L1P3 researching and presenting?
Title:No need to sleep 8 hours a day
So why is sleep so?important? We?have all heard that we should get about eight hours of sleep a night. In reality(in fact) the amount of sleep
that each individual requires varies and it changes with age. For most of you,target is seven to nine
hours should be,while there are some people who naturally require?only six hours of sleep or even less.(Need
to sleep only 7 or 6 or even less)
We all know sleep is very important for our health, cognitive and physical function.Yet(But)we always have too much work and study to have enough sleep. So rather than telling you to get more sleep, I will instead of(would like to)introducing a new method called R90 of how to have an effective sleep.90 means 90 minutes. Why is 90, not 60?
An ideal sleep cycle consists of four different sleep stages. We can analogize this process to(as) going upstairs.
The first stage is like in the first half of the stairs. We turn off the lights and prepare to sleep. This is just like we were standing on the stairs. We enter a half-sleep and a half-awake state, and it was easy to wake us up with some noise.
In the second stage, we stand in the middle of the stairs. In the second stage, our heart rate and body temperature will drop. If someone(
anyone) yells at our names or we hear the cry of our babies, we will be woken up.
The third stage is at the end of the stairs. At this time, we have entered deep sleep. If we want to wake someone up, we should work very hard and push him back and forth. Most of the physiological repair effects of sleep occur at this stage.
The fourth stage is rapid eye movement sleep, always being called REM. At this point, our body can't move, and the brain starts to dream. This stage is good for developing creativity.
When this phase is over, we will wake up and continue to the next sleep cycle. Of course, we are unconscious about their transmission.
These four phases take exactly 90minutes.
The R90's sleep method was developed by a leading sports sleep coach, who has done research for more than 30 years. This approach is recognized by the top professionals in sports and business. It is considered an ideal solution for efficient sleep.
The R90 break the rules of sleeping 8hours a day. It recalls everybody to find out what the right sleep plan for themselves. You can start with 5 sleep cycles which are 7.5 hours per night, and see how it feels after 7 days. In general, it is ideal to get 35 sleep cycles per week, with an average of 5 sleep cycles per day. The smallest amount is 28cycles per week. If you are over workload or have too many classes, you can choose to sleep 4 sleep cycles in 3 days, 3 sleep cycles in 2 days, and 5 sleep cycles in the weekend.
When you find out a suitable sleep cycle to yourself, you can arrange your sleep plan and get a good night's sleep when you are busy, preparing for the exam, etc.
Therefore, not everyone all of us have has to sleep for 8 hours. Quality is far more important than quantity.