(function() {
var routes = [];
//this will push the new route onto the
//list of routes.
function addRoute(route, callback, scope){
//create a consistent signature that
//we can rely on later
var routeObj = {
route: route,
callback: callback,
scope: scope
//looks for matching routes, then calls the callback
function handleRoute(path, noHistory) {
var len = routes.length, scope;
for (var i=0; i < len; i++) {
if(path.match(routes[i].route)) {
//if the caller provided a scope,
//we use it, otherwise we will execute
//the callback in the window scope
if(routes[i].scope) {
scope = routes[i].scope;
} else {
scope = window;
// if this is from a popstate,
// we shouldn't push state again
if(!noHistory) {
history.pushState({}, null, path);
//push the path onto the history stack
routes[i].callback.apply(scope, [path]);
return true;
//no route found, move on
return false;
window.addEventListener('popstate', function(e) {
handleRoute(window.location.href, true);
window.router = {
addRoute: addRoute