TED Talk >> Rebecca Saxe: How we read each other's minds
So, the job of my field of cognitive neuroscience is to stand with these ideas, one in each hand. And to try to understand how you can put together simple units, simple messages over space and time, in a network, and get this amazing human capacity to think about minds. So I'm going to tell you three things about this today. Obviously the whole project here is huge. And I'm going to tell you just our first few steps about the discovery of a special brain region for thinking about other people's thoughts. Some observations on the slow development of this system as we learn how to do this difficult job. And then finally, to show that some of the differences between people, in how we judge others, can be explained by differences in this brain system.
So first, the first thing I want to tell you is that there is a brain region in the human brain, in your brains, whose job it is to think about other people's thoughts. This is a picture of it. It's called the Right Temporo-Parietal Junction. It's above and behind your right ear. And this is the brain region you used when you saw the pictures I showed you, or when you read Romeo and Juliet or when you tried to understand Alan Greenspan. And you don't use it for solving any other kinds of logical problems. So this brain region is called the Right TPJ. And this picture shows the average activation in a group of what we call typical human adults. They're MIT undergraduates.
那么首先,第一個和大家講述的是滑凉,在人類的大腦中有一個區(qū)域统扳,這個區(qū)域的任務就是去思考別人是如何思考的喘帚。這里是一張關于它的圖片,我們稱它為右顳頂聯(lián)合咒钟。它大概就在你右耳的后上方吹由。當你看到我向你展示的照片,或者當你讀羅密歐與朱麗葉朱嘴,或者當你試圖理解Alan Greenspan時倾鲫,這就是你所使用的大腦區(qū)域。 但你不會使用它來解決任何邏輯推理的問題腕够。我們稱這塊腦區(qū)域為RTPJ级乍。這張圖片顯示了一組典型成人的RTPJ的平均激活情況,它們是MIT的本科生帚湘。
The second thing I want to say about this brain system is that although we human adults are really good at understanding other minds, we weren't always that way. It takes children a long time to break into the system. I'm going to show you a little bit of that long, extended process. The first thing I'm going to show you is a change between age three and five, as kids learn to understand that somebody else can have beliefs that are different from their own. So I'm going to show you a five-year-old who is getting a standard kind of puzzle that we call the false belief task.
Rebecca Saxe: This is the first pirate. His name is Ivan. And you know what pirates really like?
Child: What?
RS: Pirates really like cheese sandwiches.
Child: Cheese? I love cheese!
RS: Yeah. So Ivan has this cheese sandwich, and he says, "Yum yum yum yum yum! I really love cheese sandwiches." And Ivan puts his sandwich over here, on top of the pirate chest. And Ivan says, "You know what? I need a drink with my lunch." And so Ivan goes to get a drink. And while Ivan is away the wind comes, and it blows the sandwich down onto the grass. And now, here comes the other pirate. This pirate is called Joshua. And Joshua also really loves cheese sandwiches. So Joshua has a cheese sandwich and he says, "Yum yum yum yum yum! I love cheese sandwiches." And he puts his cheese sandwich over here on top of the pirate chest.
Child: So, that one is his.
RS: That one is Joshua's. That's right.
Child: And then his went on the ground.
RS: That's exactly right.
Child: So he won't know which one is his.
RS: Oh. So now Joshua goes off to get a drink. Ivan comes back and he says, "I want my cheese sandwich." So which one do you think Ivan is going to take?
Child: I think he is going to take that one.
RS: Yeah, you think he's going to take that one? All right. Let's see. Oh yeah, you were right. He took that one.
Rebecca Saxe:這是第一個海盜,名字叫做Ivan羹与,你知道海盜最喜歡什么嗎故硅?
RS:對的!那么Ivan有這個乳酪三明治腾誉。然后他說著“嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯徘层!我最愛乳酪三明治"。然后Ivan把他的三明治放在這里利职,一個海盜箱子的上面趣效,然后Ivan又說“你知道不,我要為午餐去弄點喝的”猪贪。然后Ivan離開去取喝的跷敬。當Ivan離開的時候,一陣風掛來哮伟,把三明治吹到了草地上干花。這時候妄帘,又來了另外一個海盜舷蟀,這個海盜叫做Joshua犀呼。當然Joshua也一樣很喜歡乳酪三明治。Joshua也有一個乳酪三明治晰奖。然后他說 “嗯 嗯 嗯 嗯肿仑!我愛乳酪三明治”致盟。接著他把他的乳酪三明治放到了這個海盜箱的上面。
So that's a five-year-old who clearly understands that other people can have false beliefs and what the consequences are for their actions. Now I'm going to show you a three-year-old who got the same puzzle.
RS: And Ivan says, "I want my cheese sandwich." Which sandwich is he going to take? Do you think he's going to take that one? Let's see what happens. Let's see what he does. Here comes Ivan. And he says, "I want my cheese sandwich." And he takes this one. Uh-oh. Why did he take that one?
Child: His was on the grass.
So the three-year-old does two things differently. First, he predicts Ivan will take the sandwich that's really his. And second, when he sees Ivan taking the sandwich where he left his, where we would say he's taking that one because he thinks it's his, the three-year-old comes up with another explanation: He's not taking his own sandwich because he doesn't want it, because now it's dirty, on the ground. So that's why he's taking the other sandwich. Now of course, development doesn't end at five. And we can see the continuation of this process of learning to think about other people's thoughts by upping the ante and asking children now, not for an action prediction, but for a moral judgment. So first I'm going to show you the three-year-old again.
RS: So is Ivan being mean and naughty for taking Joshua's sandwich?
Child: Yeah.
RS: Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich?
Child: Yeah.
So it's maybe not surprising he thinks it was mean of Ivan to take Joshua's sandwich, since he thinks Ivan only took Joshua's sandwich to avoid having to eat his own dirty sandwich. But now I'm going to show you the five-year-old. Remember the five-year-old completely understood why Ivan took Joshua's sandwich.
RS: Was Ivan being mean and naughty for taking Joshua's sandwich?
Child: Um, yeah.
And so, it is not until age seven that we get what looks more like an adult response.
RS: Should Ivan get in trouble for taking Joshua's sandwich?
Child: No, because the wind should get in trouble.
- What did Saxe learn from the experiment?
> The seven-year-old demonstrated an adult-like moral judgment. - Which of the statements about the three boys' experiment is true?
> The 7-year-old had developed a sense of moral judgment similar to an adult's. - Which of the following is a moral judgment?
> He is a mean and selfish man