incoterms:international rules。incoterms concern the relation between only two parties叫胖,buyer and seller怀挠,and related to the contract of sale. the? contract? of sale? be consider? as the? foundation of? transaction .
delivery :physical act of bringing goods from one location to the other and indicates the transfer of relevant risks and obligations between the parties.
obligation is? a forceful? word which implies a legal duty to do something according to a certain agreement.
risks:the ability(可能性)of an accident damage to the goods
exw : ex works (seller are free in thier works(處所有可能是倉庫腰耙,工廠等)when the goods are delivered to the buyer) 賣家不負責 點貨裝載義務(wù),如果在此間出事就是買方的責任铲球。
fca: seller is free when goods are delivered? to? the carrier nominated by the buyer 當不止一家承運商時挺庞,當移交給第一艘船時,就完成了送貨義務(wù)稼病。no matter where the delivery? happen, the seller? is only responsible for loading the goods once and he is not responsible for any unloading or reloading .
fas,? goods alongside the vessel nominated by the buyer at the named port of shipment .船邊交貨选侨,船的距離,應(yīng)該在運輸工具能企及的位置里然走。如吊鉤援制。