一. Vocabulary
1.? get along
(1) 原文:Well腾它,Mom's idea might have worked great on a bunch of four-year-olds, but she's going to have to think of something better if she wants me and Rodrick to get along.
(2) 解釋:live or work together in a friendly way.
If you get along with someone, you have a friendly relationship with them.
(3) 造句:The two sisters don't get along at all.They are very different in character.
2. off limits
(1) 原文:The basement is off limits.
(2) 解釋: If a place is off limits to someone, they are not allowed to go there.
(3) 造句:This beauty salon is off limits to men.
3. get the hang of
(1) 原文:But we couldn't really get the hang of it, so we made up our own secret language.
(2) 解釋: (informal) to learn the skills that are needed to do (something)
(3) 造句:I'm not really getting the hang of this game.
二. Sentence
(1) 原文:See, Rodrick is the only one who knows about this really embarrassing thing that happened to me over the summer, and he's been holding it over my head ever since. So if I ever tell on him for anything, he'll spill my secret to the whole world.
(2) 解釋: tell on sb: (informal) to give information about someone, usually something bad that they have said or done, especially to a person in authority.
spill my secret: 泄露秘密
(3) 造句:My sister is the only one who knows that I lost 500RMB last week, and she's been holding it over my head ever since. She warning me that once I tell on her for anything, she will spill the secret to my parents.
三. Article (仿寫26頁(yè)兩段)
? Ever since I bought the dishwasher, my husband has been going to the bedroom after dinner to play DOTA. He spends at least 2 hours a night? there working on that game. I know he would be happy to spend the whole weekend playing it, but sometimes I want him to spend more time with me.
? I like to go shopping, and I make my hunsband go together with me. And what make it really annoying is that he just sits on a bench and then plays games with his phone.? Gosh, is this typical?