We must conclude from the work of those who have studied the origin of life, that given a planet only approximately like our own, life is almost certain to start. Of all the planets in our own solar system, we are now pretty certain the Earth is the only one on which life can survive. Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen, Venus far too hot, and so is Mercury, and the outer planets have temperatures near absolute zero and hydrogen-dominated atmospheres. But other suns, stars as the astronomers call them, are bound to have planets like our own, and as the number of stars in the universe is so vast, this possibility becomes virtual certainty. There are one hundred thousand million stars in our own Milky Way alone, and then there are three thousand million other Milky Ways, or galaxies, in the universe. So the number of stars that we know exist is now estimated at about 300 million million million.
/wi/ /m?st/ /k?n?klud/ /fr?m/ /e?/ /w?rk/ /?v/ /eo?z/ /hu/ /h?v/ /?st?did/ /ei/ /??r???n/ /?v/ /la?f/, /e?t/ /?g?v?n/ /?/ /?pl?n?t/ /?o?nli/ /??prɑks?m?tli/ /la?k/ /?a??r//o?n/, /la?f/ /?z/ /??l?mo?st/ /?s?rt?n/ /tu/ /stɑrt/. /?v/ /?l/ /e?/ /?pl?n?ts/ /?n/ /?a??r/ /o?n/ /?so?l?r/ /?s?st?m/, /wi/ /ɑr/ /na?/ /?pr?ti/ /?s?rt?n/ /ei/ /?rθ/ /?z/ /ei/ /?o?nli/ /w?n//ɑn/ /w??/ /la?f/ /k?n/ /s?r?va?v/. /mɑrz/ /?z/ /tu/ /dra?/ /?nd/ /pur/ /?n/ /'ɑks???n/, /?vin?s/ /fɑr/ /tu/ /hɑt/, /?nd/ /so?/ /?z/ /?m?rkj?ri/, /?nd/ /ei/ /?a?t?r/ /?pl?n?ts//h?v/ /?t?mpr???rz/ /n?r/ /??bs??lut/ /?z?ro?/ /?nd/ /?ha?dr???n/-/?dɑm??ne?t?d/ /??tm??sf?rz/. /b?t/ /??e?r/ /s?nz/, /stɑrz/ /?z/ /ei/ /??strɑn?m?rz/ /k?l//e?m/, /ɑr/ /ba?nd/ /tu/ /h?v/ /?pl?n?ts/ /la?k/ /?a??r/ /o?n/, /?nd/ /?z/ /e?/ /?n?mb?r/ /?v/ /stɑrz/ /?n/ /e?/ /?jun??v?rs/ /?z/ /so?/ /v?st/, /e?s/ /?pɑs??b?l?ti/ /b??k?mz/ /?v?r?u?l/ /?s?rt?nti/. /e?r/ /ɑr/ /w?n/ /?h?ndr?d/ /?θa?z?nd/ /?m?lj?n/ /stɑrz/ /?n/ /?a??r/ /o?n/ /?m?lki/ /we?/ /??lo?n/, /?nd/ /e?n/ /e?r/ /ɑr/ /θri/ /?θa?z?nd//?m?lj?n/ /??e?r/ /?m?lki/ /we?z/, /?r/ /?g?l?ksiz/, /?n/ /e?/ /?jun??v?rs/. /so?/ /e?/ /?n?mb?r/ /?v/ /stɑrz/ /e?t/ /wi/ /no?/ /?g?z?st/ /?z/ /na?/ /??st??me?t?d/ /?t/ /??ba?t/ 300 /?m?lj?n/ /?m?lj?n/ /?m?lj?n/.
*from prep.根據
*origin of life生命的起源
*approximately adv.大約地
*in our own solar system 在我們太陽系中
*far adv.很大程度上
*absolute zero絕對零度
*as conj.由于
*star n.恒星
*milky way銀河系
*then adv.況且