I very much agree with others’ opinion. For me, the first notable point is similar as others’ sharing, which is that the change of technology brings to the world of work. Dana and Dani both talked about how the internet has changed the way of job search. “As jobs change, people need to make changes, too.” In this information technology era, there is nothing not changeable. We should help our clients to prepare ahead for this coming rapid and changing world. How to be a life-long learner with updating skills to adapt the world of work? How to sell yourself to, not only the employer but also your customers? How to build your personal brand? I think the idea of developing yourself as running a business should be embedded in our client’s mind to adapt the world proactively instead of pushing ourselves to catch up the world passively.
The second notable point for me is how to define CDF. I used to work with a lot of first-year students and sophomores. Sometimes they don’t know what career advisor/counselor is. I love how the definition of CDF here summarize our work tasks, “help individuals learn about themselves, learn about jobs, make career choices and plans, and then carry out those plans.” How clear, yet comprehensive! It covers everything we do in our work and clients will be very easy to understand. Also, it reminds me a big part of my role is to help clients carry out their plans. Sometimes, it’s easy to make a career plan, yet hard to execute it. And I’m very looking forward to learning some techniques to motivate and empower our clients.
1. 時代在改變植捎,人們如何工作,對工作的態(tài)度也在改變阳柔。沒有一個專業(yè)和職業(yè)能夠保證你一輩子工作的穩(wěn)定焰枢,要想在新的時代有所作為就一定要做終生學習者,不斷地去適應新的環(huán)境盔沫,新的技術医咨,新的理念枫匾。一個很好的比喻就是把自己當作一個公司來運營架诞,你有什么樣的優(yōu)勢,能為他人提供什么干茉,怎么將自己銷售給他人和企業(yè)谴忧,怎么樣為自己盈利。好好的經營個人品牌去積極的適應這個每分每秒都在改變的世界角虫,要比以后被動的被快速發(fā)展的世界所拋棄的強沾谓。
2. 到底什么是Career Development Facilitator (CDF)? 簡單說什么是生涯規(guī)劃師?我們的分類好像有很多戳鹅,名頭也各不相同均驶,職業(yè)教練、生涯咨詢枫虏、職業(yè)輔導妇穴、生涯培訓爬虱、職場培訓……但歸根到底,其實就是這么四個核心功能腾它,幫助客戶:認識自我跑筝,認識職業(yè),做生涯決策并制定計劃瞒滴,監(jiān)督執(zhí)行完成計劃曲梗。
作者:趙韻姍Amanda, 美國大學職業(yè)發(fā)展中心咨詢師,美國認證MBTI性格測驗施測師搁廓,SII霍蘭德職業(yè)興趣測驗施測師引颈,印第安納大學伯明頓心理咨詢碩士,南開大學高等教育碩士境蜕,國家二級心理咨詢師蝙场。