anger and it can be such a gift when you see it as sacred.