聲名狼藉的;臭名昭著的粟誓;Infamous people or things are well-known because of something bad.
Eg: Lu placed one spot higher than the grandson of Qin Hui—the most corrupt and powerful government official in the country and perhaps the most infamous in Chinese history.
造句:He was infamous for the sexual abuse of women.
An upward trend (as of prices);
A positive aspect
Eg: Indeed, one of the greatest lessons of my journey was that any rejection can have hidden upsides, if only we are willing to look for them.
造句:There are many upsides if I change my job and go back to Tianjin.
羞辱;使蒙羞;使出丑;To humiliate someone means to say or do something which makes them feel ashamed or stupid.
Eg: Rather than feel humiliated by how different I was from the other kids, I embrace it.
造句:I felt humiliated when I broke up with my ex boyfriend.
Guiding Questions
1. How did the elementary school rejection motivate the author?
? It didn’t make him feel humiliated by how different he was from the other kids or hate everyone and the world. Instead, it made him feel that he was special and gave him the motivation to prove everyone wrong about him and show them who he really was
2. What lessons did the author learn from his donation experience?
? He learned a lot from this rejection attempt about the importance of good messaging, the element of surprise, and the hard lesson of not confusing people with bad humor. But the biggest lesson of all was how to use rejection as a tool to learn, adapt, and improve.
3. Rejection can do good to character building. Did you benefit from rejection in this term? Please share with us.
? I had an online shop selling clothes and shoes. At first, I was afraid to introduce my shop to my friends cause it felt like I was imploring other people to say ”yes ” to my items and me. But finally I tried it and my shop successfully piqued some people’s interests. As a result, I had come to fear selling far less than I did before.